• necromancer: one who practices divination by conjuring up the dead

    "Amber...Amber" a voice hissed from the darkness. Amber's brown eyes shot open and she rose from her bed with no hesitation.
    "Hello." She responded with confidence.
    "You can hear me, but can you see me?" the voice quivered.
    "Make yourself visible."
    "I am...t-too dark."
    "I normally sleep in complete darkness. Let me light a candle." Amber got out of the bed and made her way over to a drawer with complete gracefulness. She pulled her black hair into a pony tail and lit the candle.

    "Now then, where were we?" Amber called out into the darkness as she placed the candle on the floor.
    "You were going to help me...r-r-right?" the timid voice responded.
    "That's what I'm here for."
    "Right." And with that, a young girl (around Amber's age) appeared in the glowing light. She had thin blonde hair and a worn and tired face. Her gray eyes were filled with pain and she was dressed in a simple baby blue t-shirt and jeans. "My name is Katie. I was sixteen. I was killed in a car accident."

    "Okay, so no foul play?" Amber questioned with a finger on her lip.
    "Well...the driver who hit me was drunk."
    "Awful. So I've heard. But I've accepted it. It's my mother who hasn't accepted it."
    "It must have been very hard for her to lose a daughter..."
    "Yes...but it's been at least 5 years now. I want her to be happy once more and not pine after me. She has a life; I do not."
    "You're handling this very maturely."
    "Amber, you're one of the very few people who can see and hear me. Can you please give this to my mother and they her that I love her?" Katie held out in her small pale hands a simple silver locket.

    "Of course I will." Amber choked out as her tears fill her eyes.
    "Please don't cry...I've seen too many people cry over me, my death, and my story." Katie pleaded. Amber shook her head and understood Katie's wishes. But every time a new ghost came for help...it still brought tears to hear their story and think of the laugh they may have had. "My mother lives in your neighbor hood... Mrs.Hudgings?"

    "Oh...she and her husband live a few houses down. Don't you have a brother?" Amber simply said.
    "Yes. David."
    "He just started college." Katie shook her head in response and began to fade away.

    "Thank you, necromancer." Katie whispered before completely fading.

    Amber put the locket in a special box and blew out the candle. She hit the button on her alarm clock, and the red numbers blinked 3:35 AM at her. Pulling the covers over her head and holding on to her stuffed bear, she rolled over and went back to sleep.

    Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

    A groan came from Amber as she hit the snooze button. She rolled over and tried to ignore the alarm clock. But it wasn't long before she heard it go off again, yet louder.


    "Gahhhhhhh! I hear you! Shut up!" Amber groaned while hitting the snooze button rapidly.

    "Amber! Wake up!" her father said while pounding on the door.
    "Go away!" Amber yelled,

    Amber knew she was going to lose the fight against time, but she felt like it was worth it. After all, this was just a normal morning routine. She rolled out of bed and headed towards the mirror. "Good morning, gorgeous!" Amber cheerfully greeted her own image and the pushed her bangs to the side and brushed her hair into place. Washed her face, brushed her teeth, put on eye liner, grab Dance Gavin Dance band tee, and black skinny jeans was all she needed to do to get ready.

    "Good morning, parental units." she announced from the stairs as she marched into the kitchen.
    "Good morning, spawn. Ready for school?" her dad laughed.
    "Yep yep."
    "Do you have enough gas in the Land Rover, hon?" her mom asked while making scrambled eggs.
    "Yep yep."
    "Have you taken your meds too?"

    Her father, Dr. John Desort, let out a sigh, and her mother, Elain Desort, glanced worriedly at Amber.

    "No, mom. I haven't" Amber admitted. Her eyes went down to cereal bowl as she avoided contact with her parents.
    "You have to take it if you want to feel better." her dad sternly said.
    "Yeah...I know. Do we have the pills down here?"
    "We sure do!" her mom perked up at the sight of her daughter willingly take her "meds."

    Amber willingly took her meds that she knew were of no use. Yet she was tired of therapy and tests. If she went along with the diagnosis they'd leave her be. Amber had an episode last year where she went into a hysterical fit and hearing voices and seeing people that weren't there. Dr. Desort was a main of science and refused to believe his daughter could "see" things; there must have been some reasonable explanation. Henceforth, Amber was diagnosed as a schizophrenic. She learned to play along and accept what others wanted. But in her heart, she knew she was living a lie.

    Amber had no friends at school. Who would want to be seen with the crazy girl? She read at lunch and spent her time listening to her iPod. Nothing would ever be the same, and she had accepted that.

    After school, Amber made a quick trip down her neighborhood to Mrs.Hudging's house. The house looked similar to the rest in the neighborhood, but it had a small pond in the front and a well kept garden.

    Ding-Dong Ding-Dong

    The doorbell sang as Amber hit it.
    "Hello?" a tired looking Mrs.Hudgings answered.
    "Hello, Mrs.Hudgings." Amber said as cheerfully as possible, but saw the disgust in those steel blue eyes of Mrs.Hudgings. Who would want the crazy girl coming up to their house?
    "Are you selling something, dear, if so I--"

    Amber simply held up the locket. Sometimes words were never useful in explaining one's purpose, but Amber knew this action would show why she was there.

    "Oh my...please...come in." a newer Mrs.Hudgings said as a light seemed to shine off her.
    "My pleasure. Thank you."