• Water flows all around her as she fell in to the chilly, blue water. The bright colored fish swam around her, not to be bothered by the girl. The pale white dress she wore floated so gently around her. Her long black tresses circled her clear and beautiful face. Those dark green eyes, so kind and loving, stared lifelessy above her.No one heard her screams and no one cared. She tried to fit in, but it was not meant to be. She was so sweet and innocent. Maybe that was the problem. She believed in someone filled with hate and that was her dearest mistake. Blood drips down her arms and legs so gently. The crimson red was so brillantly bright against the clear water. A young man looks down and sees her. He pulls her out out and cries out "Please don't die!" but it is too late. The last calming breath has left her and she lies limp in his arms. He cries a heart breaking cry and whispers "You were always loved.." and gently puts her back in the water. She quietly floats away, never to smile or laugh again.