• Ezekiel rasped for breath his nails grating against the bark of the great juniper tree, falling to his knees he rested his cheek on the ancient bark and listened for life within its tough walls. He sighed. He could hear termites gnawing hungrily at the tree’s insides. The sound of tiny feet on water snapped his concentration from the parasites. Faeries in their floral clothing danced on the pearl lake in front of him, no longer seeing him as a threat.
    He slowly slid his body down to the soft clay that lay at the tree’s roots, suddenly exhausted and not having enough energy to prop himself up anymore. He watched from his weird angle as the faeries spun on the water’s surface laughing and dancing to their own tune. How could he hate such playful creatures? He closed his eyes to try to conserve his strength. He heard the soft flourish of wings around him and he opened a watery eye to see the faeries examining him. They never were up close to a dark angel before and if they ever did they never lived to tell about it.
    Quick footsteps scared his observers away. He looked up to see Asmara rushed toward him. He tried to get up, but fell shamefully back down, his arms were too weak.

    * * *

    Asmara ran after him trying hard not to look desperate when she passed the castle guards at the entrance. They would try to stop her. She walked out of the castle walls as casually as possible and then as soon as she was out of their eyesight ran as fast as she could. He would have to pass the Great Juniper Tree on the way there; maybe he’d stop to rest. She reached the edge of the forest, not sure if she would scare him off if she ran.
    She shrugged and burst into a run anyway racing toward the lake, hoping he was still there. She reached the lake faster than anytime she had ever ran there before, sweat on her brow. Her heart skipped a beat. She could see a dark mound under the Great Juniper Tree and she wasn’t sure if it was him. She hoped it wasn’t. She hoped he was safely at his castle being nurtured back to health.
    As she loomed forward faeries scattered and she saw a weak Ezekiel too exhausted to prop himself up. He tried but fell on his side wincing in pain. She slowed to a brisk walk, approaching slowly. He looked up, his eyes once a sweet nectar color was now a dull gray. He was staring right at her but unseeingly. Bitter tears stung her eyes, but she wiped them away quickly. He was laying awkwardly on one of his wings. She gentle removed it from underneath his body and folded it along his back so he would be more comfortable.
    Then she kneeled down at the water’s edge and tore a strip from her cloak. She soaked it in the water, wringing it out so it was merely a damp rag.
    When she turned to place it on his head he had fallen asleep. Asmara’s forehead creased with worry. She reached over swiping a strand of hair from his eyes and flinched back. His forehead was hot. He has a fever. She bit her lip contemplating what she should do next. She placed the rag on his head and moved close to keep warm. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment. She felt glad that he was asleep. She didn't know how he would object to this.
    Faeries giggled from their leafy corridors across the lake from them, making kissy faces at each other. Asmara shot a glare in their direction. They retreated giggling but they didn't bother the royal descendants anymore. She turned back to Ezekiel. He was having trouble breathing. He needed heat. She got up to go retrieve firewood, looking back over her shoulder one more time before disappearing into the trees. She hoped he would still be there when she got back.

    * * *

    Ezekiel groaned and opened his eyes. He hurt all over and worst of all he couldn’t move. He swallowed his throat burning. He needed to feed. He propped himself up on a shaky elbow, a cloth sliding slowly down his face. He frowned puzzled, watching the rag slid onto the ground at his side. His head throbbed in pain, making his elbow give out. He groaned again and stared down at the ground. Feet appeared in his line of vision. He looked up to see Asmara staring down at his with a pile of wood in hand.
    His desperateness to survive kicked in and his eyes zoned in on her neck. He could almost feel her pulse. He had to swallow to keep from drooling. She turned to start a fire all the while his predatorily eyes watched her pulse transfixed in his hunt. Sometimes her pulse would rise, feeling his eyes boring into her back and she would glance back at him to smile, her blood declining in rate and then climb again once she was back to stoking the fire.
    Once the flames started to stretch toward the sky she turned her attention back to him, her eyes caring. She leaned in to move him, his heart racing with excitement. Bite her. Just bite her, his conscious screamed. But he held back, sensing that she was trying to help him. She seemed to have noticed the excitement and blushed, blood rushing to her cheeks, beautifully. He bit down hard on his tongue, tasting the blood as it washed over his parched taste buds.
    His pulse raced as she drew close to him to check his temperature. She smiled down at him, not seeing his change in mood. Her hand looked like it was moving at snail’s speed as it inched forward to brush his hair aside so she could feel his forehead, but in reality it took only a few seconds. Her wrist beat with the passing of her blood. He could feel the scrap of his teeth on the inside of his cheek, his eyes trained on the prize. Before he could fight his instincts his mouth had grazed her wrist when she went to feel his brow.
    She pulled her hand away in shock, her face filled with hurt. His gut wretched at what he had done. A single drop of blood trickled down his chin. He licked it up hungrily, her feelings forgotten. His eyes glowed red.

    My apologies to everyone that this chapter is shorter than usual, but let me know if you like it. Leave a comment. Peace! xp