• A sunny day Brad and Carlos were heading to the cave that they talked about durning school (see episode 1 and 2). So as they were heading there they passed a horse farm. There were horses outside grazing. The one that was close to where they were looked up. Soon she reared and started racing them. "Hey I think she wants to race." Carlos said. Soon they were head to head. The fence end was getting closer. "She's not going to stop!" Brad said. The fence ended but the horse jumped over the fence, and followed them. "Turn here fast." Brad said. They turned fast but the horse kept going straight. "We lost her." Brad said. Carlos nodded.
    Many minutes later...
    "Run for it!" Brad said. Carlos and Brad ran out of the cave with a green rock in their arms. They made it out of the cave. "What's that!" they both said. A purple mass was creating. Out came the first Transformer they ever saw, Megatron. "Guys don't move." Alexis said. The Transformer reached out and tried to grab them. "Look!" Brad shouted. The horse that was following them came out with a green "M" on its rump. The horse knocked the robot down. Soon 2 more purple masses started to take form. The horse neighed and made the kids run. The kids ran but soon 3 red masses took form. "More?" Brad said. But these Transformers were diffrent they seemed to want to help.
    <Start reading part 1>