• Chibika are wonder cats who has some secret powers... it is said that when a Human owns a Chibika he / she can inherit exceptional skills and talents.. like running fast, great intelligence, The Ability to Manipulate the "ELEMENTS" and etc.

    Icebolts is a villager from a village near Barton Town... One day he found this little kitten... without knowing its a CHIBIKA... the kitten ( with its cuteness ) made him irresistible Icebolts with his ( Weak Heart ) shown some kindness with the cute little cat... As the time pass by The kitten became a cat.. One day while Icebolts and Chibika went to Village Green to collect some mushrooms.. they were attacked by gnomes... they ran away with Chibika... but Chibika got slipped and injured her feet.. the gnomes are almost close.. Icebolts without thinking of his safety went in front of Chibika and and raised her arms wide.. trying to stop the gnomes from entering.. but while the gnomes are very close.. Icebolts became more afraid.. she can't defeat 100 gnomes.. when suddenly a very bright light appeared at her back... when she looked back she saw Chibika transforming into a TIGER O_O ( called The Tiger of Might , which is the ability of the Chibika owned by Icebolts ) and this tiger made Icebolts mount on his back.. then the TIGER ROARED with all his MIGHT! which made the gnomes feel fear.. and ran away.. after that day.. Chibika and Icebolts became great buddies.. and they helped the people in Barton Town to protect the Town from Savage Zurgs.