• Roy awoke to the sound of a car horn, parting his long, black hair that was obscuring his vison. It was raining, hard. And the steepness of the mountain rode they were on didn't help. Never the less, he knew the alpha would get them there safely.

    "Hay, Kaul, how much longer till we get there?". They had been sent to take out a pack terrorising humans in a suburb. Suburb packs normally had week wolves and low numbers, so Kaul, him, and his brother, Aron, should be able to Handel them.
    "Not much longer, just over this, then we'll be there.". "Well, find a dry place to pull over for a sec, I gotta take a leak" said Aron, just wakeing from a nap. Kaul found a shoulder and pulled into it. "this'll be as dry as you get, son". Aron bolted out of the door as soon as they stopped. when a guy had to go, a guy had to go. "as soon as we get this over with, and the sooner we get back to hawks creek, the better." Roy said, putting his seat back.
    He was used to talking about killing like it was nothing by now. After all, 113 years of being a werewolf tends to null the shock of killing a person quite a bit.
    Aron rushed back in, and closed the door "OK, lets get moving"Aron said, slapping the back of the Kaul's seat.

    After a while, they pulled into the town. They had friends of there pack here to stay with until the finished there job. They pulled there mach 1 mustang into the drive way. As they stepped from the car, they noticed all the lights in the house were off, but, whoever lived there was definitely there, he could smell him." you think hes asleep, or just dosent wanna see us?" he asked Kaul, sarcastically. "I would go with the second one."Kaul said, cracking a smile. "well, come on, lets go brake the door down"
    Aron knocked on the door, and a small bald man with coke-bottle glasses opened it.
    "H-hello, can I help you?" the bald man stuttered. He was obviously expecting them.
    "Were from the Hawks Creek pack, I belive you have been informed of our arrival?"said Kaul in a business like manner." oh, OH!" jumped the little man "oh, yes, come in, come in. Have a seat. would you like something to eat?" he asked, moving to let the werewolves in. "Ah, yea. I'm starving" said Aron, grabbing his stomach. The small man had a very well furnished home. he had a few stuffed chairs, a very comfy looking couch, and paintings of ships and things all over his walls. Kaul sat on the biggest chair, while Roy and Aron sat on the couch. The little man scurried back in with a tray of sandwiches. He put the tray on the coffee table and ploped himself on the couch. Aron picked up his sandwich and started inhaling it.
    "I think a formal introduction is in order. I'm Kaul, thats Aron, and he is Roy." said Kaul. he really just wanted to get straight to business, then get the hell outta here. none of them were really comfortable with this much civilization. Hawks creek was a much simpler place, they had a general store, a church, a bar, and a library, and no one lived this close together. " My name is Rupert. I am very glad to meet you all" Rupert said with a wide grin on his face. "Now, Rupert, you know of or old alphas death. you were close friends. were you not?" asked Kaul. Roy wondered why Kaul wanted to get so much information on this little man. They were there to take out a pack of werewolves, not talk to Rupert..
    "oh, yes, yes. VERY close. old war buddies, we were. Ill miss him dearly."
    "So, what exactly have these wolves been doing?" Roy interjected. Kauls method was to slow.He just wanted to be in, and out. "oh. well, uh, there have been a series of disappearing children, and reports of wolves carrying kids and running off into the woods." said, Rupert, a little surprised that they didn't know everything already. "were they wolves, or werewolves?" asked Aron from nowhere. apparently, he had just finished of Roy's sandwich. He didn't care, he wasn't hungry.
    "All I've heard was wolves, not werewolves. all thoe they did say they were a little bigger than usual."stated Rupert. "You think that the alpha is sending out submissives?" Aron asked Kaul.
    " Yes. He knew some other pack would come to try and help these people, so he was only sending out the submissive wolves, in case we happend to come by any" said Kaul. "Rupert, its late, can you show us to our rooms?"
    " yes, there upstairs."said Rupert. They all got up and followed Rupert to there rooms.

    There was something still bothering Roy. why had the alpha of this pack only wanted children? what good would they do him? Was he looking for other packs to come and fight him?
    Kaul would know, he'd ask tomorrow.

    Roy awoke to the sound of pots clanging, and the smell of bacon filled the air. Sence he knew neither Kaul nor Aron liked getting up this early, he knew it had to be Rupert. "Hes not such a bad guy after all" thought Roy.As he walked down the stairs, he heard the predominant sound of Cher's "gypsies, tramps, and thieves". Was this what he thought werewolves lisined to? nothing in his house showed that he would have any intrest in Cher, more like, sentra. Aron was alredy down at the table, eating. He greeted Rupert first, as to show gratitude for the food. " Roy, how do you like your eggs?" Rupert asked. "Scrambled would be nice, please"

    Rupert came and set the plate infornt of Roy. "Thanks" he said, picking up his fork.
    " Hay, Aron." said Roy. Aron looked up from his food. "Why do you think this alpha wants kids? I was thinking about it last night, but I couldent come up with a reason" He asked.
    "Hay, dont aske me, I did th same thing last night. wait 'till Kaul gets back." Aron said, returnig to his food. "gets back? where the hell did he go? Its super early as it is" Roy said.
    Rupert couldent help but over here the conversation. "He left a note, its in his room" chimed Rupert. Roy and Aron looked at eachother, then raced up stairs. Just as the little man had said, there was a nothe on Kaul's pillow. But there was something that struck Roy. The bed looked pefict, completely made. Now, knowing Kaul as long as he did, he knew he was NOT a man to tidy up. Was it that he just wanted to show curtasiy to there host? sence when has Kaul cared what a human, especaly one like rupert, thought? Was it beacuse Rupert been friends with there old alpha? Aron dident stop to notice anything, he just walked to the pillow, and picked up the note. He read it aloud

    "I'm gonna be out for a little while. DONT come looking for me."

    Don't come looking for him? Why? What the hell was he doing? And what the hell was going on in this damn town? He was sure he never felt this confused before.
    "Well" said Aron " I guess we just have to wait here"
    Waiting wasent one of Roys strong points.

    A few hours later, the door flew open, and every one looked over. Kaul was back. He walked over to the chair he sat in the other day, and ploped himself down.
    "where the hell did you go" barked Aron. Kaul knew he had some things to explain, but he was tierd from lack of sleep the night before, and he was starving. " hay, Rupert, you got some food left?" Kaul asked with a sigh. "oh, yes, Ill go and get you a plate right now" said the little man, jumping up and scurring to the kitchen.
    "So" said Aron again, "Where the hell were you? we should've had most of there pack down by now. we wanna get this over with as fast as possibal"
    "I know, I know." Kaul said " I neede to get more information on this pack." "You were spying on them?" Roy asked. "well, in a way,..yea."
    "well, what did you find out?"
    " well, theyll be tougher than we thought. Alot of them are hybrids" said Kaul, lazaly. "Hybrids?"
    just then, Rupet came back with a plate of eggs and bacon for Kaul. he set it on the coffee table, then went to go get him a glass of milk. "yes, hybrids. the alphas mate is a vampier"
    " how the hell did that happen?" said Aron, looking at Roy. now it was Roy's turn. "Hay, Kaul, why the hell dose the alpha want children?"
    " To gain more power" said Kaul. this one realy stumped Roy. "what?" he said after thinking about for a few seconds.
    " Once a werewolf eats the flesh of an untainted human, they get stronger. they can get power from peoples fear."Kaul said. He just wanted to eat in peace. "wait, there EATING kids?" said Aron, surprized. Kaul ignored him and went on eating. Rupert came back in with a glass of milk. "Thanks" said Kaul, with a moulth full of eggs.

    Nothing was said until Kaul finished his meal. "Oh, I almost forgot. they've got a wolven in there pack. I dont know if its hostil, so be carfull." Wolven? Roy had never heard of that before. "What the hell is a Wolven?" asked Roy. This realy wasent his week. " A Wolven" said Kaul, sitting up "is a very special kind of werewolf. In some ways, its like a submissive, and in some ways its like a dominint. And in other ways, its like nothing youve ever seen before. They can feed off fear without eating the flesh of humans.There twice as strong as they should be, and they have the abilaty to glimpse the futer, sorta like a wich, or gypsi. they are very deadly. But the alpha is trying to brake its spirit. He keeps it locked in a room most of the time."
    "wow" said Aron. Roy wondered why the alpha dident try and use the Wolven to his advantage. probably an athority issue, or something. "Hay, kaul, shouldent we be going?" asked Roy. He was realy missing Hawks creek right now. he just wanted to get back home,to the warmth of his cabin. "yea" Kaul said. they all thanked Rupert and gave him there fare-wells.

    They got in the mustange and kaul started tword the area kaul snuck off to that mornig, wich happend to be a good sized wood. "So" said Roy, steping out of the car "how strong do you there mysticks barrier is, having this wolven and all"
    "its not to bad" replid Kaul, but Roy was sure that this wolven had to present SOME obsticale. If they werent important, why hadent Kaul told Aron and him about them, or even slightly mentioned them. "whatever" hw thought "Ill ponder it later"
    "were is there place, I wanna get outts here before I start to smell of human to much more" said Aron, yawning. "Up there" replied Kaul, pointing to the top of the tallest hill. "Of corse it is. whined Aron