• Elmer Fudd is “wanted” for bring his gun to inappropriate places. At midnight, Mr. Fudd brought his rifle to the airport. Everyone know that this is illegal transport of an item and it can jam the scanner! Additionally, he freaks out the passengers. The next morning, Mr. Fudd was caught bring his rifle to Kids Snipes, the barbershop. Fudd scarce the children and ruin all the bunny toys with his rifle. He scared everyone in that barbershop. The following day was hunting rabbits in a pet shop. He almost ruined the store business by hunt the rabbits! Customers ran out left and right. He causes big damage to the store. Elmer is “wanted wahmbulance " for inappropriate use of his rifle and repayment of the business he ruined.

    Reward If alive "$2"
    If died a shiny penny xd