• Ariee Streached and yawned, her massive fangs glimmered in the early morning light. It was early in spring, and most of the other dragons would be waking up from their long winter sleep. Peering out of the cave, she noticed several of the others were already outside warming their scales in the soft sunlight. She streached her batlike wings and yawned once more, her scales glimmered with a soft pearly sheen. She stood up. Her slender legs ached from lack of use, and her sharp eyes were clogged with sleep. Ariee raised a talon to wipe it out. "mornin' ariee!" a high pitched voice echoed behind her. Ariee twisted her long neck around to peer at the little Fairi Dragon fluttering behind her on its snowy butterflys wings. Fairi dragons were the only other dragons who were white like her. "g'mornin' Filli" SHe said rather groggily. "wouldja' mind landing? your wings are scatterin' sleepy dust again" The little silvery dragon landed and folded his wings "sorry there, Ariee!" Filli grinned. "Well anyway, i gotta message for ya. Fairi dragons Arent messenger dragons! Thats the Purple Dragon's job!" Artemis rolled her eyes and cleared some gunk out of her scales while filli lectured on about how fairi dragons were noble beasts above delivering messages. "filli, What in the name of all dragonkind is the message?" Filli's scales turned slightly pink. "okay, okay, Kwinn wants to see you down by the pond."Ariee yawned again, brushing sleepy-dust off her muzzle with her tail. "mmkay then." She padded to the edge of the cave and spread her wings, beating them laborously for a moment, before they finally lifted her off the ground. "stupid Kwinn" She muttered to herself. "had to send that fairi dragon, didnt he? is he trying to make me sleep for the next century?" The valley streaked by bellow her. Purpley black messenger dragons were creeping out of the holes in their trees, while heavyset golden King Dragons were hauling themselves out of massive burrows in the hard, cracked desert earth. Slender, powerful goldenbrows like Ariee crawled out of caves dug into the sided of the desert valley's walls, their shimmering green scales seeming to glow in the sun. Wind Dragons, long and serpentine with blue scales, long, slender legs, and feathery wings uncoiled and slunk out from large cracks in boulders. The world was waking up. She did a barrel spin and took a dive down at a dark blue pool in the far northern edge of the desert valley. She hovered above it for a moment, before plunging down at it, aiming for the center.

    SPLASH! Kwinn took a step back when Ariee fell into the pool. Her horns broke the surface of the water as she emerged, her oddly pure-white scales glimmered as she hauled herself out, brushing extra grime off with the blade on her tail. "mornin Kwinn. Why did you want to see me? and why send that a Fairi dragon? you know how irritating they can get" He raised a claw and tapped the ground with it. "I was getting impatient. What took ya so long?" She rolled her golden eyes. "that fairi dragon started a lecture. Yoyu know how they go on and on!" Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. "well anyway, Griiln needs us to go hunting outside the valley again. He coudnt find any other dragon able to keep up with me, so your coming. " She groaned. "cant he just send rythmiina and Gwee? Why do i always get stuck with the obsinant ones?" He snorted, ashes blew from his nostrils. " i resent that!" The wind dragon turned away from her. " we leave tommorow. Meet here. and please, BE ON TIME!" She snorted angrily, and spat fire down at a lizard scuttling past. She skewered the toasted lizard on a talon and popped it into her jaws. "stuck up little snake!" She spat angrily, cursing griiln. "stupid king dragons, think they control us! cant they go hunting themselves? but nooo, they send me and that stuck up serpent out to catch a few live rabbits to re populate the valley." She folded her sodden wings and streached out on a large boulder to warm herself in the sun. A familiar high pitched voice spoke in her ear. "you like him, dontcha'?" Ariee opened one eye and saw filli hovering there. "what do you want, you pathetic little knat?" She hissed." Filli pretended to look hurt. "i just asked you. You like him, dont you." She growled, deep and menacing. " You wont leave me alone until i tell you, will you knat? Very well. I do a little, but he is still a stuck up, know it all, revoltingly obstinant little snake. Sort of like you!" She spat fire and it singed his tail. "now leave me be!" the little Fairi dragon whizzed off, giggling like mad. Ariee closed her eyes and tried to doze off again, but a large shadow blocked out her sun. She raised her head and saw Kwinn. She snarled, showing her fangs. "can i help you?" She said rather nastily. He raised an eyebrow, or rather, the ridge above his eye. "according to filli, you like me." A deep, growling sort of laughing sound echoed from his throat, which is the equivalint of a laugh for a dragon. She growled menacingly. "fairi dragons will spew any nonsense. Besides, who would like a stuck up, pathetic, irritating snake like you? now clear off, your blocking the sun." He laughed again. "well, thats a shame," She opened her eye again. "how so?"