• tab Jean Pierre checked his watch. Four past noon. His feet began tapping and he drummed against the bench. The detective was going to be here any second now. He called the police after seeing photos strewn about after his girlfriend's murder. It showed the killer holding random parts of her dead body and one pic was him pouring gasoline everywhere on the floor. He bent his head forward and scratched at his premature balding hair. He looked tired. In fact, he looked depressed as heck. He had started crying but after realizing he could find the killer, his hopes went up.
    "I'll find him."
    "Find who?"
    tab A man dressed in a black suit and black cap, with khakis and brown loafers, stood next to him.
    "I'm Det. Rainer."
    "Jean Pierre. I have photos of the killer if you'd like to see them."
    "That would be helpful to the case. I'd like to see the crime scene too."
    tab Jean led Det. Rainer up the stairs. There was something familiar about Rainer. He had a similar facial structure to the pictures of the killer. His eyes too. Wild blue. He looked like a murderer.
    "Here's the apartment."
    "This is very nice."
    tab Rainer grabbed a cane and started beating Jean over the head with it. Then with Jean in pain and agony, Rainer kicked him. He threw the bowler hat away to the floor and placed a flame-retarded card on the billfold. Then he proceeded to killing Jean. He stabbed him in the legs. He hit him with the cane. Then he lit a match. The flame flickered like a snake's hiss.
    "Remember me, Mr. Pierre. We may meet in the next life."
    tab The flames went up and as Rainer left the apartment, Jean screamed for help. The only sound he made was a weak 'please no' before the flames killed him completely. Rainer stood and watched the flames flicker out of the windows down on the ground. A few others watched. Fire trucks and an EMT rushed by, but were too late. Jean was close to death or already dead. Too late. Rainer left the scene as his flaming bowler hat flew down.
    tab It read: "To whom it may concern, I am Death."