• "Well, well, well. Conoki Monokani. Nice to see you again." Hydra said from under a door opening in the high school. "What brings you to the school?"
    "Hydra Nadaloma. Why are you even talking to me?" Conoki turned around. But he found nothing. "Oh, I must be going crazy. . ." He turned back around. But he turned back around when heard a whistle. Hydra was there again, standing under a mistletoe. Waving back at her, Conoki started walking toward her, but stopped himself.
    "There is absolutly NO way I'm gonna be caught under a mistletoe with you, Hydra!" Hydra pouted, and disappeared. Conoki turned and walked toward the exit of the school.

    Conoki Monokani is a high school kid who has a love/hate relationship with Hydra, who was also in high school. He's got a very bad temper, but if you can get through to him like Hydra can, you'll find out that he has a loving heart.

    "So, why can't I kiss you?" Hydra asked. She appeared right before Conoki's eyes. "Please answer me." She started to get closer, which made Conoki uncomfortable.
    "Because," Conoki started. But he couldn't think of any good reasons. "Because I don't like you that way!" Was what came out. He wasn't sure if Hydra took it wrong, or if she just doesn't care. "I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but I just don't like you."
    "Um, Conoki?" He heard. Conoki couldn't believe it. "Conoki, who are you talking to?" Meinala Sonamia said to him. Apperently, Hydra had disappeared, yet again.
    "A friend, but she left without letting me know." Conoki told her. Meinala looked around.
    "Well, do you want to come into the gym and dance with me?" She asked. Conoki was afraid to answer. Hydra could come back at any time, and if she did, she'd probably get mad. "Conoki, do you want to dance, or stay out here. 'Cause I could always ask someone else." Conoki shook his head.
    "I've got a person in mind that I wanna dance with." He smiled, and Hydra appeared behind Meinala, smiling.