Dreams, delusions, & reality
The slow beat of drums, steady through the night. The air thick with the intoxicating perfume of incense. Everywhere I turn, an array of colors, fabrics of all kinds cover the marble walls. It is an ancient temple of white marble, and coridors arranged like a maze. Innumerable hieroglyphs and intricate designs decorate its walls.
I walk, making my way through the passages. A priest, clad in white linen to cover his tan body, comes around the next corner, and leads me away. Corner past corner, turn for turn, we continue in silence. Soon, we are outside, in the warm desert night. The sultry winds enveloping us. The only light was that of the full moon, up on the cloudless night, and the torches at the temple's entrance.
I look out into the desert, and my breath is caught in my lungs. It's beautiful, the moonlight cascading over the desert sand making it look like the ocean. Forever going, far, far into the horizon.
I turn towards the priest and discover he is no longer there. At first, I am uneasy at being alone in an unknown place, but then I just let go. I just enjoy the sight, leaving all of my earthly troubles behind. For once in my life, I have no worries, I feel completely at peace. Though soon I realize, I am no longer alone.
I look behind me and see a figure hiding in the shadows. How long has it been watching me? I do not know, and do not want to know. I get up, and look straight at the figure. At that moment it chooses to move, coming at me, slowly, without a care in the world.
I look up at it, and see that it is a man, a very handsome one at that. I ask why he was watching me. He answers, 'I watched you because you were doing what I wish to do everyday, let go. To let go of all of your earthly troubles and just be at peace.'
I had only just met him and I could already feel a connection with this beautiful stranger. Could this be what I have heard about all my life? Could this be the ever elusive love at first sight? He came closer, and I stood my ground. He bent down to my level, and his lips came unto my own. He was kissing me, and I let him, it felt right.
All of a sudden there was a loud noise. The world blurred, and I open my eyes to a blinding light. I look around, and all I see now is my room. The alarm continues, it's 5 o'clock in the morning. A dream, that was all it really was. Was it really a dream? It had felt so real, he felt so real...
Was my life so worthless that even my dreams, the one peaceful place left for me, was haunted? Could I be so delusional to believe that my life would become so wonderful in just one night? Maybe, just maybe I was starting to lose it. I can't even be sure of that. I get up and out of bed, heading towards the kitchen. An aspirin, and some water, that's what I needed now.
Just as I was about to enter the kitchen I heard a noise. Someone was in my kitchen. That was just what I needed. On top of having my worthless life thrown in my face, and slowly going mad, someone was robbing me. I grabbed the nearest object, my old baseball that I kept around for emergencies, like this.
I walked slowly into the kitchen, there really was someone there. He was going through my cabinets, I crept up slowly behing him. As if he sensed me, he turned around, just as I was going to hit the man. I was too stunned to even move, my face showed it clearly. It was the man from my dream.
He saw what I was doing and started explaining. He was my friend's brother, she brought him over to meet me, she had just stepped out. I lowered my bat, and apologized. He said it was okay, he would have done the same. We both had a good laugh, and after some more apologies from us both, we sat down for coffee.
So I ask, was it really a dream? Was it a delusion? If it was either, then why did I dream of a man I never saw before? If he isn't real, then how is he here? Was this another dream? Was life the dream, and the dream life? I really wasn't sure, I don't know if I'll ever be. I am sure of one thing though, he is here. And if how well we are getting along is any indication, he is here to stay.
Dreams, delusions, & reality
Was it really a dream? Or was I just delusional, going crazy? Or could it possibly be reality?
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