• Okay, I lead a pretty good life, this is why i'm writing my story. The most prominent thing in my life would probably be the fact I am a witch. And no I am not evil! Also before I continue I am not green and a don't hurt humans, unless they really annoy me. One more fact about me before I tell you my story is that I want to tell you that I appear as a 17 year old but really i'm 100 years old and in this story you will find out why.

    30th of October, 1937.

    "Theola, are you sure that you want to be 17 the rest of your life?" My mum asked me.
    "Yes mum, Ellie and me have decided we would stay that age since we were 10." I replied.
    "Has Ellie already had the spell on her."
    "Christina, Theola has a right to be whatever age she wants, if she wanted to be 10 for the rest of her life I wouldn't care." My dad said being very supportive.
    "Very well," my mum said in submission.
    My mum went to the cabinet and opened it, she took out a green looking postion.
    I cleared my throat, "Whats in that?" It looked horrible.
    "Just stuff."
    "If I told you wouldn't go through with it," she paused, " now just repeat after me...aheg nnooh ber and then drink."
    "aheg nnooh ber, " after saying this I knocked the postion back. It tasted horrible but the pain after this was even more unbearable. Next thing I knew I was different. The little spots that I had were gone, my lips were really red and my dark brown eyes turned to blue eyes, that I think that was my biggest change.