• Sakura No Sora

    For life seemed so easy at that moment of simplicity. Life for her was a never-sleeping one, her life was meant to please others. She stared down at the obi that was wrapped around her small waist. The ribbon was tied in the front, symbolizing that she was a prostitute that was to please the samurai that passed through in search of company. She smiled at that, for she knew despite her lifestyle she met samurai who came to her saddened and would leave refreshed. She would take the sadness and any other negative feeling from them. While others frowned at her way of life she looked at it as a way for her to make others happy. Even if it meant disrespecting herself in the process.

    Her amethyst eyes searched the area she had brought herself to. She had left the city to an open field filled with the presence of spring. Moonlight shined down on the blossoms of flowers whose buds were closed for the night. She envied them, their nights were quiet and they were able to sleep without a worry in the world. When she was able to sleep, she worried for her customers. She wondered if they were doing well.

    The women that worked alongside her did not think the same way she did. For them, it was an addiction that they could not get enough of. Their customers were only to satisfy themselves. When they would cross paths with her, they would tell her that she was an idiot or a fool. She would not even give them a glance of her eyes. She knew deep down they would die before she did for their way of life was a selfish one.

    She ran a hand through her jet-black hair that ran down her back. She did not have it put up in a pin like usual. She wanted to feel the wind run through it and caress her skin. Her eyes looked to the moon and its friends, the stars. The moon was never lonely, it was always blessed with the company of the stars that surrounded it. She; however, never had a loyal companion that would give her company. It was just the company of many others, others that she was normally the company for. She would comfort them until they could no longer stay.

    When they would come to her, she would smell blood on them. She knew that saddened them, so she would smell like the petals from a sakura tree in hopes it would calm them. She would noticed their scars that she knew would bring back horrible memories from their past. She has some scars of her own; scars that once the samurai saw she watched their eyes hold no more loneliness in them.

    Yes, her life may be frowned upon by others but she put that aside. Her customers were her life, her goal was to make them happy. Others may have other means of doing such a thing but this was the only way she knew. Also she was successful, she will never forget the relief in their eyes and the simple thank you that left their lips before they departed from her. That gave her a reason to smile and live to greet another day.

    She glanced down at the ribbon and touched it. Its silk texture moved with the breeze of the wind. Her eyes looked up and noticed sakura blossoms moving through the sky. She wondered if they were in search of someone to make happy.