• 'Just follow this' the secretary had said when she handed me the napkin on which was the scribbled lines of what was supposed to be the school. I had come up here, to the front office, so that I could find my dorm, and not get hopelessly lost. I took the note and muttered the thank you. Though I was very opinionated and loud, I was shy and introverted when I met new people. I trudged down the hall, taking the left I think she had told me to take. I'm not going to bore you with the endless minutes of wandering down the halls, meandering the snakelike corridors, and getting myself hopelessly lost. There was not hope of finding someone to help me. The day class had already ended and gone to the dorms, and the night class was in the middle of class. Though my luck would be to find an administrator, who would only question why I was out during the curfew and write me a detention. I walked on for what seemed like miles of hallway, lined with doors and pictures of past graduates. But then, I saw it. The dead end. Only a single door stood there. It was old and decrepit, though it looked like it was used frequently. It said "Night Hall".
    I stood for a moment in front of the door, debating whether or not to enter. Obviously, it wasn't my hallway, but there might be a teacher who could show me where to go. After a few moments of debating and picking up and dropping my hand, I turned the handle on the door and pushed. The door resisted for a moment, and I felt a tingle in my arm. I heard the faint sound of shattering glass. I ignored it and entered the hall.
    My eyes burned with the dim candle light of the hall, and wondered vaguely why they didn't just use the fluorescent lights like the rest of the school. The floor had turned from tile to wood, and the walls from a dim grey to a burgundy color. It was like stepping into an old fashioned novel, like the kind with Sherlock Holmes, investigating the murder of a Victorian lady. I personally loved the drab to dark fab of the hall, strange though it had been. I walked down the hall, the heels of my shoes making a soft tapping on the darkened floor. The first room I came to was a music room, and I cracked the door to peer in. It was empty of people, though the same couldn't be said for the room itself. The room was enormous, the ceiling seeming larger than a skyscraper. On the opposite wall, there was large windows, curtains drawn back to reveal the silhouette of the moon against the clouds. There was a grand piano in the middle of the room, with marble columns in a large circle around it. I rubbed my eyes, partially from the dim light, and partially from the fact that it looked like a room that belonged in the loveliest palace. I backed out of the room, to resist from falling into one of my stupid "I wish I were a princess" fantasies.
    I returned to the hall and kept walking until I heard voices from one of the rooms. The sign on the door said "Biology". Seemed innocent enough. I cracked the door again, listening for a quiet moment for me to ask a question. A few students had noticed the small movement of the door, and were staring in my direction. Some looked slightly shocked, while others whispered to each other. It didn't take long before the teacher, who looked like a lady of no more than 20, stopped what she was doing to ask what was going on. It had been the first time I had actually looked at the teacher. Out of sheer curiosity, I looked at the table where she had been dissecting some sort of animal. It took me a moment to realize that it wasn't an animal at all, but a human corpse! I covered my mouth with my hand as I gasped, backing away from the door. The teacher had noticed me and burst through. She was small, and not very intimidating, but at the moment, she seemed like a cereal killer. She had wild brown hair, held tightly in a ponytail that poofed out in the back. She had glittering grey eyes that looked like liquid silver. She looked at me with a surprised expression, and said, "What are you doing here? You're not allowed here, this is the night class." Her tone was not angry, though she sounded a bit scared.
    "I-I was trying to find my dorm, b-but I got lost. I c-came here to try to find someone who could show me where to go." I stammered. Behind her in the classroom, I saw a student go up to the front and start poking the dissected corpse with a pencil, causing the class to laugh.
    She ignored the boy behind her and spoke quickly. "You have no idea what you have just gotten into. This is really bad." She replied.
    "Am I in trouble?" I asked, her words terrifying me.
    "Yes. Big trouble."

    We walked quickly down the hall. No, rather she sprinted, dragging me down the hall with her. She stopped short as we got to a door marked "Administrator". I smacked into her, though she didn't move an inch. She knocked quickly and loudly on the door, and I was sure she must have been distracting every class in this side of the building. The door opened, and a laughing voice said for us to enter. I didn't see anyone open the door, but what else should I have expected after all that. Still grasping my arm, she pulled me inside.
    The best way to describe this room would be to compare it to the throne room of a king. Though, instead of the regal throne, there sat a desk scattered with papers. In the middle of the room was a small table with two occupied chairs. The two people sitting there were laughing happily and drinking tea. One was an old woman, who I recognized from my first visit to the school. I had gotten a scholarship to this school, and she was the woman who ran it. She was the one who gave me the tour, though obviously it hadn't helped me any with my navigational skills. The other person at the table was a small boy, who couldn't have been older than six. He wore a collared shirt, one of those poofy ones you see in old plays, with brown trousers and little buckle shoes. His childlike eyes were a vibrant blue, sparkling with laughter underneath his perfectly trimmed red hair.
    The Headmistress and the boy looked towards us, smiling from the joke they had just shared. When they saw the teacher holding my arm, the headmistress frowned, but the boy kept on smiling.
    "Excuse me, sorry to bother you, but this girl has found her way into the night hall." The teacher said quickly.
    The headmistress sighed, as if this was simply a nuisance. The boy however, began to laugh even harder. The teacher looked confused, and simply stared at the fact that he was laughing.
    "Good Lord, Johnathan, you stole another one of my students" Said the headmistress, setting down her cup of tea and rolling her eyes.
    The boy wiped a tear from his eye, and stopped laughing, though the smile still remained on his face.
    "Hehe, it's not my fault Lucille, you know how these things go. Mrs. Merralee, you do know that the night hall is very protected, do you not?" The boy said, looking towards the teacher.
    "W-well, yes, but..but...how did she-" she began.
    "She broke the protection spell. And you do know the rules about when that happens, don't you?"
    "Y-yes." she sighed. "Any day student that is able to enter the Night hall, can enroll in the night class. But I have never seen it happen before, I didn't understand." She stammered.
    After I listened to the conversation, a word clicked in my head. "Spell?" I said, thinking aloud.
    The teacher had dropped my arm, though in my pondering I hadn't noticed. The boy turned his aquatic looking eyes on me. "Yes, spell." he said, walking around the teacher to me. "You know, magic? Witchcraft?" He said, his unmoving smile remaining on his face.
    "Are you saying, that this is some magical part of the school, and I just broke some fancy-schmancy protective spell? I replied.
    "Yes, exactly"
    I began to get a bit cocky. "Oh really? Then who are you?"
    He laughed his little laugh and said, "Why, I'm headmaster of the night class."