• “Come on honey” a tall figure was saying. “Yuri we don’t want to be late for the bus.” “Ye ok mum.” The voce came from a small girl, no less than 12. As they waked past a TV shop a news reporter said “in other news terrorists may have a possible bio weapon in the north of the city” “why are you looking so sacred honey?” “There are horrible men in the north of the city” “Its ok, were in the south, now come on or well be late.” “Ok but isn’t daddy there.” “Yes, but he’ll be fine the labs got great security.” “Now get on the bus before it goes” “one adult and one child please” “wow look mom look at that plane” “oh my god that’s so low its going to hit something” “we haven’t got all day” “sorry come on yuri.” “where are we going Mom” “To the hospital your granddad has a strange disease so I thought we would go wish him well ok.” They got of the bus at the hospital then yuri spotted a man at the side of the hospital “is that man ok Mom?” ”I don’t know, excuse me are you ok?” he turned round his eyes were blank he started walking towards Yuri’s mom. to yuri he looked dead but we was walking he couldn’t be, then her mom collapsed blood poring from her neck “run yuri run” the thing what ever it was, was knelling over her it put one hand on her chin and on the back of her head yuri turned an ran then she herd an almighty crack she didn’t turn to look she just kept running. cry