• Hosetsu,Shiraku was a experimental spawn of Orochimaru and wasn't born until the day after Sasuke killed Orochimaru. Shiraku woke up in a laboratory that had been destroyed and raided by ninja. He left the lab and was found by a man name Hosetsu,Jirobo. Jirobo named the strange boy he found Shiraku after his son who was killed in battle against the Nine Tailed Fox. Jirobo swore a life of solitude after his son was killed and he moved into the mountains outside of the leaf village. Shiraku grew up with Jirobo and Jirobo taught him jutsu and how to defend himself. One day the snake of Orochimaru(I'm not sure of his name) came to Shiraku and told him that Orochimaru was his father and that Shiraku would be his legacy and bring revenge against the leaf in his fathers name. Shiraku refused this information and asked Jirobo the next day. Jirobo could not deny it because by now there have been signs and Jirobo had known for awhile he would not lie to Shiraku. Shiraku freaked out and ran away and seeked out Orochimarus snake. Shiraku and the snake fought a great battle and with the little Shiraku knew about fighting he could still hold his own as if he was being guided by someone or something..... the battle ended in a truce between Shiraku, Jirobo, and the snake. The snake promised that he would not hurt Shiraku any longer and would teach him how to fight and send him to the leaf village where he could live a normal life. To make sure that the snake wouldn't hurt Shiraku, Jirobo used a forbidden jutsu that made it so if Shiraku died then the snake would also die.

    if people like the beginning of this story tell me and i will make more...