• Brayden stood on the corner of Main St. and Fifth waiting for the cross-walk light to change. His blond hair swayed in the wind. Despite the numerous amounts of people standing around him, he felt as if he was being watched. No matter how many times he’d turn around, he’d see no one there. School had let out for the day and for the next few months as summer was in full swing. When the light changed, the group moved as one. Brayden stepped out with everyone else, almost letting the conglomerate move him. His iPod was steadily pounding Slipknot into his ears. When he opened his eyes, he realized he was only a couple blocks away from his house, and yet still it felt as if someone was watching him. He whipped his head around to look and saw nothing of normal height, but sitting down on the street was a purple cat. How odd…this purple cat he thought to himself. He never knew an animal could be purple, but who was he to deny what he saw. He shook his head and continued walking, still with this empty feeling in his stomach. With every step he took, the emptiness seemed to grow. By the time he reached the corner he had the strongest desire to run, so he did just that. When he turned again, there was the purple cat, sitting in the middle of the street, still behind him. Brayden crouched down and put his hand out, in a welcoming fashion, trying to coax the cat to come to him. When he took a small step toward the cat, it let out a horrible scream. Brayden started and fell back, landing squarely on his behind. The look of horror that stuck to his face seemed to make the cat smile. A very strong desire to kick the cat surfaced within him. He pushed himself back up and walked directly over to the animal. The beast was looking him directly in the eyes; it showed no fear of the tall being in front of it. As Brayden pulled his leg back, the cat again seemed to scream. With its mouth wide open, the teeth could be clearly seen, then not so clearly as something came crawling from its mouth. Spiders. Hundreds of small spiders came scurrying from the cat’s tongue onto the street and made their way to Brayden. The itchy feeling began immediately and he brought his hands down and starting to brush them away, but there was too many of them. It wasn’t hundreds, it was thousands. Daddy Long Legs covered his legs and continued to work their way up. Brayden felt a wave of relief when he saw what kind of spiders they were. Granted, Daddy Long Leg spiders are the most poisonous being in the world, but their fangs just weren’t long enough to break human skin. Yet, even while he felt his skin crawl, he felt a sharp pain in his arm. When he looked down, there was blood. Brayden’s vision started to fade, he felt himself scream.