It was only three hours later, when Linda was taking a very restful nap, that someone checked on her. A knock on the door was not enough to wake her, so the intruder tiptoed into her room. His green eyes were tender, as he walked over to the bed, and brushed a stray hair behind Linda’s ear. She was just as beautiful in sleep as she was in wakefulness. Her slightly pink, perfect lips were parted slightly as her breath came in an even, light whisper. The blanket had been pulled over her, but she seemed to have kicked it off in her sleep. The man pulled the cover back up to her chin when he saw that Linda’s arms were covered in goosebumps. One hand lay face up on the pillow beside her head.
Her intruder’s hand brushed hers, as he pulled the blanket up to her neck. It lingered there, and he twined his fingers into hers. Her hand felt like lilies in the spring as he caressed it softly. On impulse, he leaned over, and kissed her open lips very lightly, closing his eyes as he savored the moment. Her lips, too, were soft, reminding him of the caress of a summer breeze. Her eyelids flickered, and he pulled away quickly, but quietly. In a moment, she was deeply asleep again, and he was no longer in danger.
At that moment, he noticed a sheet of paper on the desk on the other side of the room. Curious, he padded over to it, and picked the letter up quietly. His heart dropped as he read it.
I know that everyone misses me, and I’m so sorry for causing trouble. There is nothing I wouldn’t give to be able to come home to you right you, but I now have obligations here. I promise you though, that when I am done with those obligations, I will come home.
And we will get married. Once I am yours, I will spend every night in your arms, and no one will be able to object.
I will love you forever, and I will be yours forever.
Please recall the search parties. They will not find me, and it is useless to have them out on a wild goose chase.
With My Unconditional love,
P.S. When the nights become harsh, and the loneliness is better you alone have my kiss to remember.
The last sentence of the letter lingered in his head, as the letter slipped from his hands and floated to the floor. Hands frozen, he stood, hit by a wave of desolation. As he fled the room, as quickly as he could, a single, broken sob escaped Aiden’s throat.
- by musicalvendetta2 |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 02/20/2009 |
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- Title: Break My Soul
- Artist: musicalvendetta2
This is just an excerpt from my novel. I hope you like it. If you rate it badly, please explain to me why you didn't like it.
A little background information: Linda is engaged. I think that's kinda all you need to know. - Date: 02/20/2009
- Tags: break soul
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Comments (5 Comments)
- Smashing Heartbeats - 04/12/2009
Nice, love the description[:
Help me comment?
http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/writing/fiction/vote/?entry_id=101271537#title - Report As Spam
- musicalvendetta2 - 03/09/2009
- comment harder....lol
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- Moiralike - 02/27/2009
i love it (:
5//5 - Report As Spam
- Fancy Joesph-Edward - 02/21/2009
- lol aww i love this story smile its amazing a little like stephine Meyers writing its awsome biggrin
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- musicalvendetta2 - 02/21/2009
- comments please?
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