• A small hand lay in a pool of blood. How gruesome. Who could ever harm a child? The psychotic mother who bore it. Was it out of anger or out of fear that a mother would even consider harming their own? The reason is unknown for this poor five-year-old girl. She is lucky to have survived her mother's psychotic attack. The woman was in an affair and went mad from both families asking questions about her. So she felt guilty, and decided to kill her first family. She had burst into the home with a gun and a knife in her hand. First she killed her husband who was peacefully sleeping on the couch. One bullet through the head. Next, was her son. He had just come home from a party when he heard a gun shot. The boy was shot at point blank. Hit in the chest by the woman's last bullet. Blood welled from the wound as the newly formed hole in the boy's chest filled with the hot, red liquid.
    What the woman didn't expect is her young daughter to walk in as this all happened. Tears ran down her perfect rosy cheeks down to the cold wooden floor. She held her only safety in her hands, a teddy bear. Her older brother had given that to her as a present. He was all she ever knew. Her loving parents were all she ever knew. The mother screamed profanities at the girl to try and ward her off so she didn't have to kill her youngest child.

    The little girl screamed back....

    Splash. The mother had lost her mind at that moment. She couldn't bring herself to kill her own daughter, so....she killed herself. The woman shoved the pointed end of the knife into her own neck and fell to the floor with a bloody smile on her face. She mouthed the words 'I love you' to her daughter as she fell. The girl screamed and ran over to her mother.

    The neighbors across the street heard all the commotion and ran over to find the problem. What they saw made them advert their eyes in disgust. A young girl with her hand in the pool of blood forming around her older brother. He was still alive. The man and wife swiftly called the emergency number, and within moments the emergency team arrived. The young girl screamed as police dragged the girl in the blood-soaked nightgown to a car. She struggled and kept calling out the name of her dying brother. The two police men did what they could to keep the girl quiet. They tried to tell her that he will be fine when they both knew that he wouldn't last much longer. They secured her in the car and drove off.

    Blackness covered the colors and sounds of the scene. Fear rushed over her as she began to sweat profusely. The teenager's eyes snapped open as she screamed out the name of her brother. Her arms and legs were tied to a bed, and the room was dark and dirty. She lay her head back down upon her pillow and sighed. It had been eleven years since the murder and suicide of her father and mother.
    Every night she has the dreams....

    And every night, it's just as painful...