• Join the Resistance…

    In 2010 World War III broke out. It’s been years since world war three and I remember watching and waiting for the world to end, for governments to crumble and for all of humanity to be wiped out but it never happened. Instead a new government rose up in our own country of the United States. A government bent on bringing peace to the world through power. Next thing we knew Berlin, Hong Kong, and Mexico were gone. The government called it tactical nuking to bring an end to the war. By dropping the atomic bombs on our enemies we brought an end to the world and soon the world was under one government. Our government. But not all was well. While our government seemed right at first it seemed to slowly start to show it’s true colors. Years pass technology became better and more advanced. The year is now 2057. Technology is at it’s best. We’ve colonized the moon and we are working on mars. Cars now run on bio-fuels and everything is recycled. But all is not well. The government is out of control. People being beaten in the streets. People afraid of it’s own government. Executions on a daily basis. Military police controlling everything. The world has fallen into dark times and we need to rise up and fight this power. Our names are Nick and George and we will take this government down.

    Chapter One… Freethinkers

    May 9, 2025

    Nick stood out on the testing field of a government owned research facility. He was six foot tall, thin with some muscle, and looked like your average joe. He worked with his two friends George and Steve. George was a little chubby but was still in shape and had a five o’clock shadow everyday. Steve was a smart man, skinny and fit, he was always clean. The three of them were great friends before the war and they remained friends after everything.
    Nick pulls the goggles over his eyes and gives a thumbs up saying he was ready to test the new non-lethal sonic emitter.
    Steve shakes his head. “You really sure you want to test this after what happened to that cat?” Steve says over the intercom.
    George was standing by the switch to fire the weapon. “I don’t think he knew about the cat.”
    Nick yells back to them. “What cat?”
    Steve turns the intercom back on. “Never mind. Firing in 3…2…1…Firing!”
    George throws the switch and presses the button firing the sonic weapon.
    Nick blinks seeing the grass in the field bend as the sonic wave moves towards him. He braces as a wave of pure sound hammers his body. He could feel the wind being knocked out of him as he falls back. He found it hard to breath and his ears were ringing. The goggles were starting to crack when he say the machine turn off. He was crawling around on his hands dazzed and confused on what just happened. He finally snaps to when he sees George and Steve running to him. He takes off the goggles and give them a thumbs up.
    George grins. “You’re a very lucky man Nick. If that was off tuned it could have vaporized your internal organs.”
    Steve was checking his scanner. “It couldn’t have been better. This weapon will save many lives.”
    Nick nods to them both. “Only question is will they use it or will they want us to make it lethal.”
    George and Steve sighed and helped Nick to his feet. He chuckles and puts his arms over both there shoulders. “Let’s go get a beer.”
    George and Steve nod and they walk back inside and head towards the lab. Nick pops open a mini fridge and pulls out a few beers. They all drink to their success in making a new non-lethal weapon. Nick smiles as they talk about the good old days and what they were doing when the war broke out. George laughs hearing memories of his old girlfriend but everything was cut short when the bell to the lab rung. Steve looks at Nick and George.
    “Who the hell is that? Quick hide the beers.” Nick says hiding the beer cans in drawers and cabinets.
    George checks the cam feed and turns white. “It’s the boss. Oh god and he’s got a officer with him.”
    Steve moves to the door and opens it for the boss and officer. “Hello boss and officer. What brings you here?”
    “Did you finish the weapon?” The boss says in a non-caring voice. The boss was a short and fat man. He had a suit and top hat on and his features showed that when he was skinny he looked good.
    The officer walks over to the window and looks at the testing field. “Does it kill?”
    Nick shakes his head. “No sir. It’s a non-lethal weapon.” He says walking up next to the officer.
    The officer backhands Nick right in his face sending him backwards. “Did we ask you to make it non-lethal?”
    Nick was holding the side of his face as it throbbed. “No sir.”
    “Then why did you make it non-lethal?” The officer asked getting out his night stick.
    “I thought it would help save peoples lives and…” Nick was cut short as the officer bashes him in the head with the nightstick sending him to his knees.
    George runs over to stop the officer and the officer strikes him in the throat and then in the back of the head knocking George out cold. The officer shakes his head. “You two are coming with me to be the next two subjects.” Four soldiers come in and pick up Nick and George and drag them out of the lab and to a waiting van out front. Nick blacks out when he is thrown in the back of the van. The last thing he was able to see was the red full moon.

    Chapter Two… Subjects of death

    August 27,2045

    Nick sits in his cell next to George in a underground facility they were taken to many years ago. They still talked about the good old days. The days before they became test subjects to make a new breed of soldiers. Nick had no idea what they were trying to make but to him it seemed that George and him where their favorites. Nick chuckles as he leans against the wall. The laser bars casting light into the room.
    George moves over to the bars. “What’s so funny?” He asks thinking Nick lost it.
    “Remember that time we tried to get you to ask that girl out and it took you three years to do it?” Nick was laughing now. “That was so funny.”
    George was now laughing. “Yeah I remember that. What made you think of that?” George asks.
    Nick sighs. "I wish I could hold my girl again. After all it's been so long since I've seen her. When do you think they will release us?" Nick says as he stares at the ceiling.
    George shrugs. “Probably when they get what they want out of us.”
    Nick looks in a mirror and sighs looking at himself. He was still the same height but his hair was long and had turned white from the experiments. He had built up some muscles and now had a six pack. George had changed too. He had more hair on his body and it was brown. He also had a weird craving for rare meat. Nick looks back hearing the cell doors open.
    “Let’s go you two.” The guards say as the cuff their hands and pull them out of the cells. The pull them down the prison halls and then the halls turn white as they were now in a secret lab. They were pulled into a room and then strapped to metal tables.
    “How are my two favorite subjects today?” The crazed man that they had grown to hate ever since they were locked up.
    “Kiss my a**.” George says and spits in his direction.
    “Bite me.” Nick says as well and spits in the his direction,
    The man in the lab coat laughs. “Oh subject 01 you’ll be the one biting soon and you subject 02 you will be doing the kissing soon.” The crazed man says as he starts to laugh. The man throws a switch and Nick and George are stabbed in the back of their necks with needles. They are then injected with a virus. Both virus was different in their own way. Nick and George black out.
    Nick wakes up and looks around. He was back in his cell. He was confused. He didn’t remember anything that happened after the needle. George was still out cold. Nick walks over to the sink and washes his face. He looks in the mirror and sees his reflection but something was off about his reflection. He finally noticed that his eyes were no longer blue. They were blood red. He checks the mirror to make sure it’s not a trick mirror.
    George was slowly coming to at the same time and he looked around and saw Nick checking the mirror. He looked around and noticed he could smell everything and could see better then usual. “Hey Nick what’s that smell?”
    Nick looks over at George. “What smell?” Nick noticed George wasn’t wearing his shirt. “Hey George where is your shirt?”
    George blinks. “How can you see? It’s pitch black in here. I can barely see past you.”
    Nick blinks. “Dude I think they did something to us. I feel so different.”
    George paces. “We have to get out of here.” George says as he stands up and looks around. “How are we going to deactivate the bars?”
    Nick was now pacing. The thirst for something to drink was getting to him. “I have an idea. Let’s wait for when they bring our food and when they deactivate the bars we’ll attack them. Other then that I have no other idea.”
    George laughs and nods. “Fine but as soon as we are out of here lets find that doc and get him. Then maybe we can find out what’s wrong with us.”
    Nick nods and sits down as he look at the bars. As he sat there he kept thinking of what to do when he gets out. That’s when he came up with the idea. “Hey George when we get out of here lets go after the government. Let’s stop them from ever doing this to anyone else.”
    George smiles. “Why not. Even if we escape we’ll still be wanted men.”
    Nick nods and lays back. It was quiet for once. Usually there was always noise. That’s when Nick sat up quickly. “George something is wr…” Nick never finished his sentence as an explosion rips through the facility. George jumps to his feet and looks at Nick as they look at the bars. The bars waver then go off. Nick grins and runs out of the cell. “Let’s go George. It’s now or never.” Nick says as he moves down the hallway with speed he never knew he had.
    George was right next to him. They were moving so fast that the cleared the prison wing faster then they thought. That’s when they came across the locker room. Nick points to it and George nods. They enter the room and find military and civilian cloths. Nick grabs something he seems fit to wear. He puts on a pair of green camo pants, a black t-shirt, a black trench coat, a pair of fingerless gloves, some combat boots, and a green beret to keep some of his hair up. He smiles and looks at George who dressed as well. He was wearing a black trench coat, a t-shirt, and a pair of boots. Nick nods at George as they move into the hallway and start to move towards the labs.
    George sniffs the air like it was a habit. “Dude I smell meat.” He takes off running for the labs.
    “George wait I smell blood?” Nick stopped and thought for a second before giving chase to George. By time Nick had caught up to George he was looking down a hallway that was on fire. There were bodies lining the hallway each looking like they were shot. “What’s going on?”
    “I don’t know but the lab is that way.” George says pointing in the oppisete direction of the hallway that was on fire. “Let’s get going so we can get out of here.”
    Nick nods. “Fine let’s go.” Nick takes the lead running down the hallway and stops to pick up two Desert Eagles off the ground where there was some dead guards.
    “Sweet.” George says picking up a Magnum. “Now we got some fire power incase someone starts shooting at us.”
    Nick nods and checks the clips of his Desert Eagles and noticed they had ammo so he starts moving again down the hall with George at his heels. Nick comes to a stop outside the lab. He nods to George and kicks the door and to Nick’s surprise the door goes flying across the room. Nick blinks in amazment as George moves in. Nick finally snaps out of it and moves in. They scan the room and find the man in the lab coat.
    “How did you get out of your cages?” The man says crawling backwards.
    “Does that really matter? You’re going to pay for what you did to me and George but before we kill you what did you do to us?” Nick asks with George next to him.
    The man laughs at them both. “You mean you have no idea?” He laughs some more. “You two are the rebirth of two ancient races. Lycanthop and Nosfuratu.” The man starts sounding a little insane.
    Nick was getting pissed now. “You mean to tell me you have been trying to make monsters out of normal people?”
    George was looking at his hands. “Who is the Werewolf and who is the vampire?” He asks looking at the man.
    “Number 01 is vampire or Nick you are as you seem to ignore the fact that you are a prisoner which means…”
    “Wow so I’m a werewolf?” George was staring at his hands and smiling as he throws the Magnum off to the side. “Hell I won’t need guns to kill you then will I?” He says grinning.
    Nick puts his Desert Eagles in his waits band. “If I’m vampire then you’ll die by me. You’re going to feed me and you’ll die by the monsters you made.” Nick says as he finally relizes why he’s so thirsty.
    The man gets up and tries to run but Nick grabs him from behind and bites into his throat as George bites his leg. The man falls to his knees then to the ground dead. Nick looks at George and pulls a desert eagle out and shoots the man twice in the heart and once in the head.
    “Why did you do that?” George asks.
    “Because when I was younger I used to read a comic based on a vampire killing his own kind. I learned what to do to kill them and what I did was stopped him from becoming one.” Nick says as he grabs a keycard from the man’s pocket.
    “Oh ok. So who do you think is attacking the facility?” George asks as he was thinking.
    “Who knows but we owe them for getting us out of those cells.” Nick says as he puts on a gun holster vest under his trench coat. He puts the Desert Eagle into them. “Ok George let’s get going.”
    “About time. I’m getting bord with this place.” He says jokingly. “Hey you think we should have codenames to protect the ones we know outside of here?” He suggests as they walk out of the room and down the hall.
    “Why not. It’s really not a bad idea.” Nick says and thinks for a bit. “I’ll go by HellSing. It fits pretty well since I loved that comic.”
    George laughs. “Ok then if your going to do that I’ll go by the name Kratos. After all he was the character I designed back when we were kids.” George says smiling.
    “Nice to meet you Kratos want to be friends?” Nick asks Kratos and holds his hand out for him to shake.
    “Sure. Nice to work with you HellSing.” Kratos says as he shakes HellSing’s hand.
    HellSing and Kratos start to run down the hallway and towards the fire as it seemed like they could see light through the hole in the roof. The leap up into the hole and climb to the surface.

    Chapter 3… Powers? What powers?

    August 27, 2045

    HellSing and Kratos crawl out of the hole to a large group of men holding assault weapons. The instantly turn and aim guns at HellSing and Kratos. HellSing looks around at the men and Kratos does the same.
    “Hey Kratos they don’t look like government soldiers.” HellSing says.
    “You’re right they don’t.” Kratos says.
    “Who are you two?” A man in a in some old cloths and held a weapon that looked all to familiar demands.
    “We’ll tell you ours if you tell me you’re name.” HellSing says back.
    The man chuckles to HellSing’s answer. “Damnit Nick even under pressure you’re a smart a**.” The man says.
    HellSing and George instantly knew who it was. “STEVE!” They said and run up to him and gave him a hug.
    “Steve what are you doing here with a group of armed men?” Kratos asked.
    “We heard they had you locked up in one of their research facilities but we didn’t know which one you two were at.” Steve says back. “What did they do to you and what were they doing down there?”
    Kratos looks away and HellSing walks up. “They were trying to make vampires and lycans. It seems that everyone they did it to died due to the experimentation. For some reason George and me were the only to successes.”
    “We go by HellSing and Kratos now.” Kratos adds.
    HellSing nods and scratches the back of his head. “We kind of feel like we should go by those name do to the change in us both.” HellSing says.
    Byrd nods. “The names I figured were going to happen but are you telling me that you two are now creatures of the night? Come on they are just myths and legends. Lets get you back to our base and we’ll check you two out.” Byrd says climbing into a hummer with a fifty-caliber on it.
    HellSing nods and climbs in. “Come on Kratos.
    Kratos was walking up when he sees a cat and picks it up. “Hey look it looks like that cat we used in the experiment all those years ago.”
    HellSing and Steve both yell together. “Get the hell in the hummer.”
    Kratos runs over and climbs in with the cat. The hummer ride was long and took them deep into the forest that surrounded the facility they were at. The finally arrive at an old abandon base that looked like it was not even being used. Steve lead HellSing and Kratos into an elevator and pushes a combination of buttons and the door opens and they are in a base that looked brand new. HellSing and Kratos looks around in amazement. Steve leads them to the room and stops.
    “Ok you two wait here and I’ll get the science chief. Oh yeah she’ll be happy to see you Nick. Opps I mean HellSing.” Steve says leaving the room.
    HellSing ponders on what Steve said and then sits down. Kratos was playing with the cat. “Hey Kratos aren’t you allergic to cats.”
    The cat was leaning against the wall. “No I’m…” Kratos lets out a loud Sneeze at the cat blowing the wall and the cat away.
    HellSing was up instantly and looked surprised. “What the hell was that?”
    Kratos looks at HellSing. “Oh cool we have powers.” He says looking like a kid in a candy store.
    There was a bathroom on the other side of the wall and a soldier was sitting in a stale opens the door and closes it quickly. Three other soldiers look at the wall and begin to run out of the room. Kratos walks through the hole in the wall and looks around. “I wonder where the kitty went.”
    HellSing follows him through looking more at the hole Kratos made then anything else and then looks at Kratos. “You really think that cat would survive this?”
    Kratos nods. “They all say cats have nine lives.”
    HellSing shakes his head and was about to speak when Steve and several soldiers ran in. Steve looked at both of them before he spoke. “What the hell happened here?”
    “Kratos sneezed and blew a hole in the wall and took out a cat.” HellSing says.
    Steve looks at HellSing. “What cat?”
    “The one Kratos found at the facility we were at.” HellSing states as he leans against the wall.
    “It looked like the one we had before the sonic experiment.” Kratos says lifting heavy pieces of rubble with ease.
    HellSing and Steve watched Kratos and then looks at HellSing. “So then what can you do?”
    “I don’t know. I feel like I can do anything. Hell I don’t have a scratch on me and I was standing next to the hole.” HellSing says.
    Steve makes a motion and the soldier to his left puts two rounds into HellSing’s shoulder and stomach. HellSing lurches forward and then catches himself as the bullets fall out of his body and the wounds heal. “What the hell man?”
    “Oh cool. Do me next.” Kratos says as he jumps around.
    Steve shakes his head. “Ok looks like you have high regeneration but what else you have.”
    HellSing wasn’t listening. He was pissed when he looked up at the soldier that shot him he looks up and moves so quickly the soldier didn’t even noticed he had been hit several time. The soldier drops to the ground out cold. Steve blinks as HellSing forms a energy ball in his right hand but it goes out and HellSing looks around. “Don’t ever do that again.” He says to the soldier on the ground before he walks back to where he was leaning.
    Steve looked at HellSing amazed. “What speed and power. No wonder they were experimenting on vampire and werewolves. If they had an army of you two they would be unstoppable.” Steve says as he pulls holds his arm out infront of him and types on the keyboard on his arm. A screen pops out of the device and information starts to flash across it.
    HellSing tilts his head. “Hey who was that person you were bringing?” HellSing asks as he waits for Steve’s answer.
    Kratos was now looking in the stalls for the kitty when Ashley, a 5ft 5 inches, a woman with long dark brown hair with blonde streaks and red tips through out it. Her dark blue eyes looked lovely in the bad florecent lighting. “Hey what's going on here? Who are.....”
    HellSing blinks. “Ashley…” HellSing was amazed to see an old friend again. "What are you doing here?"
    She smiles as she lets her left hand rest on the hilt of a sword hanging from her belt. "Nick is that you?"
    HellSing nods. "Yeah, You look good."
    Ashley chuckles. "Thank you. Well, after you vanished I joined Steve to help him find you two. I'm also your intel officer. I'll be feeding you two info we you need it. Now if you'll excuse me I was pulled from training my students in the way of the sword." Ashley says as she walks out of the room waving to them.
    Kratos pops his head out of a stall. "Was that Ashley?"
    HellSing sighs and shakes his head. "Stop looking for the cat. It will turn up. Hey steve what's going on?" He says regaining himself from the sigh.
    Steve finally speaks after everything finally seemed to calm down. "Well, we are at the headquarters for the underground resistance against the goverment. It appears that you two took out the base we were planning to raid. We weren't planning on destroying it but it appears it happened and I'm sorry to say this but you two need to leave. Here take these with you..." Steve hands HellSing and Kratos ear peices to communicate with the base. "Use them to contact us if you ever need help. In the mean time the goverment is looking for you and we can't risk this base being discovered. We have a place for you to stay in the city near by and don't worry you'll have money. Now if you don't mind follow these soldiers... You know what why don't you two just walk. I don't think we could risk having your powers going off in a vehicle." Steve says with a sigh.
    HellSing shrugs. "Thats cool. I can get us to the surface. If what I study is right then shadows open a new door way for me." HellSing grabs Kratos. "Lets go pup." HellSing says as he drags Kratos into a shadow before he could protest.
    "Interesting." Steve says as he and the other guards walk out of the bathroom.