*note* spelling, grammtical errors & possibly incorrectness of sentences were & and are still none of my concern, the point was to get a vision across to the reader, and aparently it worked for the teacher so figure it out on your own*end note*
In the years of our ignorance, our favorable saying has always been, “blame it on someone else.” Since when have the morals of men fallen so far that we hold no truths to honor, justice and chivalry. In these days of low incomes and with divorces off the charts, more and more deaths from military tyranny and democratic dictatorship. No one understands the need for peace and tranquility among nations. There is no honor system, there are no just politics, and there are, by far, no more people who hold chivalry dear and close to theirs hearts. These atrocities have been going on for too long, and they will bring the upcoming and unavoidable demise of this grand and beautiful land.
“These are my thoughts,” said the student to the teacher from his desk in the middle of the room.
“It is of little consequence to know that you disregard them, however, I put them out on the table for others to view and acknowledge.” The student’s eyes leveled with those of his teacher, the glint of rare, but undeniable passion in him. The teachers’ glance around the room quickly sums up the other students interest levels on what this one had just said.
“Give it up, little one, your hopeless and failing attempt at loosing yourself from my grasp is pointless.” the teacher Said, facing the student who had just finished, speaking to the class. Standing up and placing his hands on each side of his desk at the front of the room.
“You are brought to this place to learn from us, what we know and hold as right, no matter what you might have to say. This is an institute of learning, not a hall of degradation, and not one thing you can say will ever change it. Your thinking is wrong and you’ll only amount to nothing, if you keep your interests on and your ignorance shut off. In this room, of class and under my watch of hand, you will sit and learn what I have to say, for if you do not do so, you will never be given entry to our social era, commonly know as man.”
To this, the students’ heads were raised, drooling mouths were wiped, glazed eyes were brought back to the moment and all day dreams shut down. They gaped in awe at their teacher, who had so bluntly given his view that they were stunned into quite. They couldn’t believe their ears. Twenty-nine students, all of ripe young ages, listening to what they can only see as the truth, battling their instincts and their fear, to gain knowledge over the basic human feel. This is how we’re raised to live now, to be kept on a leash rather than not, to keep reason and logic in our minds. Never are we to retaliate, nor are we to fight our own way out.
“No, you’re wrong; we say this with the deepest sympathy towards you. For you are still held by bond and bribe. The ethics that you preach are widely known but without proof, to give us reason to blunt our will to strive. Your logic is outdated and no longer of any use to anyone. WE are the generation that will rise. Acknowledge your education, and your way with words of our locations, but never again will you ever lead us astray.” The students’ response was a single and unison voice. Their bodies now rigid with anger, their faces taught with fury, their angst ready to come out. They stood in one motion making it seem a group of militaristic minds.
“We are the chosen ones who have been born into your mistakes and blunders. We have the chance to make it go away and to make all well or in our defeat, bring about hell. Now you tell us, mister ‘preacher of fables’, mister ‘clear off the tables’, mister ‘erase the blackboard and clear out the daybooks’. How can we, the youth of the world, make up for what you’ve done, you’ve taken the cogs out, it’s no longer fun. We can’t keep running around on our own like this, cause when you take out the gun, all we can think is you’ll miss. It’s no use to try and call us to arms, but you don’t know why, we’ll tell you, we’re all held up in barns. Just waiting for the day, which you release hell unto us, but you see what’s different, is we have the choice. No one can tell us one way or another, and to answer your phone, its not your so called brother. Its another nation who hates and thinks wrongly of you. But you’re the one to blame, you’re the one who dropped bombs, no longer can we count of the government to take care of our needs, cause if we do that, they’ll make sure to make us bleed. We have no allegiance to one side or the other, we simply want peace, is it so big of a bother.”
“Again teacher you’re wrong, to treat us so bad, your intelligent teachings are corrupt and your moral views are gone. We came here believing you’d guide us right, but all your doing is making us fight. So we pose to you, the salvation of theories, a plan so concrete that not even you can screw up.”
The students then became silent to hear their teachers reply, but as they expected, his mouth had gone dry. No longer could he tussle these mind beings about, thinking the words he’d been told to say were not flying around. His heart and mind crushed from the intensity of their youth, and the way that their fervor had become so unified with truth. After a breath the teacher thought, ‘if you only could see the downfall of your thoughts, you’re nothing but kids, you don’t know right from wrong, the truth of our lives are not held in words, they’re by actions, of violence and hurt. Poor children so hopeful so dumb, they all continue to believing in sucking on thumbs.’ As though the students heard every thought in the teachers head, the students’ instincts retaliated resulting in their teacher being dead.
“In these days of modern society and all these weapons made, with nothing set in stone. No one knows about the universe and where, what and how we call out home. Its rather disturbing dear educator how you’ve mislead us this far, but we are the people, and we have a heart. We won’t prosecute, we won’t disembowel, and we’ll hold no hard feeling if you simply tell us the truth. Our planets are aligning, and our solar systems’ old. Yet from the age of two this isn’t what we’re told. It’s conveyed to us from the youngest age that god is infallible and he created life, but if you look at his work, he’s obviously a wife. The universe isn’t made by god, and its not made by science, it was here when we were all born, so lets leave it at that. Teach us about what is out there not how it was created, and show how to touch the stars, cause for us to do so, is fated. You’re reasoning on our universe has holes, unbelievably. But in contrast of itself it has served us usefully. The chances of us listening are already slim to none, but once you’ve got our attention, you better make it fun. There’s a lot you haven’t taught us in our years of education, and all of it must fall on you, while there’s places to hide, and space to run, you’ll never get away from out thoughts, therefore you’re done.” The students said.
The teachers response was swift and over powering, “you’re theories and reasons are in-superior to mine, you’ve got knowledge I’ll agree, but you’ve lost sight of the true meaning.” The students stood still and attentive eager on disproving their oppressor.
“You’ve missed that the North Star sit above the North Pole, the center of the earth is a straight pole which sets the magnetic balance of our world. If you were to simply understand this the rest would be so much easier. You’ve become out of tune with the rest of society, and your values and morals have been corrupted by thinking.” The Teacher pulled down a tarp from the top of the blackboard, and turned on the the projector. He slapped the tarp with a ruler and spoke;
“The universe is considered a never ending vortex,
Completed only by the worm holes that fill it’s entirety.
The idea that you can believe anything else is such nonsense,
You’ll rarely heard it described as anything else than such,
Now listen as I explain it once again for your fragile little ears.
If you’re told the universe is a bunch of turtles by your daughters’ niece
She’s wrong, it started in Greece.
Aristotle even quoted the distance around the earth it was 400,000 stadia worth.
Ptolmeys’ model answered the churches prayer by having gaps that were filled
Now all the lies, could be spilled
In accordance with the scriptures it gave testimony to the great lord and his turf.”
The students sat back down in dismay, not expecting such a furious reply. They were astounded by the teachers’ fervor and vigor; it was obvious they’d pulled a trigger. The information washed over them and sunk into their mind. Their bodies’ wretched in turmoil, as what he said began to degrade their brains and spoil. The teacher seeing his work of mastery of education, smiled and went on;
“Galileo started observing the night sky watching Jupiter’s moons
They could be seen, on dunes.
But people denied as if everything they heard was just but excerpts.
Newton posted a law of universal gravitation you can imagine it was met with disgust.
It wasn’t anything along the lines of dust.
All he said was he was thinking when he was hit by an apple, maybe a nerve.”
The students eyes flashed, and they stood once more and replied with their outraged voices joined together in a serious and verment. Some of them cringing, from the pain of learning the unneeded information.
“We all see your causes and through your mistakes. It’s too much too late; We’ll make you do the mental push-ups in track. You’ve broken our minds, and we’re going to make you say so long,” the teacher’s voice rang out loud and clear over the student’s, shrill and meaningful.
“But you will remember.” In reply to the teachers screech, the students screamed.
The ensuing competition was between screaming students and screeching teacher battling wits with anger and violence. They scratched and bit, they kicked and punched, he taught and screeched, he fought and preached.
“We understand that there are more massive bodies governed by forces, incomprehensible to our feeble and delicate minds. Frankly, we couldn’t give a s**t! That’s part of the fun! We love to learn in our own transparent and creative ways. If we want to make the laws change, and makes things move we will. If there’s something bothering us and we make it disappear, let us! There a saying from a long time ago, ‘You can do anything if you put your mind to it.’ You tell us this when we are young, from the age of suception and innocence. Yet now you tell us we’re useless, YOU are the one’s, whose logic makes no sense”
“This argument Is a pointless attempt on your part, of pitfalls that you encounter, in talking about infinity. In an infinite universe, you can not have your type of understanding and thought.”
“You’ve lost your sense of adventure, and excitement. You’ve become a drone of the systematic failure of this culture and country. You haven’t begun to understand our understanding and thoughts, so don’t label us as such. It would appear now, that it is YOU who have lost their view of theism and we have become an automatic response to this experience of living in your secularized society. We know, we’re not much different, but that’s where we come from, that’s where we strive, all we want, is to feel and be alive.”
A pause from the battling and violence of education let us look back upon the years of enlightenment, without plagerization.
For four thousand years the idea of god has been adapted to meet our needs; however it’s changing, for that matter, with great speed. Perhaps god really is an idea of the past, because for more and more people, its looks as though it no longer works. Sartre spoke of a god-shaped hole, supposedly located in your soul, he insisted that even god existed, but that is was good to reject him for it negates our freedom. In traditional belief, god was said to be infallible, our source for relief. But in the days that we live, its hard to do so, especially out of sight, for than you’ll have to your self and your plight.
“Imagine what the world would be like, with out theories or god, without your senseless knowledge about the world series or jobs. These are the thoughts of children younger or old, knowing what isn’t right, and not doing what you’re told. We’re wonders of the modern world, and we understand what you mean, but you’ve got to start understanding us, we’ve become the in-between. You tell us that you’re either liberal or conservative, that you’re either taking away our rights or giving us the right to live. You must understand that your decision isn’t what matters, if it’s the meaning of life you seek, you’ve ripped it into tatters.
Our knowledge is limited and our minds and bodies weak, but for all of that weakness, it’s nothing but pure enjoyment that we seek. We are the individuals you take for granted all the time, causing us to make fools of our selves by reading this stupid rhyme. Now understand this dear teachers, father and mothers too. We come from a far away place, a place without you. You’ve corrupted the government, the nations, and seas, you made our world nasty and a breeding ground for disease. We’ve tried to nurture, and tend to our mother earth, but you came out with abortion laws, to make it harder or easier from you to give birth. You’ve taken away and sense and logic from the world, we can no longer be great. With out survival of the fittest our hearts are filled with hate. So we tell you these secrets in confidence with our minds, so that you may understand your wrong do-ings and change it in time.”
The students gave their final say, and the teacher, plus those in the halls were just blown away. Those who had gathered, had heard the struggle ensue, and had come to try and help, to deal with the issue. They now stood with mouths open, shock and astonishment on their faces, for what they had thought and bunch of unruly students now suddenly had races. Places and faces, and personalities, they had them all now, they’d finally gotten to the degree of learning where they just couldn’t stand it anymore, and stood up for what they believed in and had come out victorious. The students stood together not moving, rigid with defiance and guts. For the mouths of their oppressors had just been permanently shut.
The students had given the ultimatum, and let others know that it was now over, the fighting was at an end, now could begin the summer. Where their minds would be free as mice, to play and frolic and be at peace, how nice. The underlying message hidden in this collective essay is that the education system is the one to blame. For all the misgivings, and the judgmental mentalities. All of the pain and suffering of children everywhere, and all of the bullying issues that plague our society, they all start in high school, however plain it may seem. High school isn’t harmless, it’s a den of bullies and thieves, which, we must endure and hide our fear from our elders, before we can leave. It prepares us for the rigors and troubles of the outside world, but only because you’ve made it so, that we must say these words.
This was an easy piece of writing to do cause I tend to have the mind of a high school student trying to rebel against the authority figures in life.. BUT IT SURE WAS FUN!

- Title: Our Teachers' Deaths
- Artist: ItsSkinz
- Description: This was a collective essay i wrote for a college English class last semester. I had to do with several theoritical essays we had to read and write about...naturally, i didn't do that. so i waited till near the end of time write this up instead. and would you believe it, this piece of work passed me in that class. so here it is.
- Date: 01/20/2009
- Tags: teachers deaths
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