• Legend of the Element Stones

    tab Long ago there lived a wizard named Pyron. He did not side with the Wizards of Darkness or the Wizards of Light. Instead he chose to be a wizard of Neutrality.
    tab Pyron was a great wizard. He was skilled in every aspect of magic but he was most fascinated with elemental magic. So much so, that he created four elemental stones which had the to create, destroy, or manipulate the element it was named for.
    tab The council of High Wizards quickly discovered his creation. They knew of the danger behind the stones. They also knew what would happen if the stones fell into the wrong hands.
    tab The Highest Wizard, Aylward, declared that the stones were to remain with their creator, and that Pyron was to pass the stones to his children. His children were to pass the stones to their children and so on.
    tab The stones were unable to be passed to his son, Zero. A Wizard of Darkness, named Tartrick, challenged Pyron to a wizard's duel. Tartrick wagered his magical powers against Pyron's elemental stones. Pyron accepted unable to turn down a challenge.
    tab Their duel consisted of three magical tests. The first was to slay a frozen worm. The second was to tame a phoenix. The third was to climb the Death Mountains with no tools, and the contestants were allowed only one spell. The spell could not be a transformation, teleportation, or transmutation spell. It was not allowed to be complex. The spell had to be simple. It had to be so simple, in fact, that a child could perform it.
    tab Pyron passed the first two tests, but he was never found after he began to climb the Death Mountains. Therefore, Tartrick won the four element stones. Using the Earth stone, he commanded the High Wizards to make the Northern Part of Ferrin into a separate country.
    tab The High Wizards had no choice but to do so. They allowed the border between Ferrin and the new country to be the Death Mountains. Aylward warned Tartrick that his obsession of power would comsume him. Tartrick merely laughed and replied, "If it is a war you want, Highest Wizard, then you will get it, but I cannot guarantee your victory."
    tab Tartrick disembarked from Ferrin to his new country which he named Tardeath. He kept the Earth stone, and discarded the others making the wherabouts of them unknown even to him. He started the Great Tardeath War, and Ferrin was victorious.
    tab Zero spent his whole life attempting to recover the other element stones, after the collaspe of the Wizard Council. But none were recovered. The element stones of Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire were lost to him.
    tab Pyron's great Element Stones were missing, never to be found again. Or so it seemed...