• After I let the dog out and brought her back inside, I went downstairs to the computer. I turned it on and impatiently waited for it to get to wikipedia. After the seconds seemingly crawled by, I typed in succubus in the blank. I read the definition as it appeared.
    "Succubus." I read aloud, pushing my black hair behind my ears. "A demon that takes the form of a beautiful woman in order to seduce men, in dreams to have sexual intercourse, according to European legend. Their male counterpart is the incubus. They draw energy from the men to sustain themselves, often until the point of exhaustion or death of the victim."
    I couldn't believe what I was reading! If my parents even knew I was reading this, they would get a bad impression! I didn't even remotely like boys! How could some even believe me, a thirteen year old girl, to be a succubus?! Slamming, my clenched fist onto the desk, I turned off the computer and stomped out sulkily.
    Over and over, for the rest of the day, the definition ran through my head. There wasn't a moment when I didn't think about it. And I could somehow just imagine what a succubus really looked like when it wasn't in its disguise of a beautiful woman. Probably ugly and with leathery wings. I shuddered at the thought of being a succubus.

    Naturally, I didn't speak much at dinner, for fear that I would say something about learning of succubi. My parents talked to each other, but kept throwing concerned glances at me. After I ate only about half my food, I stood up and proclaimed that I was done.
    I then headed up to my room and got my pajamas and robe. Then I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower. I smiled contentedly as the warm water hit my back and wet my hair. As I massaged my sore right shoulder, my hand wandered over the birthmark of my right shoulder blade. A black ten pointed star residing within a black circle. I frowned as I thought of it.
    I'd had that birthmark on my shoulder blade since the day I was born. My parents always said it must have been a sign that I was special. Yeah, right. If you've ever read a fantasy book, you know that a majority of the time, a black birthmark means you're one of the bad guys. Real special.

    When I finally stepped out of the shower, I looked at my appearance in the bathroom mirror. I couldn't help but notice that my eyes had a gold color to them. I shook my head and the gold was gone. "Freaky." I said with a raised eyebrow.