• Fire burnt brigtly as ashes took to the sky, the desert was now in flames! From a small hut a foot smashed against the doors as the beat to the screams of the burning villagers and the door flung open covered in scorch marks and a body leapt to the air. Then as if all seemed worst the castle exploded into demon like flames, red inhanced by royal blood!

    The person from the hut dashed through the village by the burning carcasses and flames roughly licking his feet and hands. He felt small drops of water drip down his back. "Shhh, don't worry Nazuna, Mom and Dad are safe."

    "Okay I'll try to be strong older brother..." he continued to race carrying Nazuna on his back. Finally cold desert air hit his face! HE was almost out of the city! The boy reached the front gate and was out into the cool desert night!

    He gave a laugh and whispered "See Nazuna we made it... I...told you so..." and he collapsed! He fell into the cushinon of desert sand and lay there eyes shut closed...

    Nazuna climbed off his back and lay next to him and started to cry. "Please don't die brother..." And fell angelically into the desert sand...

    TO BE Continued