• I gaze upon the people around me.

    All consumed by the creeping darkness.

    The endless, yawning abyss envelops me as I begin to realize that I too, am being consumed by it.

    I fight a weary, tiresome fight. One without hope.

    As I struggle, I soon realize that no amount of blades, arrows, or guns can pierce through this darkness. I am alone, to be consumed like those around me by my own emotions.

    I give up hope, like those around me and let it envelope me. I let it consume my soul.

    I hear a faint whisper in the wind, and I look through the eternal darkness.

    A glimmer of hope. A blessing.

    A hand reaches through the inky void, uttering calm, soothing words.

    I take its hand, and as the creeping darkness slinks away, I gaze on the face of an angel.

    With its help, I lift myself up from that spiraling abyss and realize that she is not alone.

    Behind her, a legion of angels, all guiding me on my path beckon me forward.

    They lend me their hand.

    With their aid, I fight off the monster that consumed many and gaze upon them with a mixture of admiration and gratitude.

    I gaze at myself in the mirror, and see a divine figure staring at me through the reflection.

    I stare once more into the spiraling abyss.

    I smile once more.

    Not because I will be once again consumed by the darkness,

    but because I realize that it is my turn to be a savior to another fallen comrade.