• Alfonse lay stretched out on his bed; he looked suspiciously like a cat. "Hey Brashford."

    Brashford sighed. "What?"

    "Do you remember Mrs. Seasquelch?"

    Brashford shuddered. "Why do you always have to bring that up? You know it creeps me out."

    Alfonse grinned- he had just caught the canary. "Just because. It amuses me."

    Brashford scrunched up his face. "Then find something else to amuse you. Preferably not including old tales from high school."

    Alfonse was currently bored out of his mind. And as anyone would know, a bored Alfonse is a very bad thing for the world at large. A very bad thing.

    Alfonse picked up his pencil and balanced it on his nose. He then began tossing it up in the air and the consequently catching it with his nose once again. However, this was only a mild entertainment, meant for extreme moments of boredom. It was a saving salvation.

    "Mr. Grick, what do you think you are doing?" The teacher, who had previously been lecturing the class, placed her hands on her hips and pursed her lips.

    Alfonse missed his catch, causing the pencil to land on the ground. This was a very, very bad thing. Alfonse looked up, and smiled. "Hello Mrs. Seasquelch. I was entertaining myself, and you made me miss catching the pencil. What do you have to say for yourself?"

    Mrs. Seasquelch sputtered. She then proceeded to point her finger at Alfonse. This was bad mistake number two. "It is you that should be creating a defense! You are in my class and you are disrupting the lesson that I am supposed to be giving!" The fact that Mrs. Seasquelch yelled at Alfonse was mistake number three, and she was now in deep trouble.

    Alfonse bent over to the side and picked up his pencil, and then proceeded to twist it between his thumb and forefinger while he stared at it intently. "Now Mrs. Seasquelch, I don't think that is the case. I was merely bouncing a pencil on my nose, attempting to keep myself from boredom. Because of my convenient position in the back of the room, the rest of the students were unable to see me and therefore unable to be distracted by my action, as it didn't involve any noise."

    Mrs. Seasquelch sputtered once again. After this long bout of sputtering, she focused her eyes on Alfonse in the form of a glare. A really, really hard glare. "It doesn't matter, because it was most certainly distracting me!"

    Alfonse set the pencil on his nose once again. "Well, as the teacher, do you really think you should be that distractible? Instead, you should be the prime example of focus and understanding. What a poor teacher you make."

    Mrs. Seasquelch pointed at the door to the classroom. "Principal's office!" Her voice was shaky. "Now!"

    Alfonse shrugged. "Fine." Balancing the pencil on his nose the entire time, Alfonse picked up his bag and swung it over his shoulder. Alfonse sauntered over to the door and left.
    That poor, poor teacher.
    When Mrs. Seasquelch walked into the room, the entire class was silent. As this was a good thing, though not very usual, so Mrs. Seasquelch didn't question it.

    As the class continued, the silence was deafening. Bobby hadn't turned around to bother Milly once, and Bill hadn't once tried to carve obscene phrases into his desk.

    Mrs. Seasquelch started walking around the classroom, but her students didn't move. They continued to stare forward; their stares were blank and unseeing. They didn't blink.

    Mrs. Seasquelch tiptoed over to Billy. She then leaned down and looked him in the eyes. She smiled. "Billy, will you please answer the question on the board?"

    Billy didn't move. It was as if he hadn't seen her at all...


    Billy was stock still, as was the rest of the class.

    Suddenly the student's eyes were tinged red, and the grinned. It was the same grin, and it was the exact same dimensions as every other student. "Isn't this what you wanted, Mrs. Seasquelch? We thought this was what you wanted."

    Mrs. Seasquelch started backing up. "No this wasn't what I wanted. No!"

    The students started moving forward- they had somehow moved from their desks to uniform standing positions.

    "No!" Mrs. Seasquelch was backed up against the whiteboard. "NO!"
    The class which was just as noisy as usual, watched as Mrs. Seasquelch screamed 'no' and backed herself into the blackboard. This, strangely enough, did cause the class to go silent.

    The inspector at the back of the room started scribbling down a few notes, and then he promptly left the room.

    Needless to say, Mrs. Seasquelch wasn't seen at the school again anytime soon.

    Brashford shuddered again. "I don't even want to know what you did to her. Sometimes it's when you are calm that you are the scariest."

    Alfonse raised his eyebrow. "Really? That's good to know." Alfonse narrowed his eyes. “What were you think thing just now?”

    Brashford tensed his muscles. “Nothing.”

    Alfonse smirked. “So you were thinking nothing you say?” Alfonse punched Brashford straight in the face; Brashford had been too busy protecting other parts of his body to protect anything else. Alfonse then slammed his foot into Brashford’s stomach. “It is not possible to think about nothing so therefore you were thinking about something!”

    “Calm down, Alfonse. You don’t need to burst a blood vessel.”

    Alfonse took his foot off of Brashford’s stomach. “That makes sense. Sorry about the face.”

    Brashford shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. I know how you get when you are stressed. Or bored. Neither of those states of being are very good for you, are they?”

    Alfonse helped Brashford stand up. “They most certainly aren’t. At least I’m better then when I was in high school!”

    Brashford nodded sagely. “True, true. You were a lot worse then. A lot worse.”