• Chapter 7: Roy Excalibur & Melody
    The next day it rained. I was surprised, since I had come to Realm the weather was always sunny and bright. I was a little afraid when I awoke to thunder and lightning flashing outside my window. I never thought in a magical world like Realm it would rain, but I guess I was wrong.
    I sluggish walked downstairs for breakfast. I yawned before sitting down at the table. I usually loved the rain; not today. I didn’t feel like eating so I prodded my food around on my plate.
    Ambrose gazed up at me and tilted his head to side as if he were confused. “Rosette, what’s wrong love?” He asked.
    I looked up at him, “Nothing. I’m just not hungry and besides it’s raining!” I whined, as I continued to play with my food.
    Ambrose laughed. “Is that all! I thought you were sick. I’m sorry about the weather but I can’t control that.” He replied.
    Oh! He could disguise himself with magic, he could heal himself with magic, he could even create houses, and enchanted meadows with magic, but he can’t fix the weather!?
    “Well! You are in a crabby mood! I suppose I could try and do something!” He teased.
    “No its fine! I’ll just read a book or something.”I reassured. I didn’t want him mad at me even if he was joking. I suddenly remembered my cottage! “Hey!” I shouted happily, jumping from my chair.
    “What is it?” Ambrose asked startled.
    “Can I go to my cottage?” I questioned.
    “Why of course! It is yours. Just be sure to wear a coat…I don’t want you to catch a cold.” Ambrose replied.
    “I will! Thanks!” I said, kissing him on the cheek before leaving the dinning room. I quickly grabbed my black jacket, pulled the hood over my head and headed out the door.
    “Good morning Rosette! Where are you going?” Annalise asked.
    She and Tobias were playing around in the gigantic puddles that filled the meadow. They both wore raincoats and carried umbrellas. I smiled as I remembered doing the same thing when I was little.
    “I’m going to the cottage!” I shouted, over the hard falling rain. It was pouring down on us; it was hard to hear and hard to see.
    “Ok! Have fun!”Tobias exclaimed.
    “I will!” I replied, walking briskly towards the cottage. I rushed into the small house that was for me and me alone. It was dark in there so I light a few candles. It was warm and cozy inside the cottage.
    I decided to walk around to see where everything was. An enormous book shelf covered one wall, it overflowed with books. A small table and chair sat in the middle of the floor in front of an unused fireplace. I loved it. As I walked around the cottage I suddenly remembered myself being here; spending time here to read or write. I saw Ambrose and myself in this cottage talking and just enjoying each others company. I also saw myself and Annalise and Tobias in here playing card games and other games on rainy days just like this.
    I smiled as I received yet another memory. I approached the book shelf and picked a book that read: The World of Realm & the Worlds Beyond. I sat down in the chair that sat at the table and began to read. The book was about Realm and the worlds that lay beyond this magical place; like the Human World in which Ambrose placed me to protect me.
    I finished the book; it was very interesting to discover there were a bunch of other worlds beside Realm and the Human World. I knew it was still raining for I could hear it beating down on the roof of the cottage. I sat back down in the chair and rested my head on my arms, closing my eyes. I began to think about all the memories that had come back to me since I returned to Realm, how many more were there until I received my whole memory? As I thought about that the sound of laughter filled my ears.
    My eyes opened as the sound of a child’s laughter continued to fill the air. It was a girl’s laugh but it wasn’t Annalise’s. So whose was it? Had one of the King’s minions broke through the magical barrier? I swiftly stood up from the chair I had been sitting in and walked out the door. The rain beat down on me but I didn’t care, I was determined to find out where that laughing was coming from.
    Fog and rain made it hard for me to see; but the laugher continued. Suddenly something grabbed my leg. I screamed and almost tumbled to the wet grass but a small hand grasped mine. And then came another laugh.
    “You’re so clumsy Rosette.” A small girl’s voice said.
    I gazed down to see a small girl whose little arms were wrapped around my right leg. She was beautiful; her big, bright purple eyes glistened as she laughed. Her straight light reddish pink hair was neck length. Her smile was perfect and white. She looked like she was five.
    “Um Hi.” I replied, smiling back.
    She frowned. “You don’t remember me, do you Rose?” She asked, sadly.
    I shook my head ashamed. The girl’s smile returned and suddenly she appeared on my shoulder.
    “That’s alright! Here let me help you!” She exclaimed. She closed her eyes and pressed her forehead against mine.
    A pain shot through me as she did this but I saw more memories. I saw myself and this girl with Ambrose, Annalise, Tobias, Aidan, and an unknown man with long black hair.
    “Remember?” She questioned.
    “Y-Yes! What did you do?” I asked, confused and shocked.
    She laughed again. “I just helped you a little. So what’s my name?” She exclaimed.
    I closed my eyes for a second then abruptly opened then wearing a smile. “Melody!” I shouted.
    “Yes!” She replied, jumping into my arms.
    I wrapped my arms around her as she did the same. Suddenly a dark figure began to approach us, as it got closer I could see who it was. It was the unknown man from my memory. He was gorgeous as well; his long black hair almost reached the ground. He had awkward colored eyes but they were so beautiful, his eyes were a reddish-orange yellow color that seemed to sparkle like flames of a fire. He and Melody had pale beautiful skin just like Ambrose.
    “Hello Rosette. Do you remember me?” He asked, wearing a perfect grin.
    Melody disappeared from my arms and reappeared on this mystery man’s shoulders. “No, I’m sorry but I don’t.” I replied, softly.
    “Ah! Roy Excalibur and dear little Melody! Welcome, welcome.” Ambrose’s voice filled my ears. I turned around to see he was right behind me; he walked up and stood at my side.
    “Uncle Ambrose!” Melody exclaimed, smiling as she leaped into Ambrose’s arms.
    “Hello Melody!” He shouted, embracing the small girl in his strong arms.
    Uncle Ambrose? Was this small little girl really Ambrose’s niece? And if she was why didn’t he tell me about her or his family? And who were Roy Excalibur and Melody? I gazed confused as the three of them had a reunion in the rain.
    “We confused Rosette. These are our allies, Rosette and dear friends of ours.” Ambrose replied. “And no Melody is not my niece.” He whispered, in my ear.
    I nodded as I smiled. “Nice to meet you.” I said.
    “Well let’s get out of the rain and continue our reunion in my house. Come.” Ambrose suggested, grasping my hand in his and then he led the way.
    Our small group which consisted of Ambrose, Melody, Roy Excalibur, and myself reached our magical castle like mansion and went inside from the rain. It was warm and toasty in here and I was glad. Ambrose and his two friends magically dried their clothes and thanks to Ambrose I didn’t have to go change; he dried mine with magic as well.
    We all sat down at the table in the dinning room to chit chat over warm tea and snacks. I nibbled on a cookie as Ambrose, Roy, and Melody caught up on what was new. Annalise and Tobias joined us and played with Melody. I smiled as I watched them act out their wild imaginations.
    “So are you and Melody a witch and wizard?” I questioned Roy.
    Roy Excalibur smiled. “Yes. I was once the captain of the guard in the King’s army but I refused when Marcus took the crown. He is an evil man.” Roy replied.
    “Indeed.” Ambrose agreed, I nodded.
    “So I’ve heard there is a new outlaw in Realm.” Roy smiled.
    Ambrose laughed. “Ah! Dear friend did you hear the news?” He asked, smiling.
    Roy chuckled. “Why of course!” He exclaimed.
    “Are you outlaws too?” I asked.
    Roy’s smiled vanished and his mouth formed into a cautious line. “I’m afraid so. Melody and I both are because we’ve both refused the King invitation. When we heard Ambrose had become an outlaw we decided to come pay a visit…and stay for future help with the army.” He replied.
    Melody leaped into my lap wearing her wide grin. “So we’re moving in with you!” She exclaimed.
    I smiled. “Great! We can spend more time together!” I shouted.
    “Is it alright Ambrose?” Roy questioned. “We don’t want to be burdens.”
    “You two are not burdens; you are dear friends who now have become a part of our family!”Ambrose reassured.
    Roy smiled. “Thank you dear friend. Thank you.” He said.
    Ambrose grinned. “Your welcome! And besides we will need as many friends in our future battle with the King and his army. You and Melody are just the first recruits!”He exclaimed.
    Ambrose stood up from his chair, “Our family has grown therefore its time for renovations!”He replied.
    “Renovations?” I asked.
    Ambrose looked at me. “Of course! Now everyone go to your rooms and do not come out until I tell you. Roy and Melody can you help me? I’m not sure how you want your rooms to look.” He said.
    “Of course!” Roy and Melody exclaimed, smiling.
    “Great! Now off to your rooms, please!” Ambrose ordered.
    Annalise, Tobias, and I went upstairs and into our rooms closing our doors. I sat on my bed wondering what on earth Ambrose was doing. Suddenly the whole house began to shake! I jumped up from my bed; I walked over to my door and cracked it open.
    “Ah! Rosette, close your door! We’re not done improving the house yet!” I heard Ambrose shout.
    I quickly shut the door. It killed me that he knew everything, what I was doing, what I was thinking, everything! Finally the house stopped shaking, “Alright! Everyone can come out! Take a look at our new house.” Ambrose exclaimed.
    I opened my door again and stepped out into the hallway seeing that the hall had expanded. Annalise and Tobias wore smiles as they noticed the two new rooms and another bathroom. I stood in awe; Ambrose was an astounding wizard and so were Melody and Roy.
    I walked downstairs to see our whole house had expanded and was larger then before. Ambrose smiled, “So how do you like it?” He asked.
    “I-I love it! I can’t believe it!” I exclaimed.
    “Good!”Ambrose said, embracing me in his arms.
    “Rosette, come look at my room!” Melody shouted, grabbing my hand and pulling me up the staircase. We ran down the hallway and approached one of the new rooms that had magically appeared.
    Melody released my hand and led me into her bedroom. I stood in astonishment; the walls were a pale pink which was a beautiful color. There was an enormous bed in the corner, a huge closet as well. Shelves covered the walls; some held books while others carried bottles of very color, shape, and size. There was a stuffed animal mountain in one corner of the room, and some toy animals were scattered across Melody’s pink and white flower designed bedspread.
    Melody jumped onto her bed and began to laugh. “Come sit with me!” She said, wearing her perfect smile, as she patted the spot next to her.
    I smiled as I obeyed. “Do you like my room, Rose?” She questioned.
    “Yes it’s beautiful! You are an excellent designer, Melody.” I completed.
    Melody giggled again, “I know!” She exclaimed, smiling.
    “How old are you, Melody?” I asked.
    “I’m seven hundred and forty eight! Why?” She said.
    I was speechless; this tiny child, who looked like she was five years old and belonged in a preschool or a daycare, was seven hundred and forty eight!? “Rosette, are you ok?” She asked.
    “Huh? Oh yes! I-I just can’t believe your that old.” I said.
    Melody crawled into my lap smiling up at me; her beautiful colored eyes seemed care free. “I’m a witch! I’m immortal!” She laughed.
    I smiled. Duh! I forget about that. “Oh right!” I said. So if this little girl was seven hundred and forty eight years old then how old was Roy? And how old was my Ambrose?
    Melody smiled. “Come on! Let’s go see Roy’s room!” She exclaimed, running across the hall and into the other new room that was Roy Excalibur’s room.
    “Hey wait! Are you sure he won’t mind?” I asked, rushing after her.
    I paused in the doorway of Roy’s bedroom; it was gigantic like all the others but was not what I expected. It was a lot similar to Ambrose’s room with all the books and potion bottles scattered across the floor. A huge closet in the corner, a desk and a red velvet chair like mine, sat by the desk. An enormous bed with gray and navy blue blankets and white fluffy pillows. On the wall were pictures of Roy and Melody, then there were some with Ambrose, myself, Melody, Roy, Aiden, and Tobias, and Annalise.
    I smiled at those pictures; we were all together like a big family. Melody was having fun as she jumped up and down on Roy’s bed.
    “Rosette, come jump with me!” She shouted.
    “Are you sure Roy won’t mind?”I asked again.
    Melody laughed as she jumped up and down on the fluffy bed, “Of course he won’t mind! He jumps with me all the time!” She grinned.
    A smile spread across my face, “Well…OK!” I exclaimed, diving onto the bed and joined Melody in jumping.
    Our laughter filled the atmosphere; I couldn’t remember the last time I had jumped on a bed, but I knew I was having fun! Melody took my hands in her’s and we hopped on the bed hand in hand.
    Footsteps sounded in the hallway, Ambrose and Roy stood in the doorway watching us jump and hop on the giant piece of furniture. I glanced over at them; smiles were written on their faces.
    Melody and I released hands and we came flying down on the bed, laughing and giggling the whole time.
    “I haven’t seen her act like this in years.” Ambrose murmured, still wearing a grin.
    Roy nodded. “And I haven’t heard Melody laugh like that in a while. Once again my friend, thank you for taking Melody and I into your home.” He replied.
    “Enough with thanking me, Roy! Your two are dear friends and I am thrilled to have you in my home.”Ambrose said.
    Roy smiled. “Very well.” He said, softly.