• Chapter 4

    “Please! Don’t hurt me!” Steve screamed as he fought the man in the camper. The alcohol apparently did not affect him during this moment, he was screaming hoping to get the other four to hear him. Though apparently it was done for, and Steve was going to lose this battle.
    “I won’t hurt you, why would I hurt you?” The man with a deep voice said. He wore big brown overalls with a brown leather mask over him. Three holes were poked in the mask, two for his eyes and one for his nose. Only his face was covered and two straps wrapped around the back of his head. Steve noticed that his hair was black, hoping if he made it out alive, he’d report it. “I won’t hurt you, you are going to do it!”

    What? What did he just say? Steve wondered, though he didn’t stop to think. He tried to struggle to get lose from the shirt that has wrapped his two hands together behind his back sitting in the wooden chair; he failed though, the shirt was too tight.
    The big man laughed, and looked right in his eyes, “Stay right here hunny, I’ll be right back!” He walked outside and then there was a silence; overcome by the smell of gas fumes seconds later.
    “What are you doing to me?” Steve demanded, “Who are you?” Why is he doing this to me?
    “What am I doing to you?” The man laughed with sarcasm, “Obviously you don’t know my game yet!” Then the man walked back into the camper and took off his mask. “Now do you realize what’s going on?”
    The man, Steve realized, was a bully back in high school. Steve was scarred because of this guy.
    Steve was scarred by the time this guy threw him over the stairwell and then later was threatened to be killed if he said who did it. “Look at me, dammit!” The guy grabbed his face and looked right in his eyes, “If anyone ever hears about this, I swear I will kill your family right in front of you, then you’re next!” The guy was a true murderer, though he erased all proof that lead to him. “If you don’t tell anyone about this, until next time, I won’t do anything to anyone!” Though Steve knew it was going to happen again soon. When they got to the hospital it was a ‘accidental fall’ down the stairwell. His parents knew he was lying, though Steve refused to say anything about it. After all these years, the man that has put him in the face of death lies right in front of him once again.

    “Why do you want to do this to me?” Steve never knew why this man would do such violent actions to anyone, considering hardly anybody ever got in his way of doing anything in his life.
    “Why!” The man paused, studying Steve’s face. Steve’s appearance has changed dramatically since high school, he was a chubby kid back before he graduated. Later he went out and made his life worth living. Living the high life, got a job and worked out daily at the gym. Now he’s very muscular and is not one to meet in the alley at night, as a lot of people say. “WHY? Is that what you’re wondering?”
    “Yes!” Steve demanded, “I never did a ******** thing to you! Why are you doing this?”

    After a little break of silence, the man spoke. “Because, it’s my life, and my life is simple. If you can’t ******** it, you eat it. If you can’t eat it, you kill it. If you can’t kill it, you break it. If you can’t break it, you burn it. If you can’t burn it, you can’t do s**t.”
    The man walked back outside, and a lot of noise was heard; though it wasn’t loud enough to wake up the other four in the campground. The noise sounded like chairs piling on top of each other, wood splitting, and the noise of the campfire from two hours ago being started up once again with more wood on top of it.
    The light from the fire was becoming present again, and it was a big one too! Steve could feel the heat come off of it all the way from the camper.
    “Here’s the deal, you’re going to play my game, and there is only one rule: you will die if you ******** up. This game is simple, and I think you will enjoy it! Inside of your s**t carrier, I left you a little surprise, it will help you get that shirt off of you. Though if you fail to get it off within the next, I’d say fifteen minutes, you’re gone.”
    This guy is ******** up. “Well, ******** you!” Steve said out loud, hoping it’d be loud enough to wake up at least one of the four.
    He walked in front of the door and looked at Steve in disgust. “Live a good ******** life!” Then slammed the door on him.
    What in the hell am I going to do now? Steve wondered, never had he thought this would ever happen to him. I’m useless right now, I don’t have many other options right now.

    The sound of gas hitting the outside of the camper on the opposite corner of the fire, felt like it was forever to Steve. He knew it was gas because the fumes were making him sick to his stomach. He looked around for something to cut the shirt off with, though there was not much to see. His camper was pretty bare. The only thing he had was a bed, table, refrigerator, stove, and two bunk beds; that’s all the camper had, that’s all he needed.

    Oh my god, what am I supposed to do? Steve looked around, there wasn’t much light though. Only one light was lit in the camper, and it was in the middle, almost anything could be seen, with the dim light.
    Steve tried to search with the chair still strapped to him, and he didn’t know what the guy was talking about.
    The door! Steve realized, What if the door is still unlocked? With that, he went over and tried to open it, it was unlocked but something was wedged up against it from the outside, and it would not budge.
    The gas fumes were becoming stronger and stronger every time Steve tried to take a breath. What in the hell am I going to do? He thought. He started to panic and he struggled to get out of the chair and he fell right on top of it and it split into multiple pieces.
    Gasping for air he managed to get off the chair, splinters covered his arms and a few were in his neck by time he managed to stand up.
    The shirt had not yet been torn off and his hands were still behind his back, he decided to put his arms under his feet and try to relieve himself from having his hands behind his back. He found a way and got it to work. With that so, he got the shirt untied from his wrists by grabbing a knife left in one of the cabinets.

    Then the unexpected happened.
    “Oh s**t! Why in the hell did I do that?” Steve knew this was going to be the end of his time.