Chapter 7 - One rough night

    (Music playing- Cinq Ville - c`est notre espoir / Megaman Z X )Download

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    *The Pillar of Autumn flew through the evening sky quickly and there was a drop off point suitable for John near by. It wasn't too close to the Slither building because Phil didn't want to attract attention and get his ship suspected.*

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    John= Ok, were here. Drop me off. You go to the city and drop off those people at the new station. Get them to warn everyone!

    Phil= Alright John. You better be careful out there.

    *John jumped off the ship's door and landed safely on the pavement of the road bridges and headed towards the Slither inc building. From a distance he saw Vent and Aile already at the Slither inc. building entrance and saw Serpent outside along with Prometheus and Pandora. He also took sight of Giro laying on the ground. John couldn't reach them from where he was. He took off running as fast as possible because he knew his friends were in trouble. John casted (Haste) on himself to rapidly increase his physical speed. John was running without stop.*

    John= I gotta get my a** moving now! Giro and the kids are in trouble.

    Model S= There are mechanloids in our path.

    John= Then Ill cut down all in my path. It's time for us to do all we can. Megamerging with Model X. I need extra firepower.

    Model S=10 4 Johnny. Let's Goooooooooo!

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    *John ran to the highway but there were Capsule shooters in his path. John set his mega buster to auto-charge and fired a full charged shot at one of the Capsule shooters and it's jar busted spilling it's capsules all over the ground. Then a red cyber soul flew out of it and right into John's possession.*

    Model S= This is a bullet type cyber soul. This one allows you to shoot a mess of capsules on the ground hindering ground foes.

    John= Thanks, but im in a hurry here.

    *John shot the rest of the capsule shooters into nothing and jumped over the mess and headed forward. Then a platform shaped object opened up and fired a purple sphere at John and missed him. John shot it again as soon as it opened up for another shot. Then a grey cyber soul flew out as soon as it blew up. The cyber soul flew into John's possession.*

    Model S= This is an ability cyber soul. This cuts the charging weapons in 1/2.

    John= Good! Just what I need.

    *John's auto charge increased to full much faster now. and then a group of Spi-King's rolled toward John's path. John unleashed a full mega buster shot at them and a red cyber soul flew out from one and flew straight to John.*

    Model S= This is another bullet type. You can launch your own Spi-King at your enemies.

    John= Thanks but not right now! Gotta....hurry...

    *Then more trap robots got near John and a horde of Springer's headed towards John's path. John opened fire and the Springer's were all decimated, then another red cyber soul flew out of the rubble and into John's possession.*

    Model S= Another bullet type. You can launch your own springer at your enemies as a mobile bomb.

    John= ......,

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    *Then suddenly, a helicopter noise was roaring in the distance, it was a fly shaped ship called a King flyer. Just like from X's generation but it started to shoot at John. John fired 2 full shots of fully charged shots at it and strafed out of the way of it's projectiles. Then after another full charge of the ol' mega buster, John let loose of another set of fully charged shots and then the king flyer crashed and burnt out, then another cyber soul, this time a blue one flew to John.*

    Model S= This is another guardian cyber soul. You can create a King flyer familiar to help you in battle.

    John= Yeah, thanks.

    *Then there was more galleon troops headed John's way and he smoked all in his path and then he reached a point where he can hear the commotion from the Slither building.*

    (music changes to- Nightmare/ Megaman X 7 )Download

    Serpent= As you see children, we are all what you see. We are called "The Mega Men" We are all part of destiny that requires us to rule this world with our given gift of power from these biometals. I see the Red Megaman resisted our demands and tried to stop us.

    Giro= Vent!! Aile!! RUN! It's a trap! GO!!

    Vent= Im not going anywhere without you!

    Aile= We lost our mother. We will not lose you!

    Prometheus= It's too late kids. Now let's see how good you are with those blue biometals against your big brother buddy.

    Serpent= Ok, blue mega men, let's see how you handle this.

    *There was a big purple light being absorbed in Giro and John heard him scream painfully.*

    Giro= YARGHHHHHH!!!

    John= GIRO!!!

    Serpent= It's Megaman Plum. He's here.

    *John got to the scene and stood right beside Vent and Aile.*

    John= *pants* What the hell is going on here!?

    Giro= *moans painfully* John! Please...... strike me down! KILL ME!!

    John= What!? What the hell did you do to him!!

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    Serpent= Glad to see you joined in on the fun Megaman Plum. I am Lord Serpent. Im glad we can meet at last.

    John= Oh, so your the guy causing trouble here. You were the one sending those damn solders after me! After I defended those people from those space pirates and helped good people, and this is what I get from all this?

    Serpent= Im sorry to say this but this red megaman will be as of a test for the blue megaman children here. Prometheus, this one's yours. Pandora. Stay with me. I need you the most here.

    Pandora= With pleasure.

    John= Your not getting away with this you b*****d!!

    Serpent= Pandora, teleport Megaman Plum and Prometheus somewhere so they will not be in the way while they deal with there affairs.

    *John and Prometheus were teleported away from where the Slither inc. building was to a highway bridge where the scene can be viewed perfectly.*

    Vent= JOHN!!

    Aile= JOHN!!

    Serpent= Now, red megaman, kill them.

    Giro= Ohhhh,...can't....control.... myself...Vent...Aile..... you gotta strike me down. urghhhhh!

    *Vent and Aile prepared themselves to fight there own friend........................Meanwhile at the highway bridge*

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    Prometheus= It's been a long time John! I remember the time you and Miss Ciel hacked into our private channel. Im gona make you pay for what you did to my father!

    John= You an your friend aren't getting away with this.

    Prometheus= *giggles wickedly* Too bad Miss Ciel's not here to see you fail. You will regret for crossing path's with me. Pandora, prepare the special field.

    Pandora (radio)= With pleasure.

    *A field surrounded where John couldn't escape and all his biometals but Model S were disabled.*

    John= What? Model X? Can't use.... Model Pr either.

    Prometheus= A special device we developed after our fathers invention. Not as strong but efficient. No one can save you now, NOW, let's see that girly biometal try to protect you now.

    Model S= John! It's time to show him we mean business!

    (Music changes to- Decisive battle/ Megaman X 7)Download

    *Prometheus charged towards John with his scythe as he swung it at him, but John dashed backwards but John pulled out the space pirate weapon and fired the galvanic shots at Prometheus and he took the damage, but then Prometheus released a set of 4 floating purple flamed skulls that shot purple balls of flames at him. John had to dodge the fire and Prometheus held his hands up and blades shot from the ground and tried to sever John. John used the new bullet cyber souls the Spi King soul and flung Spi Kings toward's Prometheus and one hit him, but he sliced the others.*

    Prometheus= Nice trick Johnny. This isn't the same girly biometal from before. You must have gained some new skill. Too bad you and those brats won't live to show them off!

    John= Ill show you I got more than biometal power, Ill show you!

    *John casts (Thunder 2 ) on Prometheus and he took damage from it.*

    Prometheus= Damnit! Something we reploids can't use.... magic. You think you got a chance? So be it fool!

    *Prometheus formed purple flamed skulls and threw them at John and they exploded in the air around the spots John was. John used another cyber soul springer. He launched a few Springer's at Prometheus and he dodged them but one landed on him and hit him. But John also took a hit from the purple skull as well. John then used another cyber soul, the king flyer guardian soul and summoned a king flyer familiar and it fired plasma shots at Prometheus but he used his scythe as a rolling shield to block the pellets of plasma. John used the opportunity to cast another spell. John casted (Water 2) on Prometheus and made him flinch and the king flyer bullets rained down on him like an open target.*

    Prometheus= Guahhhh! Serpent.... Lord Serpent...... I need help here. ..... urgh...

    Serpent (radio)= What's wrong Prometheus?

    Prometheus= Megaman Plum IS indeed stronger than we thought. Im taking too much damage. I need to retreat!

    Serpent (radio)= Ok, come back here now. Pandora, take over for Prometheus.

    Pandora (radio)= With pleasure.

    *Prometheus teleported out of the scene and Pandora appeared.*

    John= Prometheus you coward!

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    Pandora= John! I found you at last. Now I will continue where Prometheus left off!

    John= I like to see you try it!

    *Pandora summoned flying spheres that shot ice and lightning around the area raining on John but John dodged out of the way even some did hit him. John used another cyber soul and equipped Cutting gyro, Whirling 44, and Eyebaloon. John fired the wide beams at Pandora. She dodged and teleported out of the way and sent more flying bolts of ice and lightning towards John. John pulled out Colonel's old saber and sliced the orbs that got too close to him and dashed near Pandora and jumped right into her with his jump turned into a spin jump attack from the cyber soul of the Whirling 44. Pandora teleported out of the way and sent an electric stream on the ground but John jumped and used the Cutting gyro's power and hovered upward and fired his space pirate blaster at Pandora. Pandora Teleported at John batting him with her staff and John was falling, but John used the cutting gyro soul to break his fall and then John whipped another magic attack (Rock storm) which was a Rock/Wind element attack which engulfed Pandora and had her spinning with rocks pelting on her. Then she teleported and fell to her knees.*

    Pandora= Prometheus was right.... you are quite a challenger.

    John= If you wanna live you teleport me back down there NOW!!

    *John dashed towards Pandora and forced her to use her teleport ability*

    John= Im back!!!

    Serpent= Megaman Plum!? You are definitely formidable. But your too late.

    (Music dies down slowly)

    John= What?

    Serpent= Look over there. Pandora downloaded the kids biometal data while Prometheus stalled you.

    John= Giro.... GIRO!!

    *John ran towards Giro and held him up as he was lying on the floor.*

    Giro= ...John.... im...so ... glad ...I ....have ...met you.

    John= Hang in there Giro.

    Serpent= It's too late. His body has already gone critical.

    Vent (crying)= He made us fight! He disabled our biometals.

    Aile (crying)= He...forced us to fight. Pandora.... copied something.....

    John= ........,

    Serpent= As you see...... your too late. Now these children cannot be of any use, I have to take my leave now.

    Prometheus= I will not let you come closer John!

    Pandora= We may be weak now, but we will guard Serpent with our lives.

    John= .........,

    *John casted (Aero 2 ) then Prometheus and Pandora were blown off the highway ramps and John gave a cold silent stare at Serpent for what he did today.*

    Serpent= Huh..... Magic. Your work is quite impressive. I need to see you battle for myself.

    John= Vent, Aile.... Guard Giro and cut down any in your path. Ill take care of HIM!

    Serpent= So be it megaman Plum. I will..... huh?

    *Serpent's pager was going off.*

    Lab staff (radio)= BOSS! We got trouble the rubble...it's growing unstable.

    Serpent= Fix it them. Im too busy.

    (Music playing- Trinity/ Megaman Z X )Download

    *John and Serpent teleported back to where John fought Prometheus and Pandora, Vent and Aile could see the 2 at the top. Then Giro gave Vent and Aile his Model Z and Model X and Model Z formed together for both Vent and Aile and it became Model Z X. Then a few galleon hunters approached and they sliced down the robots.*

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    Vent= Let's protect Giro together.

    Aile= Now we will help John!

    (Music changes to- Dark Samus/ Metroid Prime 2)Download

    *Vent and Aile heard screams and cries from people in the building of Slither inc. and the door flew open and a figure resembling Zero emerged. He faced Vent and Aile.*

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    Vent= Who are you?

    Aile= Another Giro?...It can't be..

    Omega Zero= *chuckles* Kids..... Where is HE!

    Vent= He who?

    Aile= I don't know what your talking about. Just HE?

    Omega Zero= *nods head no* Where is that human. The one who .... did this to me? I must release my master with him. Tell me now and I will spare your pathetic lives.

    Vent= What?

    Aile= Pathetic? HA!

    Omega Zero= Very well. I guess if you will not tell me, I will have to dig for clues from your chard remains.

    *He draws his saber and it glowed the same color as his helmet gem and eyes. Gives a cold look*

    (Music changes to- Tempest city/ Blast corps)Download

    Vent= Stay with Giro!

    *Omega Zero charged and grabbed Vent and flings him across the highway and had him tumbling over rubble of broken robots they destroyed. Then Vent took out his blaster and started to shoot him but Omega Zero took all the shots like they were nothing and charged again. Vent got back up and jumped over him and performed a Tempest on him, but it didn't do to much damage and Omega Zero grabbed Vent and ran fast towards more shattered king flyers and threw him right into it. Aile appeared and fired a few charged shots on Omega Zero but it did not do too much damage on him. Omega Zero slid on the ground and performed a rising bicycle kick on her. Vent got back up and tried to slice him from behind, but Omega Zero pulled his saber and blocked Vent's from behind and performed a cyclone kick sending Vent and Aile flying.*

    *meanwhile.......John was facing off with Serpent as he was megamerged with Model W as he fired rangaroc shots at John, but with the anti-biometal shield down, John was free to use his other biometals. John had Model X duel merged with Model S.*


    John= We will finish this some other time Serpent!

    *John dashed away and he recognized Vent and Aile's attacker.*

    John= It can't be!! IT CAN'T BE HIM!!

    *John took a lunge off from the highway ramp and jumped from one galleon hunter from another. John wall kicked the pillars of the highway ramps to get to the Slither inc. building.*

    *Omega Zero was performing his rush attacks on Vent and Aile and sent them flying again.*

    Vent= Guard Giro now Aile!

    Aile= We need to do something! He's too powerful Vent!!

    Vent= I gotta try!

    Aile= VENT!!

    *Vent charged again and this time he was firing charged shots but Omega Zero dashed and elbowed him from one area to another and Vent couldn't get out of the combo, then Omega Zero held Vent up high and sent him flying up against the Slither inc. building. Vent slowly moved off and fell right to the ground and was not moving.*

    Aile= VENT!!

    John= Don't you DARE TOUCH HER!!

    (Music dies down slowly)

    Omega Zero= ........., John. I remember our last meeting. You only lucked out since our last meeting. Alright kids, consider yourselves lucky tonight! I came for what I wanted.

    John= Vent?......

    Model S= Vent has been injured badly. Giro is suffering severely

    Omega Zero= You are coming with me now!

    John= HELL NO!! Not after what you did to Vent!

    Omega Zero= Maybe this will encourage you desires.

    *Omega Zero fires his blaster aimed at Aile's direction but Giro was spotted running crippled shoving Aile out of the way and the shot hit Giro instead.*

    John= GIROOOOOO!!

    Music playing- On the hill at night/ Tales of Symphonia)Download

    *Aile screamed in horror. Now Giro was nearly motionless and John dashed towards there position.*

    John= Giro.....

    Giro= John.... I leave ...Vent ... and...Aile...in ...your ...care.....Take ... Model Z.

    Aile= Giro...... *crying*

    Giro= Give...him...that...

    *Aile removed her biometal, and the biometal Vent wore teleported off him and became the biometal piece and she handed it to John.*

    Giro= Thank..you..John...*he moved no more and fell stiff, then his body glowed and disappeared and a red light flew away*

    John= Giro...Giro...GIROOOO!! Noooooo!

    *John fell silent and turned to Omega Zero with his heart now racing in fury.*

    (Music immediately changes to- Double/ Megaman X 4)Download

    John= You son of a b***h!!!

    *John in anger dashed towards Omega Zero in uncontrollable rage tackled Omega Zero and jumped off the highway road and onto the lower highway road below and tumbled and hit the ground.*

    Omega Zero= That's it Johnny, let your hate and anger loose! The better I can soften you up so I can deliver you to my master.

    John= GUAHHHHHH!!!


    *John using cyber soul power of the Spi King and sent many on Omega Zero and casted (Omega flare) onto him. But it didn't stop Omega Zero there. He darted and and charged towards him. John dashing away and jumped from one highway ramp to another luring him away from Vent and Aile. But he ran into a dead end and John held Model ZX and merged with it. Model S was still intact as well, John dashed and with the Z saber and blaster set to auto.*

    John= Model S, we got to stop him before he kills more people!!

    Model S=Let's do it Johnny!!

    John= Start using those cyber souls baby! We need'en now!!

    *John equipped cyber souls Sentry drone (guardian), Whirling 44 (enchantment) and Eyebaloon (bullet) and charged after Omega Zero and fired eyebaloon eye beams at him and dashed with all his might and fired at him. Omega Zero took his saber and deflected the beams with his saber attacks and performed a thrusting kick but John jumped over him and performed a homing jump attack on him, but it didn't slow him down much nor damaged him well. Omega Zero turned quick and fired a few shots on John, but John got struck and fell and tumbled on the ground. John lying on the floor with pain.*

    John= Urghhhhhh!!

    Model S=John, we must abort attack. We can't fight him. He's way too strong.

    Omega Zero= Is THAT all you GOT!? These puny little abilities from these mechanloid scrap toys? Those kids and that father head?

    John= You..... im...gonna make you.... pay.....

    Omega Zero= Even with magic you can't beat me. I may been stiff for a hundred years and not in full capacity but I am all powerful. You have no chance of resisting.

    John= Like hell I will!!

    Model S= I can recover and sustain this damage but your going to get hurt from within. You can't take it!

    John= Im...gona finish this.... *pant pant*

    Model S= JOHN!!!!

    *Suddenly Model FA appeared and began to glow like crazy*

    (Music dies down slowly)

    Omega Zero= Just like the one that sustained my master. I need that to...

    Model FA= You will not touch him!

    Omega Zero= What's the meaning of this?

    Model FA=He shall not be yours to take, neither was the one's life you claimed.

    Omega Zero= I have no more time for this. If Prometheus and Pandora saw me now, it would ruin the operation. YOU WILL COME WITH ME NOW!

    Model FA=NO!!

    (Music playing- Pitch black intrusion/ Castleveinia, Dawn of sorrow)Download

    *The black colored light wrapped John over like a blanket in dark light and Model S became a hand held biometal form again, but John was getting absorbed in the black cloak of energy and was taking form of it. The helmet was gold with the same earpieces as Model C, including the long white/blonde hair that shot out and John's body was clothed in navy black jackets and tight abdominal leather like biometal matter. John was megamerged with Model FA.*

    Omega Zero= This can't be happening. I can hear the Pillar of autumn and that pink ship. John! Consider yourself lucky tonight, but until next time, you will be mine.

    *Omega Zero teleports away*

    John= That monster! I got to get to Vent and Aile!

    *John performed the highest jumping ability like Model C and jumped from highway ramp to another and back to the Slither building where Vent and Aile was.*

    Vent= uhhhhhh... Aile.....John.....

    Aile= *crying* Oh Vent.

    John= Aile, The ships are here.... Tell them what happened tonight.

    Aile= But...*-ugh* (Aile faints)

    John= AILE!! .......... I gotta take them both to the hospital.

    *John picked up Vent and Aile and jumped all the way up on top of the slither building. John standing on the tipped part of the building holding Vent and Aile the Pillar of Autumn approached first. Aboard the pillar of Autumn.....*

    Phil= It's John! Vent and Aile look like there in bad shape.

    Kos-Mos= It appears that way.

    Phil= Im gonna open the frequency to the other ship. *picks up microphone* Prairie, this is Phil.

    Prairie (radio)= Phil, that isn't John in that biometal I gave him isn't it?

    Phil= It's John alright. He's got Vent and Aile. No sign of Giro.

    Prairie (radio)= I want to save them!

    Phil= I'll take care of this Prairie, I don't want to get your ship suspected. It's my fault for being so late. My ship's sensors indicated there was some fighting and disturbance.

    Prairie (radio)= Well, ok, im going to withdraw. Just be careful and take care of them.

    Phil= Ok. You better go now. Over and out. *ends transmission* Ok Kos, lower us down there.

    Kos-Mos= Yes captain

    *The pillar of Autumn lowered to the Slither inc. building and the hatch opened and John made a fast leap in the ship and the hatch closed and the ship took off.*

    (Music dies down slowly)

    John= Oh, Vent, Aile. PHIL!! We need to get these guys to the hospital.

    Phil= No can do John. I already flown in too close the the Slither building. Now the ship's been suspected.

    John= Oh Phil, im so sorry.

    Phil= We need to rendezvous with Prairie in order to get Vent and Aile to the hospital safely.

    John= Any word from Kaolla?

    Kaolla= Im here Johnny!

    John= Kaolla. Your safe, that's great.

    Kaolla= What's that your wearing?

    John= It's Model FA, the biometal Prairie held for Ciel to give to me.

    Phil= Ok, I need to check you out for injuries. Time to take off the biometal.

    John= Ok.

    *John held his hand in biometal disabling position, but it did nothing. Model FA did not come off.*

    Phil= ?

    John= What? I can't get it off.

    Model FA= Protection mode enabled. Unauthorized time period.

    John= Since when biometals need a freakin time period? This doesn't make sense? Im gonna be like this all night.

    Phil= We got to get Vent and Aile to the hospital quick. Be better worry about Model FA later.

    John= Kaolla! Do you have the Tardis inside this ship?

    Kaolla= As a matter of fact I do Johnny.

    John= GOOD! Lets fire it up!

    Phil= John, are you ok being seen like that?

    John= Well, I do need a cover up or a trench coat or something?

    Phil= Ok, Ill help. Kos-Mos, you take over and fly the ship.

    John= Hey, your ship's computer is picking up Prometheus and Pandora's bio-signals. Change of plans, You go with them, Rush, go with Phil and Kaolla. Kossy, get me near the signals of those 2 reploids so I can catch up to them.

    Kos-Mos= Yes captain John sir.

    Model FA=2 reploid signatures confirmed.

    John= Yes, I ....know that now. Thanks.

    *The Tardis began to de-materialize when the pillar of Autumn came close to Prometheus and Pandora's location. John took a jump off a few stories from the air, never doing that with other biometals since Model FA can filter out John's fears and sensitivity to extreme heights.*

    (Music playing- Track 16/ MDK 2 )Download

    Prometheus= That John! When I ever see him again he's dead meat!

    Pandora= Lord Serpent must be worried now. We better get back.

    *John landed on the ground right in front of them after taking a few drops and jumps from building to another.*

    John= Prometheus, Pandora, I need a word with you two.

    Prometheus= YOU!!

    Pandora= He's back.

    John= I want to talk,im not here to fight.

    Prometheus= Talk to us, after what you pulled off tonight!!?

    Pandora= You seem to have a strange biometal..... but familiar. Not the same as the one back from Abagale?

    Prometheus= I don't care what biometal you use, IM GONNA KILL YOU!!

    Pandora= Prometheus, NO!!

    *Prometheus dashed towards John with his scythe and tried to slash John but John grabbed him by his arms and threw him across the ground and into a trash dumpster like he was nothing*

    Pandora= PROMETHEUS!!

    John= He's fine. But I want to know why is Omega Zero here!? He nearly killed 2 of my new friends and killed Giro. I demand answers!

    Pandora= I know nothing about this... Omega Zero??

    Model FA= Perhaps you know more than you think Miss Pandora.

    Pandora= Im in no liberty to tell you anything you crazy biometal! Neither to you John!

    Model FA= Speech is not necessary, I shall extract it like you did with those children and Girouette up in the Slither inc. building.

    *Model FA's ear pods opened up and metallic cables shot out from them and wrapping Pandora like a jellyfish snaring prey, Pandora was struggling to fight them off but it was no use. Then few of the cables attached to her head and she began to scream in pain and fear. Prometheus emerged from the trash can and saw the sight*

    Prometheus= PANDORA!!

    *Prometheus charged at John but a free cable grabbed him and flung him across the way and slammed him to a brick wall.*

    John= Woah....Pandora's mind! It's so...... urghhhhhhh.

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *Suddenly John felt faint and fell unconscious and the cables detached from Pandora completely and John's eyes glowed amber and jumped across the buildings a few stories high and darted across the city. Prometheus ran towards Pandora.*

    (Music playing- The Grudge/ Tales of Symphonia)Download

    Prometheus= Pandora?

    Pandora= He.... he know's what we are planning. Omega Zero..... is...still alive.

    Prometheus= NO! Omeg.... No way!!

    Pandora= The biometal uploaded everything from my memory banks. I tried to resist. It... was just... to strong.

    Prometheus= Well, this... Omega Zero better watch out cause im gonna get John before HE does!

    Pandora= The biometal downloaded it's data to me as well. That biometal.... is called Model FA. The sister biometal to Model C.

    Prometheus= I don't care about that crap! I want John's head!

    *John was gone from there sights and standing alone on top of a skyscraper, John stood there silently staring at the moonlight, the big pink ship of the guardians flown near John's position, then John took a giant leap but with Prairie standing outside and as John jumped on the deck, Prairie ran to John and gave him a big worried like hug.*

    Prairie= JOHN!! I heard what happened!

    John= Prairie... im so sorry about this. Being late to report and all. I know what the Space pirates are up to. It's big. Me and Phil saved a few civilians.

    Prairie= Vent, Aile...Giro. Are they safe? Are they ok?

    John= I got attacked by Serpent's thugs. Vent and Aile were attacked by an old enemy of mine. They got injured badly.

    Prairie= Vent.....Aile.....no.

    John= It get's worse.. *slightly sniffling* Giro...... that Omega Zero!! He. ....

    Prairie= Giro?


    Prairie= OH ...John!!!

    *Prairie grabs John tightly and begins to fiercely cry, and John held on to her and stroked her long blonde hair as he did with Ciel when he was in Abagale. John now having worried thoughts about Vent, Aile, Kaolla, and even for Phil and more friends. But also having a hatred for a reploid who killed another reploid forced to kill a reploid friend who saved his life from another....Omega Zero. Can John gain enough strength to challenge the Space Pirates, Cybermen, and Omega Zero? Find out next time.*