Chapter 7- Model C

    (music playing-Unsatisfied disire/ Tales of Symphonia )Download
    *The guardian HQ was almost condemed, all of the troops both human and reploid were 50% injured 30% killed and only 20% unharmed and lightly injured escaped. Ambulances and rescue teams were pileing up outside the area of guardian HQ. Meanwhile inside the labs there was mass panic and fists beating against ray shielded surfaces, the guardians Harpuia, Fenfir, Levaithan, & Phantom were trapped helpless and were bearing whitness to what may be there most horifying experiance, John was about to get beat up ant thrashed by the reincarnations of the pirate copy X the 3rd and Omega the origional Zero the 2nd. John wanting to escape and help his friends only found himself trapped like a rat in a steel trap. No sighn of Colonel or Dr. Mozart, being worried about Roll outside the HQ ruins, and not to menson air pirates from another world are at large. Dr. Wily and Dalton revealed there newest partner, Dr. Wiel who was supposed to been defeated and killed durring the fall of the spacestation Rangarock, was reconstructed and back as if he was brand new. He finaly revealed himself to the guardians and John of'course who was about to get thrashed and burtaly beaten.*

    Harpuia= JOHN!!!

    Fenfir= NO!!

    *Fenfir bashes the ray shield surface with his megaton strikes but it was useless. They had no choice but watch John face the 2 powerful reploids that are way over John's leauge.*

    *John was dodging the simple blaster shots from Copy X 3, but John used his blaster from his Protoamn biometal returning fire, but Copy X 3 kept dodging them. Omega got behind John with a back attack with his fist, knocking John over, and John managed to get back up, and turned to Omega and tried to hit him with his protoshield to stun him but Omega kept swinging his saber, but Copy X 3 started to fire at him. John guarded with the protoshield blocking the shots and was dashing backwards to keep his rear from being attacked by Omega but it was hardly any use. Omega kept after him while Cpoy X 3 opened fire. John set both his weapons to auto-charge and was ready to deliver offence. John this time caught Omega by a lucky shot with his blaster and flinched him and John delivered a shield attack and performed a helm splitter and managed to knock him down but he definently was far from being out. John charged at Copy X 3 with full speed with his protoshield up ready to shield attack him, but Copy X was in his Falchon form and kept evading him. John pointed his blaster and fired at him but he couldnt land a hit. Omega struck John with his saber and John struck back with a full charge attack but Cpoy X 3 flew up and grabbed John and lifted him up and flung him towards the ground. John's Protoman X biometal tool massive damage, and John decided to switch to the Bass biometal and try his luck with that. John fired the rapid fire cannon and managed to hit both Copy X 3 and Omega, but they were only scratches. Omega began to charge but John dodged out of the way and double-jumped to a higher platform and set his bass blaster to auto-charge and continued to use the bass cannon to fend off Copy X and Omega. The cannon just wasnt working too well against them since John's biometals were only equipped with a few upgrades and power-up chips while Copy X 3 and Omega were full power.*

    Copy X 3= Give it up! Your little pea shooter can't even scratch my armor finish.

    Omega= Is THIS human you guardians call the new Megaman!? You got to be kidding! Even if he managed to beat Vile and Bass.

    John= There.... too... strong!

    Levaithan= John, just run! You can't fight them!

    Harpuia= He can't! The ray shields are holding us and blocking the exits. Were all trapped!

    Phantom= John...... im.....sorry!

    John= It's not your fault.

    Dr. Wily= Hahahahahahahaahaaahh! Look at that. He's trying to resist. This is so much fun.

    Dalton= Hehehehehe! I want to see more.

    Dr. Wiel= Now this is how you really make reploids unlike your silly little boss robots.

    Dr. Wily= Well, my first group almost had him before those 4 guardians showed up.

    Dalton= But this is diferent doctor. He's got no one to back him up, he's facing 2 superiorly advanced reploids with no propper preperations, and he's trapped. He's doomed anyway but at'least were having fun watching him suffer.

    *Suddenly the labortories secondary monitor opened up a new frequency*

    Ciel= Whats going on! Is anybody alright!?

    Harpuia= Miss Ciel! Don't look at this..... were trapped!! Save yourself Ciel. Take Roll with you and evacuate the city!

    Ciel= John! JOHN!! NO!

    John= Ciel! Just listen to Harp...*GHAH!!* (John got shot by a plasma shot from Omega's blaster )

    Ciel= John! Nooooo! This is all my fault! *begins to cry*

    Omega= Miss Ciel! He he he! What a nice suprise.

    Ciel= Omega? No! You were destroyed!

    Copy X 3= Miss Ciel, my origional maker. This is indeed a nice reunion.

    Ciel= Copy X!? Oh no! You were destroyed..... twice!

    Dr. Wily= How do you like your reunion Miss Ciel!? *cackles*

    Ciel= Your Dr. Wily?

    Dalton= And of'course me, from Area Zero.

    Ciel= Dalton? You caused that havoc in the forest!?

    Dr. Wiel= This is an unusual suprise to hear from you again Ciel!

    Ciel= That voice... it.. can't be! You.... Survived!?

    Dr. Wiel= Oh yes indeed. Like I told your little red armored companion, I can't die! He wouldnt listen and fell to the end. Poor little thing. Ironic isnt it?

    John= Ciel, don't watch..this!! *pants*

    Ciel= Roll... ROLL!! Do somthing!!

    Roll= I can't! The ray shields are interfearing with the signal for my transporter. And not even my transporter isnt to stable, it can't even teleport a group. It can only teleport one person at a time anyway!

    Ciel= JOHN!!!!!

    Lucus= There's nothing we can do Ciel! John's finnished.

    John= Im gonna try HARDER!!!

    *John shifted biometal from Model B to Model D, and set both his weapons to auto-charge, and attempted to take more action against Omega 2 and Cpoy X 3. John fired full charged shots at Omega and Copy X but they were still attempting to dodge the shots and John took a saber strike at Omega but he seemed to dodge and attack him with a back strike, and John fell to the floor. John wasnt giving up. John rolled to avoid being struck by both reploids but Copy X 3 and Omega 2 were kicking him back and fourth towards each other like kickball. John was scraming in pain as Copy X kicked him to Omega and Omega kicked him back to Copy X over and Over again. Then Copy X 3 grabbed John by the legs and did a jabbing spin and flung John and sent him slamming against the steel wall. John couldnt take this beating anymore.*

    (music fades down slowly)

    Ciel= ENOUGH!! STOP IT!! I will do whatever you say! Just give me any demand you want, please spare him!

    Dr. Wiel= I dont think so Miss Ciel! You failed to stop me and failed Neo Arcadia years ago, this is going to be part of your punishment, to see this outworlder beaten todeath!

    Ciel= John!! JOHN!!!! I .... It's all my fault!

    *sudenly, the Tardis back at the city hall labs was acting funny, the vortex core began to activate nd there was a glowing light comming out from inside it. Then Ciel caught a glimpse to believe she just saw another biometal, only this time it was a pink rabbit shapped object and it appeared that the Tardis was set to some kind of auto-transfer opperation. Then the object flashed and teleported out of sight!*

    Ciel= What was that!!?

    Lucus= The Tardis,.... did somthing! Hey Miss Ciel! That Ciel system crystal you made for me! It.. just vanished when that Tardis went crazy!!

    (music playing- Let me be with you/ Chobits soundtrack )Download
    *Then the vortex field sudenly appeared in the same area where John was. The rabbit shaped Biometal appeard out of nowhere and surrounded John in a protective aura. Copy X and Omega's weaponfire couldnt go through and the light was healing John of his physical injuries. The gentle aura was giving John unbeleavable ammounts of energy and power.*

    Dr. Wiel= WHAT!!?? What the hell is this!!

    Dr. Wily= What now!?

    Bass= What is that thing?

    Vile= Another biometal?

    Ciel= That's the thing I saw in the vortex! It's saving John!!!

    Harpuia= Unbeleavable! I ..... feel it. So warm, so positive.

    Fenfir= I feel it too! I feel great all of a sudden!

    Levaithan= I do too!

    Phantom= It's some sort of miracle.

    Dr.Wiel= No!! NO!!!!! Copy X, Omega!! Stop that thing!!

    *Copy X 3 and Omega took there weapons to strike at John but the aura bounced them back sending them flying and crashing. John looked like he was totaly uncouncous and didnt know what was going on.*

    Ciel= John!! JOHN!! Can you hear me?!

    *then a gentle voice sudenly was being heard from the mysterious pink biometal*

    Gentle voice= You will not touch him. He is the one. The one! The one.. bearer... wearer..just.. for me and only me.

    Copy X 3= What are you!?

    Omega= Can't get through!

    Dr.Wily= Bass!! Vile!! Go back there! Help them out!

    *Sudenly the light from the mysterious pink biometal shined on the ray shields and they vanished*

    Levaithan= The ray shields are down!!

    Harpuia= It's time to take revenge on Copy X for misleading us.

    Gentle voice= The 4 who are the friends of my bearer... please... lend him your aid.. and I will lend him.... mine.

    *The light flashed over John and John levitated and then the pink biometal physicaly laid onto John and then another flash of light shined and John was sudenly in another biometal armor.... only this time he was in a pink biometal armor with flowing white/blonde hair from the helmet and with Ciel's system crystal from the city hall labs where it came from was in John's hand*

    (music slowly fades away)

    *As the light faded away, Harpuia and the rest of the guardians aproached where John was and was ready to fight the invading replods.*

    Gentle Voice= I.. will take on the one in the red. Please... aid your friends too.... Here me well, fell people who dare to harm my processor.... I am the one ... only for... John...I am the ....biometal.....Model C!!

    Omega= You want some of me b***h!! You will pay for getting between me and my prey!

    *Sudenly The Model C grabbed Omega and both flung right through the celling and durbis was breaking as they both slammed with tremenous force.*

    Harpuia= Now, Copy X. You and those 2 frieds of yours are gonna pay for what you did. Get them!!

    (music playing- Double/ Mega Man X 4 )Download
    *Outside...... The Chii X possesing John sent Omega Zero, flying as it kicked him straight up in the air. Omega had no chance of evading any attack Model C layed on him. Model C was way too fast as it teleported and fired crystal shaped plasma shots from John's hands. Chii X layed one wicked punch sending Omega flying towards the city slums and bashing every object that was in the path of the fray.*

    Omega= This.... Power...it's imposible! Now...IM MAD!!!!!

    *Omega took out his saber and set it to auto-charge, and charged at John which was wearing Model C biometal. Model C jumped through the air and walkicking like a ninja through the buildings, Omega couldnt keep a good shot with his blaster and missed every time. Then Model C fired blasts of white-hot light balls slmming on Omega which had enough magnatude to send him flying 100 feet in the air. Then Model C teleported and performed a strange pummeling attack teleporting and delivering a heavy damaging combo teleporting from one random corner in the falling path in 1 second flat. Omega hit the ground and madly swung his saber going into an angry pain filled frenzy. It was useless, he even hit himself but he did manage to hit Model C. But the attacks were nearly useless.*

    Omega= It's not possible... WHAT IS THIS POWER!!??


    Omega= You will have to kill me first you hag! I would rather die than to lend you MY POWER!!

    *Model C began to float upon midair and began to fire crystal beams at Omega. Omega began to perform the rolling sword spin roaling fast and quickly as his saber deflected the crystal shots. Omega knew that Model C was seriously angry and wanted him dead for what he did to John who wasnt even realizing Omega is taking a serious beating. But Model C caught up with Omega as he continued to spin and then Model C took a seriously huge kick at Omega sending him flying and then Model C vollied him from one corner to another in mid-air. Then, Model C grabbed Omega, with Omega screaming in pain, was quickly heading back to the ruined HQ and was heading back inside at high street race speed.*

    *Meanwhile..... Back with the guardians.....The 4 guardians were not looking so well, Copy X 3, Bass and Vile were winning.*

    Fenfir= Ghahhhhh!! Damn you Copy X!!

    Copy X 3= You trators!!!

    Harpuia= I .... can't ... keep up!

    Levaithan= Bass and Vile... are upgraded well.

    *Bass sent Phantom flying through the air by his flying attacks. (Bass and Treble merged) and Vile had Levaithan and Fenfir pinned down on the ground (Vile was in his armored carrier, the Goliath) Copy X 3 had delivered alot of damage to Harpuia*

    Dr.Wiel= Looks like I have at least got you 4 losers!

    Dr.Wily= HA!

    Dalton= At least we win. Now to finish them.

    Ciel= HARPUIA!!!!

    *Sudenly, Omega was flung straight onto the wall and Model C teleported from random corners, slamming Copy X 3, Bass, and Vile across the room with heavy magnatudes.*

    Vile= GHAAHHHH!!!

    Bass= AUOHHHHH!!!

    Copy X 3= EAHHHHHHH!!

    (music slowly fades away)

    *Model C held up Omega with levaitating light, and sudenly the ear parts on Model C opened and strange cable-like wires began to attatch to Omega's body*

    Model C= Behold... the one for me shall process yet another biometal!.... Now... one of me.... recieve your present......chii.

    *The light from Model C began to shine and burn all over Omega leaving him screaming horribly then another light flashed with John with no biometal equiped again, but hovering still.... then John woke up from his spell of uncounsousness.*

    John= WHat the hell!? Hey, what's going on here!!

    Fenfir= Look, John's OK!! Hey buddy!!

    Harpuia= John's ok.

    Levaithan= John!!

    Phantom= John is fine afterall.

    Model C= one for me..... take this new biometal.... help your friends.....chii.

    John= HUH!? Havent I heard that before somwhere?

    Omega= GHAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

    *The light flashed brightly and John felt another biometal fall in contact with him as Model C teleported away. But as the light faded away, John was in shock that Omega was gone and thought he was Omega at first but couldnt really figure it out. But sudenly found himself wearing a biometal resembling none other than... Zero!*

    (music playing- Zero's theme/ Megaman Zero )Download

    Dr.Wly= Im...IMPOSIBLE!!!!!

    Dr.Wiel= No No no no no NOOOOOOO!!!!!

    Fenfir= I dont believe this at all!!

    Phantom= It's.... the biometal form of .... Zero!?

    Levaithan= Oh, John....

    Harpuia= John!? You got another biometal..... Im not seeing this am I?

    John= Oh yeah!! Now im gona fix your a** you fake Megaman a*****e!!

    Copy X 3= Why you son of a......

    Bass= Alright. THAT'S IT!!!

    Vile= YOU ARE .... DEAD!!

    Dr.Wiel= What are you waithing for? Get him!!

    John= I believe this is what you owe me!!

    (music changes to- Bloodstained Lineage / Guilty gear XX )Download

    *John pulled out his saber and jumped with a temptist attack slamming Copy X across the room and slamming him on the ground, Vile charged with his ride armor Golaith, but John did a pole jump with his crush pole and performed another recoil pole strike and lefr Vile flying through the room. John began to ride the Golaith and performing a charging fist attack with it.*

    John= How do you like a taste of your own medicine?

    Vile= GHAHHHHH!!!!

    Bass= Im gonna get you for what you did to me in area zero you maggot!!

    *John quickly turned arround and charge fist attacked Bass and sent him flying and recharged at him and sent him flying and flailed him right smack onto Vile and John raised his hand and casted a mana spell (Ice 3 ) attacking Vile and Bass with huge slabs and boulders of raw ice. Then John rode the golaith and sent it slamming right into them ant Vile and Bass were dispached! There bodies exploded into scrap metal and parts!*

    John=That's for the guardian solgers!

    Copy X 3= You!!! Now you asked for it!

    John= What are you waithing for then!!

    *John charged with Vile's golath and sent it charging to Copy X, but Copy X evaded and then John jumped from it perfoming a grapple hok attack grabbing copy X and John sent him slamming on the ground back and fourth.*

    Fenfir= YES!! Give him a good wacking!

    Harpuia= Now to finish you off.

    John= Get close all 4 of you!

    *John casted (cure 4 ) on the group*

    John= Now, let's deliver some reunion p'wnage!

    *Fenfir grabbed Copy and used a Megaton crush attack sending him crashimg on the celing. As Copy X fell, Levaithan performed a super spin lance attack laying him repeative damages, then landing him with an ice trident attack. Phantom threw his big flying star at Copy X and landing him his knife attack, Harpuia then grabbed Copy X and delivered him a big slam attack, and Copy X was layed down, and John in the Zero biometal, jumped in the air delevring an ending blow!*

    Copy X 3= Ghaghhhhhhh!! *John leaped off of him and he was dispatched and he exploded)

    (music stops)

    John= whew..... it's over.

    Harpuia= John... You gave us a real scare there. We thought you were a gonner for sure. You did good.

    Fenfir= We won John!

    *Fenfir dashed twords John and gave him a big grappling hug*

    Levaithan= FENFIR!! Oh, John you sure showed some courage there. Especally when that pink thing took over your body.

    Phantom= Do you recall the pink biometal?

    John= What are you talking about? You mean that light thing that grabbed Omega?

    Phantom= It seems he dosent realize it. He may not even remember it at all.

    Fenfir= At least it kicked that Omega's a**!

    Harpuia= Let's save the victory party for later, we need to call the west Abagale city guard and gather all the wounded and injured to aid and safety.

    Dr. Wiel= GHAHHHH!! Just you wait until next time you twats!!

    John= Dr. Wiel!! You better have a good reason why you did this!!

    *transmission ended, but John's com-link activated*

    Ciel= John!!!! *Ciel was crying*

    John= Im ok Ciel.

    Ciel= Oooooooohhhhh!!!!! *sobbing and wailing*

    Levaithan= It seems that she's all shook up from all the conflict we had.

    John= Well, Ciel dosent deserve to be shooken up like this! I want to see Ciel happy! I want her to smile. I want her to feel happy. Im going to her right now. Ciel! You hang up now and settle down ok. Yo' Cervy! you and the mayor get her to calm down. Im comming back there!

    Harpuia= JOHN!!

    Phantom= Harpuia, let him go.

    John= Fenfir, Levy, could you do me a favor please?

    Levaithan= John... what is it?

    Fenfir= Anything, you name it.

    John= Find Colonel and Dr. Mozart. Make sure there ok.

    Fenfir= Concider it done!

    Levaithan= *fu-fu* You sure have become bold and so much more like Harpuia *giggle*

    John= *activating his com-link to the flutter* Roll, ready the flutter. I need to see Ciel immediately.

    Roll= Roger that. Let me use my single person teleporter.

    *John teleported*

    Harpuia= ......., John.

    Phantom= I believe he may become like both our champions.

    *In the flutter*
    (music playing- Ciel's room/ Megaman Zero 2 )Download

    John= Roll, are you ready?

    Roll= John!! What a suprise, you have another new biometal? Wow, you look like that Zero guy don't you?

    John= Uhhh.. *chuckles* thanks. Let's go see Ciel and let her know im ok, in person. I think she may know about that pink biometal that she and the others mensoned.

    Roll= Alright John. You better get some rest too. You look like your shooken up a bit from that fight you had yourself.

    *the flutter turns to the direction to city hall. John sat down in the flutters loby and grabbed a cold drink and sat down and turned on the tv looking for some news. John saw another newsreel about the disturbance of Guardian HQ.*

    Newswoman= In today's news there was a big disturbance in East Abagale city, again this time at Guardian HQ. There was a rumor that there was a serious battle in the slums not to long ago that involved the late legendary Zero and a pink reploid with flowing blonde hair battling in the middle of the streets when it was spotted by a cameraman. This is exclusive footage your seeing right now.

    John= Holy crap!! I looked like that!!?? I was... all...pink, and blonde. It had heels too? I couldnt possibly move like that! Even in this new one. I dont believe why I was getting my a** kicked one second and kickin a** the next? I just dont get it!!

    *Roll began to speak to John over an intercom*

    Roll= John, you better not relax too well, were almost at city hall, you said you was going to see Ciel urgently.

    John= Oh, yeah. I need to let her know im fine. She was in a real big scare afterall.
    (music fades away)

    *the flutter arrived at city hall, John told Roll to come with him, and John pulled out one of his CCunits and transfered the flutter into it. John gave it to Roll and walked with her inside the building. Then the 2 arrived inside the city hall's labs where the Tardis, Ciel and mayor Lucus were located.*

    (music playing-Abandon castle / Castleveinia- the curse of darkness)Download

    Lucus= John, We saw it all on screen, you battling those fiends, and on the news, you wore a mysterious pink biometal. Can you explain yourself about it?

    John= To be honest, when I had that pink biometal on me, I was totaly uncounsous, I knew nothing and it was like if I was in some sort of painless dream world. When it got off me, it turned Omega into a biometal.

    Lucus= Oh, the same pink biometal came from the Tardis, and awhile ago, went back inside.

    John= I have no idea where that one came from.

    Roll= It wasnt any of my desighns or Ciel's that's for sure.

    Ciel= John? Oh John are you alright?

    John= Ciel, you got to be more careful when you hailing on my com-link like that! What if Dr. Wiel could track down your frequency and try to abduct you?

    Ciel= John..... it's all my fault. I shoul had never been to egar to make those biometals and get you involved in this.

    John= Ciel, it's not your fault. And dont go beating yourself up like this ok?

    Cerveau= John?

    Doigt= John......?

    John= huh?

    Cerveau= You look just like Zero now. You obtained a new biometal didnt you?

    John= Wanna know somthing even more strange, that pink biometal made it for me. And that biometal could even talk!

    Doigt= A talking biometal?

    Ciel= Oh, John. That biometal took one of my Ciel system crystals too.

    John= Now that's somthing I like to know why it did that. Huh? Wait a-minnute. I dont think I recal that?

    Cerveau= We also obtained parts from Bass, Vile, and Copy X 3, and kept the other mechaloid parts as well. It looks like we can use some of this stuff to help repair your old 3 biometals you recieved earlier. You dont mind staying with that biometal for awhile dont you?

    John= I dont see why not?

    Cerveau= Good. I also would like to run some tests on that X biometal as well. I may be able to upgrade it as well.

    Doigt= It sounds like a great idea. I say we do it. Let's help John out.

    *John handed over the Protoman, Bass, Dynamo, and Megaman biometals to Cerveau*

    Lucus= We will continue lending you and the guardians our support.

    Ciel= John, I was looking at this pink biometal when it came back and tried to analyze it. It wasnt like any biometal I ever seen before. It is using my energy system as some sort of primary power source. I cant even tell what or how it's doing this?

    (music stops)
    *the monitor activates a distress signal*

    Lucus= Another distress signal?

    Cerveau= Another crysis?

    Doigt= It's those air pirates again. Western Abagale city is being attacked by those pirates.

    *A hailing frequency appears on screen*
    (music playing- Irregular assult / Megaman ZX )Download
    Man on screen= Mayor Lucus, this is Mayor Biggs over at West Abagale city, we have a crysis going on here. These little robots have taken over the West Abagale school and has been abducting children. One of them is a girl named Mayl.

    John= Mayl!? I know her! Me and Fenfir met her at the mall a few days ago. I already know what to do now. Roll, let's hurry.

    Roll= Ok John, we will be goi....

    Ciel= John! uhhh. I think .... I think I will grant you permission to go at it allone. But take this pink biometal with you just incase.

    *John recieves the pink biometal*

    Ciel= Now just dont do anything out of your leauge.

    Roll= Me and John will be alright.

    John= After you drop me off, I need you to transport the kids to the flutter and out of any reach of those pirates.

    Roll= I hear you loud and clear.

    *Both storm out of the building*
    (music fades away slowly)

    Ciel= Oh.... John....I hope I didnt lead you somthing ... uhhhhhh. I .....cant forget that... groosome immage.... that .... Oh, Zero I wish you were here to help John.

    *John and Roll rush outside and onto the street*

    Roll= The bridge is out, we need to use the flutter.

    John= Then it's the flutter then. Here. Let me show you how to use it.

    Roll= Ok. Here goes.

    *John showed Roll how to opperate the CCunit and the Flutter popped out in full form in 1 second flat. The 2 waltzed inside the flutter and scurried off.*

    (music playing - Introduction stage/Megaman & Bass)Download

    *When they arrived in West abagale city, there was a big panic in town, the closer they reached the school, the bigger the trafic jam and car pile-up was. There were just to many cars and people for themselves to escape. The Bonnes were at it again. They had there big bulky tanks patroling the streets around the school they were holding up. John asked Roll to drop him off where there was less people and more servebots arround.*

    John= Roll, im going in.

    Roll= John, be careful. You only have 1 properly functioning biometal and that pink biometal that acts funny.

    John= I can take care of it. I will let you know when I find the kids. I will have you to teleport them to the flutter ok?

    Roll= Well, ok. Good luck John.

    *John was transported to the street where there was some open space.*

    Servebot 1= Hey look. It's that guy again.

    Servebot 2= He gave us some trouble back at that residental area. Let's make him pay for what he did.

    Servebot 3= Look, he's got a different outfit this time. Be on your guard.

    John= Servebots again.Hey guys, just what do you think your doing causing all this rucus?

    Servebot 1= Are you talking to us?

    John= Yes, I am.

    Servebot 2= I remember you. You trashed our tanks and Miss Tron almost got taken away.

    John= It wasnt my fault. Harpuia swooped down to take her away. I only wanted to get some answers.

    Servebot 3= Harpuia? Never heard of that name before.

    John= He's one of the 4 guardians and they dont take your pillaging likely. Im going to give you a head start to leave this place allone and retreat before the guardians show up again.

    Servebot 1= We dont need to hear this rubbish. We do whatever Miss Tron or Teisel says. Not for outworlders like you.

    John= HA! Look who's talking. You as much as an outworlder as I am. We both don't belong in this world.

    *com link on Servebot's tank goes off*

    Teisel= What's going on out there!?

    *John opens his com-link to the same channel as the sevebots*

    John= Teisel Bonne, is that you?

    Teisel= WHAH?? WHo dfares to interface my broadcast!? This is a private chanel you know! Wait a minnute, you that John guy arent you?!

    John= Im telling you guys to stop what your doing before theres trouble. You seen how the 4 guardians fight? They can really do some dam....

    Teisel= Dont you tell me about what I do! I want you to surrender and give me your devices immediately.

    John= And if I refuse....

    Tesiel= These kids are going to have a rough time.

    John= Let them go Teisel. They dont have any concern with you. Just let them go and just get out of here while you still can.

    Tesiel= You have got to be joking! After all the trouble you caused us at the residental area and the damage you did on our tanks and carriers, not to menson Tron's legged carrier.

    John= Yeah, that's rich compared to what damage YOU done to those homes and houses of innocent people.

    Tesiel= That's it. Go get'em guys!

    John= I knew this was gonna happen *sigh* what a fool.

    *The servebot tanks began to move and they all turned on John and began to fire at him. John in his Zero biometal leaped from the park bench to the lamp post and got to the top of one of the carriers and John stabbed the engine area with his Z saber and jumping off of it and headed to the next one while the damaged carrier slowed to a halt with smoke rising from it. More Bonnes ships flew down and began to open fire on John. John sat both his saber and blaster on auto-charge. John then waited until his blaster was fully charged and pulled it out and shot an incoming Bonne ship. Then John attacked any random incoming vheicle with the Bonnes skull logo on it. As the servebots that leaped out of the vheicles, they all made a run for it. John did not persue them and struck them down like the guardians did.*

    Servebot= Oh, please dont hurt me *sniffle*.

    John= I struck down your tank now get out of here!

    Servebot= You sure are nice though. I never seen anyone like you since.... ahhh heck! *began to run*

    *John ran across the streets to the school was located. They were Bonnes ships and baricades all over the school grounds. There was no way John was going to make those huge jumps. John realized there was Bonne made mechaloid wall crawlers with spiked shells. John couldnt possible manover them since he still was new to wall kick climbing.*

    John= I wonder how this Chii X biometal can do. I better be careful. *John held up the biometal*

    *John changes form*

    John= Huh? Im not possesed? It must have been some sort of security thing, bah, cant name it at all, but it's not inportant now. I got to save Mayl. Im sure Lan, Dex and Yai are in need of help as well. Alright sweet stuff, let's see what you can do.

    *John for some reason wasnt being controled by the pink biometal leaped up in the air at a rediculous height landed on top of a street lamp and then leaped again really high and landed onto an incomong Bonne ship and jumped again and landed on the tip of the flag pole without even loosing ballance or sliding off.*

    John= Well, this is interesting. Im not even panicking and even wobbling. These boots may be thigh-high and heeled, but..... maybe there like this for a good reason, but the flowing 5' of blonde hair, im gonna have to get used to it.

    *Tesiel Bonne opened a nearby window and saw John in the Chii biometal. He gasped as he saw John wear an unusual biometal standing tip-toe still on a flag pole without even flinching or loosing ballance.*

    Tesiel= What the HECK!!?? Tron! You better look at this guy!

    John= Uh oh. Teisel. Incoming ships. huh? No weapons on this form? Maybe theres a reason for that too. Let's try somthing like .... let me be a bit creative here.

    *John stared at the incoming ships and sudenly, the rose jewl on the helmet's forehead began to react to John's thoughts and the Bonne ships began to loose altitude and crash on the ground.*

    Tron= What are you guys doing out there, your supposed to fly and shoot that wierdo. Not crash land! It's that John again, and *EEeeeeeee* he wears the strangest get-ups but this is the most girlish armor I ever seen on him. Wait, the news said somthing about a disturbance last night?... It can't be.

    Tesiel= That wierdo can JUMP LIKE THAT!!? The mechaloids shielding the walls and peremisis are going to be useless!

    John= Now to settle things with the Bonnes.

    *John made another huge jump through the air and landed on top of a building top on the school. John then checked a nearby window and found out it was a digital security lock from inside. John began to concentrate and then the lock light turned green and the window opened.*
    (music fades)

    John= Hey, I can get used to this!

    Mayl= John! You made it! Yeah.... oh? That.... biometal.... is ..... SOOOOOOOO CUUUUUTE!! <3

    *John couldnt help but blush with embarasment and choke a bit*

    John= Now dont go thinking that I talked Ciel into making this cause this came out of nowhere and saved my life last night.

    Mayl= But you look so pretty. Hahahahahahah!

    John= That's it. Im changing bio.. huh? It won't give. *John held Model Z to change form but nothing happened* That's funny. I can't change. This has never happened before. Oh man I better brace myself when I face Lan and all, this is gonna be ....

    Lan= John... you here to......Oh ewwwwwww!

    Dex= John! *snicker*

    Yai= Wow John. I never knew you liked pink *laughs*

    John= Ok, you can stop making fun of me. We need to get out of here before Tron and ......

    *The door barges open*

    (music playing- Dr. Wily appears/Megaman 8 )Download

    Tron= Hey you kids better shut .... ACK! Tesiel, it's too late he's here! And he's still wearing that cutesy biometal.

    Tesiel= That's it. Your goin down. Either you give me those things or im gonna have to take these kids..huh?

    *Sudenly, the ear parts on the biometal model C opened and strange wire cables shot out and wrapped Tesiel and Tron*

    Tron= AHHHHHHH! What are you doing? Let me go!!

    Tesiel= Hey, stop it!!

    John= Hey, it aint me! It's this biometal.

    Tron= Sevebots! Attention servebots! Me and Tesiel are in trouble, help us!

    John= Calling for reinforcements won't help. I can't control this biometal. You got to believe me.

    Tesiel= Oh yeah, you sure looked like you were in perfect control awhile ago.

    *John's com-link sudenly activated*

    Roll= John, im picking up 6 human signatures with you in that same room. 4 are those kids Fenfir mensoned and 2 are the Bonnes.

    John= Roll, use the transporter and teleport those 4 kids out of here.

    Tesiel= LET.....ME.....GOOOOOOO!

    Tron= I reconise her! That's that girl who hangs arround that megaman! When I get my hands on her I..

    John= This isnt the same Roll your familiar with you know? She's a different....

    Tron= Dont you dare lecture me! Where are those servebots?

    Roll= John.... im picking up a bizare energy signature and it's comming in fast. Wait, isnt that..Harpuia?

    John= Harpuia? He's comming here?

    Tron= Harpuia? Isnt that the green freak who grabbed me? I wouldive been in jail cause of him!

    Tesiel= Good thing I had a servebot to get you out of that car while they were buisy admiring your blue armor.

    John= Blue armor?

    Tesiel= Dont pretend you dont know, the blue biometal?

    John= Oh that. Hey, wait a minnute. Roll, what are you waiting for. Get these 4 outa here.

    Roll= I copy!

    *The teleporter transfered the 4 kids and the 4 were all aboard the flutter safely*

    John= Listen to me pink biometal, please let these 2 go.

    Model C= you will.... hurt others?.......

    John= I will deal with them ok? Just let them go. Please?

    Chii X= Ok. I will let them go.

    *the wires released Tron and Tesiel and the wires went back inside Model C's head parts*

    Tesiel= It....talks!

    Roll= John, you better look outside.

    (music dies down slowly)

    Lan= What is Harpuia think he's doing?!

    (music playing- Important news/ Metroid fusion)Download

    Mayl= I never seen him look so agresive!

    Dex= This dosent look like the Harpuia we know. He's all.....purple like.....

    Yai= His eyes are so....red and his cheek markings are different. I got a bad feeling about this.

    John= Im gonna check it out.

    Tron= Hey! He's attacking our tanks and carriers.

    Tesiel= He's attacking the people too! What's with this guy!

    John= Ill see what's wrong.

    *John still in his Model C biometal jumped from the same window and leaped from the flag pole to the street lamps and John tried to get the attention of the reploid who he thought was Harpuia. As John got close, he sees Harpuia in a different color. His green was replaced with a violet color and his eyes were amber red, and those cheek markings were not the way they were before. Lan and the others proved John that they were right.*

    John= Harpuia! Whats wrong with you! Why are you acting this way!?

    Harpuia?= Oh.... your .... here... hehehehehe!

    John= And what's so funny? WHy did you throw that car near those people. You could hurt someone really bad...

    Harpuia?= Why should I care? It was the noble Dr. Wily and Dr. Wiel who put me here on this world.

    John= Wily, Wiel, C'mon man. You dont sound like yourself.

    *John looked at the other corner and saw somthing arrive near the clock tower, it was the Harpuia he knew and he was calling John*

    the real Harpuia= John, Get away from that. It's an imposter!

    John= Wait a minnute, if he's the real Harpuia, then you must be a copy!

    Harpuia?= He he he he.....you are indeed a bit sharp. I am Copy H of the Wily Syndacate. And im gonna make scrap out of these servebots and these humans.

    John= What?

    Copy H= Now, if you want to live, you give me those contraptions that give you those forms and shapes.

    John= No way! You are going to stop this and it all ends now!

    Harpuia= John!! Dont you dare engage him!

    Copy H= Oh shut up you pitful thing. Im not here for you. Well..... John.... You couldive made it easier on yourself but now you make a big mistake. Now if I can't get them from you this way, I will take them and rip them apart from your carcus, starting with that fancy pink and blonde freak!

    John= Dont think im wearing this for fun, this form saved me from a crysis.

    Copy H= Where's your weapon? Are you gonna take me on unarmed?

    John= Your not getting them. End of story. Harpuia, if you want we can take him on together.

    Harpuia= That's fine with me.

    Copy H= 2 against 1? If that's what you wish. You and the guardians leader can die together, I can arrange that!

    *Then the events really get heated as John and Harpuia team up against a fake Harpuia lookalike. How will John fight with Model C if it has no weaponry. Can Harpuia take on his evil twin if John can't switch biometals?*