• An icy breeze passed by. White decorations fell from the sky, nipping at the air, freezing it. Mother nature’s cold-heartedness came to the small city, blanketing it with a white layer of cold blankness.
    Raziel sat on a public bench, sitting next to a friend of his. He was quiet, staring into the distance, moving his eyes back and forth… watching with a look of empty awareness. Things were passing by him and he was cautious. He nodded his head several times as if to greet someone who was staring at him back.
    Raziel’s friend had a look of almost terror on his face. He was unsure, and avoided even looking at Raziel. With the little knowledge he had, he became afraid of Raziel. His belief was getting to him and he shivered.
    “R-Raziel?” The sound of Raziel’s name made him cringe and flinch. “C-can… I leave…?” He tumbled on his tongue, stuttering as the words chattered from his lips.
    Slowly, almost robotically, Raziel turned to his friend who was staring fearfully at the snow collecting on his feet. “Is something wrong with Vincent?” Raziel’s voice was so innocent; it made the air around him shiver.
    The cold icy snow bit Vincent’s cheeks. His nose was cherry red and he couldn’t help but chatter his teeth against each other. He snuggled in a jacket and scarf, but couldn’t fight off the icy personality of winter. “I just want to go home.” Vincent gulped heavily, fearing Raziel’s blank gaze.
    There was a long passing silence that made Vincent uncomfortable. He fidgeted with something hidden in his jacket. Raziel blinked almost confused. “You’re lying,” he finally said bluntly, “Vincent has no home.”
    Vincent’s eyes shot open. He’d completely forgotten Raziel knew that information. All of the fear he felt made his mind empty. “Is there something wrong with Raziel?”
    Vincent’s blood ran fast and his heart beat tremendously. Raziel scared Vincent. His blank eyes froze his heart; his calm innocent voice made his ears ring, and his movements made him flinch painfully. But what gave him nightmares was his will to summon those who had lost their lives. His mind gets lost in streams of insanity. The gruesome dead terrified him to unsteady horrors and pure paranoia.
    Vincent has survived years of suffering without other living people to care for him, and the thoughts of dying from his foolishness, but nothing compared to the fright Raziel made him feel.
    “Vincent?” The rhythm of his name made him come back into reality, but the sound of Raziel’s subtle voice made him shake uncontrollably with shock.
    Finally, he snapped, standing to his feet and swiftly moving a handgun point blank to his temple. “I can’t take it anymore! The anger, the depression… the fear! You scare people; you put them through unfixable torture! It’s like a little game to you, isn’t it? You do it on purpose, don’t you?! Those empty emotionless eyes, your simple words, that innocent voice, those inhuman movements… it’s all part of your scheme! You freak people out at first, then make them go insane when you prove yourself of your freakish power! As people gradually believe you, they go into a deeper insanity! You gain amusement from people driving themselves into death!” He giggled psychotically. But it stopped so suddenly when he realized something else in the words he spoke. “I know why you do it… You drive them to suicide so when they die, they are lonely and roam the Earth without a person to accompany them. You keep on a leash forcing them into being your friend because their abandoned mind can’t deny your friendship.” Vincent panted deeply from his lungs freezing in the cold. From the cold weather nipping at him and his trembling terror, his knees gave out on him causing him to fall. In the process, he dropped the gun, in which Raziel picked up without hesitation.
    Vincent gasped, gritting his teeth in anger. “I won’t become your little puppet. So keep it!” He shivered.
    Raziel wrapped his hand on the gun, holding the trigger. He held the gun tight in his hand and aimed it carefully at his only friends’ head.
    “When one kills himself, they stay to roam in loneliness. When one is killed or dies of causes, they leave to the sanctuary, Heaven. When one kills another, they are damned to the torture realm, Hell.” Raziel explained, ready to pull the trigger. “Raziel will suffer for Vincent, so Vincent can leave for happiness in Heaven.” Tears fell down Vincent’s cheeks, stinging them with icy streaks. “You’re going to Hell, Raziel?” Vincent’s voice cracked. “You’re going to suffer for my sake?”
    Raziel nodded honestly.
    It wasn’t until then, that Vincent suddenly realized who Raziel really was, someone who wants people to be happy, not to feel fear and suffer through stress. He was different, but that didn’t make him a bad person.
    Vincent took a breath to apologize, but before he knew it, the sound of a bullet was shot… and he was dead. Raziel walked away leaving the gun lying in the white snow which was stained with red-hot crimson impurity, leaving yet another scar in life’s’ reputation.