• The world economy, one of great power, with many countries of communism, republics, democracy, and many other governments. The U.S. , a name that used to be known as the greatest country of the world, now all it brings to citizens is a resemblance of fear.
    U.S. , or the United States economy was going great, until one day the 2nd depression of the government happened. There were riots and starvations, crops started to go bad due to insufficient funds of the nation. The congress had finally had enough, they went power crazy, little did the citizens of the U.S. Know of, congress was building a army of cybernetic yielding conventional heroes of the economy or also known as the C.Y.C.H.E. Project. They finally finished it in 2046, on the road to bankruptcy. As they finally finished an army of 55 CYCHES, they sent them to china, the country they where they had owed most to. Though they took over half of china, the Chinese had made a CYCHE of their own, with a army of 500! China thought this would take down the American CYCHES, it did the opposite, the CYCHES rebelled against china and the U.S., soon many of the CYCHES advanced and thought on their own, building more CYCHES, soon they had taken over both CHINA and the U.S. . At 2065, the CYCHES became a world power,
    The U.S. Was now referred to as the mecha 14, instead of a land of freedom, it became a slave market. China was now referred to as mecha 1, the birthplace of the first CYCHE government. Now that you have heard the story of the CYCHES, our story begins in area