Chapter 2- Mega Man Plum

    (Music playing- Intermission/ Megaman Zero "remastered" wink Download

    *John was taking a ride with Giro, Vent, and Aile down a few blocks to the other side of the city where a sign had imprinted "Giro Express delivery service" and then a remote garage door opened automatically. The red and blue motorcycles pulled in slowly and came to a complete stop. Then Giro riding the red motorcycle and Vent in the blue, shut them off. Then Giro had Vent to move some boxes around to help out make off cleaning the garage form clutter and create more room cause Giro was planning to make a place for John to spend the night.*

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    John= That wasn't too bad of a ride Giro. Music not too bad either. Never thought they have lots of good techno and J pop here either.

    Giro= You seem to take as much interests as the twins do. But something bothers me?

    John= .......,

    Giro= You said you were from the past have you not?

    John= Yeah. Im not alone this time. My travel companion Kaolla is left with the Tardis.

    Giro= I see. Vent, Aile, you 2 better go get some rest. We start tomorrow morning and we don't wanna get too tired on our next shift. This time were doing a delivery for a very important client of ours.

    *Vent and Aile go to the next room.*

    Giro= John, come with me. There's something I need to talk to you personally. You are no stranger to biometals are you not?

    John= You mean..... this?

    Model S= John just met me yesterday.

    Giro= I need to talk to you about something I do not feel comfortable with Vent and Aile. Are you familiar with the M.E.G.A. System?

    John= No. My biometals were made from scratch and there all burnt out. It happened when I was confronting the man responsible for the terrors of Abagale and the Elf ward from 100 years back further.

    Giro= So you heard about the elf wars too?

    John= That monster..... Weil slaughtered almost all the population on this planet. All but a few continents. After all the horrors after the Sigma wars and the aftermath from it. Ciel told me everything about it. I was with her when she crated the first biometals.

    Giro= So you are not from that timeline?

    John= No. I come from another dimension. Kaolla, the blonde girl, she cane from another dimension. She was the founder of the Tardis that's been taking me, her and 2 other missing companions through the vortex.

    Giro= There's someone I want you to meet. She will want to hear about this, then you can give us the full detail. For now, why don't you relax and make yourself at home. My... client would also like to examine that lavender biometal as well.

    John= Thanks Giro.

    Giro= Here, you can borrow this futon and pillow.

    John= Do you have a..... nightlight?

    Giro= What?

    John= I don't like being in the complete dark so I need a little lighting to keep myself calm while I sleep.

    Giro= You can use this small lamp then.

    John= Thanks Giro. I really appreciate it.

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *Later at night, John picked up his super phone and called the Tardis to check up on Kaolla.*

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    (Music playing- Professor E Gadd's lab)Download

    John= Hello Kaolla.

    Kaolla (phone)= Yo' Johnny!!

    John= I know it's getting late. Sorry I couldn't call you earlier. I wanted to check up on you to find out how you're doing?

    Kaolla (phone)= Im doing fine. Im working on repairing this blue biometal. Looks like the Model N has been burned badly, I could only get Model X out so it will take some time to fix.

    John= Im over at this place called "Giro's express" and im spending the night over there. You better get some rest too.

    Kaolla (phone)= Im ok silly. I can work on stuff at night so im fine. Don't worry. I'll get some rest. You be careful out there ok?

    John= Oh alright Kaolla. You get some rest and I mean it!

    Kaolla (phone)= ..... good night kiss?

    John= *sighs* Alright then.

    *both making kissing noise over the phone, then John hangs up the phone.*

    (Music dies down slowly)

    Model S= You shouldn't be so worried about her. She did save your life you know?

    John= I don't want to over-push herself ok? You get some rest too.

    Model S=Oh alright then. You know I do not prefer her, still she saved your life I quite much believe in her too.

    John= You are one odd biometal. No you go on and shut down for the night and keep it down. We don't want to waken up the others.

    *John drifted to sleep and Model S closely snug with John as it kept on his side at all times.*

    (Music playing- Sonic goes UG/ Sonic gems collection)Download

    *Meanwhile.....Somewhere else in Area D, there was a huge building in the center that had the appearance of a giant pink flower, it was a beautiful sight with all the highways and cars going by one after another filled the night full of city lights shining white and bright in the dark. The building was none other than Slither inc. Inside the office stood a tall man with big broad shoulders with blade shaped red hair, who was none other than Serpent himself accompanied by a regular office assistant.*

    Serpent= What a day, can't you believe it Regan?

    Regan (the office assistant)= Oh yes sir. Those outbreaks of bizarre aliens attacking the civilians.

    Serpent= I thought the city was supposed to be maverick free and peaceful? What else was there other than the weird disturbance?

    Regan= Well, there were some people spotting a man who closely resembles the mystery man who saved the continent of Abagale 100 years ago.

    Serpent= Really? So he... to.... is a.....Mega Man?

    Regan= Possibly sir. The legend said that he claimed to have at least 12 biometals in that era.

    Serpent= I watched the news myself, but I seen no biometals that resembled the legendary guardians or the mysterious mega men. But one things for certain, he looked as if he bore another biometal. A new and different one. Pink and Lavender. Quite an unusual biometal worn by a man?

    Regan= Most unusual sir. Though HE did manage to defeat those creatures. Some of our men brought a few of there bodies for autopsy and these life forms are NOT anything we seen before.

    Serpent= I want more information about these ..... visitors. What's more is this .... Mega Man im now very interested in. I shall name him after his unusual color he bears.... I shall name him...."Mega Man Plum". Until we can find more about this character, I want to keep a tight lid about the alien creatures.

    Regan= Yes sir.

    Serpent= Mega Man Plum. I want to get to know you better, but where to find you? I must know more....

    (music dies down slowly)

    (Music playing- Morning Morning/ Chobits original soundtrack 1 )Download
    *Meanwhile, the next morning...At Giro Express, John wakes up and stretches and yawns.*

    John= Man, what a night. *moans* This isn't like the time I slept at the Area Zero camp back at that dimension. Whew, I hope Giro has got something good to eat.

    *Suddenly Giro walked in slowly*

    Giro= Morning John. You seem to be waking up, I made some coffee incase you wanted any?

    John= Really? Wow thanks Giro.

    Giro= Aw shucks, don't menson that.

    *Suddenly Model S shot up in the air and began to shout out in a rather disturbing but cheerful blast of surprise as if she was an alarm clock.*

    (Music quickly changes to- Storm in a teacup/ Chobits character songs collection)Download




    *Model S quickly megamerged with John and began to do forced sit-ups, push-ups and body stretches. Vent and Aile stormed down the hallway to find out about the noise.*

    John= MAKE..... IT.......STOP!!!

    Model S= It's time to stretch those muscles and kick that bum out!

    Giro= Geuhhhhhhhh!! I never seen one act like that before!!

    John= It's .... not....MEEEEEEEE!!

    Vent= What is he doing now!?

    Aile= Is he nuts!!?

    *Model S detached herself off John and was back to normal and John was stumbling and going shaky and all bothered.*

    John= What are you doing!!?

    Model S= More to join the group!!?

    *Model S shot herself onto Vent and megamerged with him*

    Vent= AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Oh my GOD!!

    *Aile couldn't resist but laugh and giggle heavily as Model S made Vent do basic EXORCIZES and aerobics against his will.*

    John= Model S!? What are you doing to that poor guy!?

    *Then Model S shot off of Vent and attached herself to Aile and did the same to her.*

    Aile= WHAAAAT!! Hey CUT THAT OUT!!!

    *Model S then shot off of Aile and megamerged onto Giro*

    Giro= AYYYYEHHHHH!!!

    Model S= It's wakey wakey EXORCIZES for you as well blondie!

    *John covered his eyes in embarrassment and Vent and Aile couldn't help but watch Giro there guardian in embarasment do morning EXORCIZES against his will like Vent, Aile and John. Then Model S popped off Giro and left out levitating in the center of the room.*

    Vent= Giro!!! Are you ok!?

    Giro= Yeah..... WOOOOO!!

    Aile= What is THAT THING!!?

    John= Model S! What are you doing to these people!?

    Model S= All done, now all 4 of you are in top morning shape.

    Giro= Well....... I never felt better and embarrassed at the same time before.

    (Music dies down)

    *Aile turns to John*

    Aile= What is that thing!?

    John= It's ...... well......

    Giro= Anyway's we better get going, it's almost time to deliver that package. We have to meet her out in the outlands.

    *Vent and Aile fell into silence*

    John= Huh?

    Giro= What's wrong you two?

    Vent= Nothing.

    Aile= Nothing's wrong.

    *Vent and Aile hopped in the blue motorcycle. John jumped back in the red with Giro in his red motorcycle. Then Model S jumped in John's carry bag and they drove off to the outlands.*

    *While they were driving*

    Giro= Yo John. You like music?

    John= It depends on .... what music to play? Wanna listen to some of mine? *John pulls out an iPod and hooks it to Giro's bike and channels it with Vent's bike.*

    (music playing- running with the night by Lionel Richie/ Grand theft auto- Vice city soundtrack Vol.4 )Download

    Giro= Where did you get this!? I like it!

    Vent= Hey, I never heard anything like this before?

    Aile= I don't recognize it but I like it lots.

    John= It's music from my world. Music I grew up with in the 80's.

    Giro= 80's? I never heard of 80's before.

    John= It's an era I lived once in my life before I began traveling dimensions. It was long long ago. Back in the 1980's.

    Vent= 1980!!?? This is 3053! You got to be a thousand years old!!

    Aile= Are you an alien or something!!?

    John= No. Im a time traveler from that era.

    Giro= Sheesh, you are definitely an odd one, your even older than my ancestors ancestors.

    John= Not even half that pal.

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *So the group drove from the cities and into the sun rising horizon to the direction of the outlands. Further and further they drove. They rode and kept riding until they reached a cliff that had a scenic view of a large forested area and a clear sky. Everyone stopped and got off from the bikes. Vent and Aile stood at the rocks edge starring into the direction of a destination fixed on the horizon of the abandon carnival miles away. Giro was holding a communicator trying to make contact with someone.*

    (Music playing- Awake/ Megaman Z X )Download

    Giro= *Activates hand phone* Giro Express here. I have that package you wanted.

    Girl's voice (phone)= Good. Im so glad it didn't fall into the wrong hands.

    Giro= I will meet you at the rondeveju point.

    Girl's voice (phone)= Thank's Giro. I knew I could count on you.

    Giro= Wait! There's something else as well.

    Girl's voice (phone)= Which is?

    Giro= There is a .... certain someone I want you to meet.

    Girl's voice (phone)= If it's about Vent and Aile you told me about then you already told...

    Giro= No. It's not them, there's this.... visitor. We found him in the town where those monsters attacked. He saved us with some strange.....

    Girl's voice (phone)= You mean..... someone else?

    Giro= Yes. Have you watched the news about the alien attack in the city? This IS the guy that stopped them.

    Girl's voice (phone)= Oh I get it. But..... that's impossible? Was there a big blue box? A box with a white light on top and a description that says "POLICE PUBLIC CALL BOX" right on the top area?

    Giro= Yes.

    Girl's voice (phone)= So...... it's true....... he's back. Im coming over as soon as I can. Thank you Giro.

    Giro= John, I see Vent and Aile starring at that corner. It won't take be but a minute.

    John= Sure thing. I'll stand here and watch the bikes.

    *Giro walks over towards Vent and Aile starring over the horizon both with sad expressions*

    Giro= It's about your mother isn't it?

    Vent= So many years....

    Aile= Mother. Why did she have to die?

    Giro= It's been years since that maverick raid. Your mother intrusted me to protect you two.

    Vent= I promise I will find the one responsible for it all.

    Aile= We will make the one responsible pay.

    Giro= Well, our... client is almost here, so we better get back to the bikes.

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    Vent= Ok.

    Aile= Sure.

    John= *sighs* No sign of trouble so far.

    (Music stops to a halt)

    Giro= Oh well, we might as well.....*huh?*

    John= Hostiles! Look out!!

    (music playing- Crisis Zone/ Megaman Z X )Download

    *Shots from the Galleon troopers fired on the bikes. John dropped to the ground for cover. Giro, Vent and Aile ducked for cover as the plasma shots fired at them*

    Giro= They found us!

    Vent= Damn mavericks!

    John= I gotta get out Model S.

    Model S= Warning warning warning warning this is a critical situation!! Maverick hostiles opening fire! Execute evasive maneuvers!!

    *More plasma shots shot the blue bike and the explosion threw Vent and Aile over the cliff.*

    Vent= AHHHHHHHH!!

    Aile= IYEEEEEEEE!!

    Giro= KIDS!!! John, Im gonna go find my way down there and help them out, you fight off those mavericks!

    John= Gotcha!

    *Model S megamerged with John and attacked the mavericks opening fire*

    John= You think your hot s**t you bots!!

    *Suddenly a flying Galleon hunter fired a grenade at John and as it exploded, John dropped in a hidden pit where the unexplored cave at area A was. John fell in.*

    John= YAWHHHHHHHHH!!!!

    Giro= JOHN!!!

    *What will happen to John and his 3 new friends, stay tuned for more next time.*