• "Wach auf."
    "Wach auf."
    "Wach auf mein son."
    The voice of an angel called out, the kind of voice you would hear at an opera. I open my eyes to see a tall woman, with brown hair, brown neko ears on her head, and looking as if she had just fallen from heaven, and I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes, then looked to her again.
    "Good morning Mutter."
    "Morning Son, you have to get ready, your almost late for your first day on the job."
    I looked to the clock and immediatly jumped out of the bed, gathering my work clothes.
    "I can't be late! The boss ist going to be sooooo mad!"
    "Calm down son, your Mutter hast been late before."
    "But you don't have the kind of boss I do!"
    "Hehehe, vell you've got me there."
    I had gotten all my clothes on and speeded out the door.
    "Bye Mutter!"
    "Good luck Son!"
    I bulted out the door and got to the car, I started the car and speeded out of the driveway. As I drive down the road I see the Hitler Youth on the streets and Nazi banners on the building, I looked at the banners then looked at the swaztika on my arm, feel as if I was some sort of great german hero. (If only I knew!) The time was 1943 during the Second World War, and I am Warrant Officer Gefrorene Katze, one of the youngest Germans to become a Gestapo agent. I had joined the Nazi army hoping to become a great war hero of Germany, little did I know the horrors I would have to cause to accomplish such a goal. (If there even was one.) I arrived at the Gestapo HQ, found my parking spot, and entered the room, there were five men there, Captain Einche, he had the face of a skull and the body of a giant. Warrant Officer Kuns, he was nothing but sticks with a marshmellow head. The others were covered in shadows, like faceless beings with eyes, endlessly staring you down. Einche then looked at me and addressed me.
    "Varrant Officer Katze, shall ve begin?"

    --End of Chapter 1.--