• (JACK)
    I had to call Samantha right away. I couldn't wait to talk to her. One concept I didn't understand was if the kiss had promoted our relationship up to a boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. She is so beautiful, everything compared to Karen. Her hair is four different colors in the sun-brown, black, red, caramel- the colors of Autumn. Our two cold bodies pressed together made us-or atleast me-feel strangely warm. A warmth that could not be produced by any source of true heat. This warmth made me feel kind of, well, different inside. Something I hadn't ever felt with Karen. Now that I thought about it, I hated Karen. Why did I ever get involved with her? Call her now idiot! I did as my head told me to, because I agreed with that voice very well atthat moment. Because just when that voice started to babble again, I had realized something it had not, I think I love her. I dialed as fast as my fingers could manage.
    "Please record your message after the beep...BEEEEEP"
    "Hey it's me Jack. Yeah...um since we're both goona be going back to college soon, I wanted to know if we could see each other again soon! Bye."
    Wow! That sounded dorky. A while past and I would have been asleep if I was able to close without seeing Karen beneath my eyelids. The phone rings loudly and suddenly. I checked the caller ID. YESSS! At the same time I was rejoicing that she didn't hate my guts, I realized there HAD to be a reason she didn't answer before when I had called.
    "I know you were home, why didn't you pick up?" I say a little bit too anxiously.
    "Listen bud, I saw that red-head you were with! Okay so leave me ALONE!"
    "But..." was the only word I could squeeze out of my mouth before the line went dead. Oh, great! Now to top it all off, she hung up on me. I looked through my window to see her house with every single light off. I just stared at her house. I turned around to turn my stereo on. "Dark Horse", Nickleback's new CD. The first song, "Something in Your Mouth" came on.
    Got to meet the hottie
    With the million dollar body
    They say it's over budget
    But you pay her just to touch it

    Hmm, it's a good song but I don't really feel like listening to it right now. I turned it off. I really didn't feel like listening to anything right now. I noticed something out the window from the corner of my eye. A light at Samantha's house had flickered on. I just stared mindlessly for a while.
    Twenty minutes must have passed when I saw a few more lights flicker on. Then a car starting up, purring to life, and the car started heading down the street. It was her. It was Sam. Where was she going? Is she out of her mind? The first thing that popped into my head, I did, not wanting to waste any time. I jumped into my pickup truck, which more like roared to life, especially compared to her sleek Mercades Benz, and followed her down the road.