• I hated rich people, they thought money could get them everything! GAH! Well there are a few rich people who aren’t that bad, Tenshi, Sophia, and Mark. Everyone else who was rich, I hated. Newsflash richies, what we call rich people, money doesn’t buy everything.

    Hey, I’m Kita, you’re average teenage girl. I like shopping, don’t like school, always have to look my best, cares for others, I think you get it. Anyway, for some reason practically every guy I meet ends up liking me, as in completely head-over-heels in love. I don’t know why, I’m not special or anything. Its kinda annoying, I’ve had to turn down a lot of guys cause of this and since I don’t like hurting people it’s kinda of hard. The only guys I don’t care about are the richies. Unfortunately, some of them were pretty persistent. Most of them gave up after the first few times. This is where my story starts…….

    I had just managed to get all but one of the richies to leave me alone and give up because I would NEVER go out with them. The last guy, Kareshime, thought he was the best that everyone wanted to be him, that he was God’s gift to women. He would not give up! I’d told him a million times no, screamed at him, hit him, I’ve done just about all I can do short of filing a law suit, but he could not get it through his thick head that I hated him! His latest attempts were to try and bribe me with gifts. I didn’t care, no matter what it was, I didn’t care because it was from a richie.
    “Hey babe!” he said as he appeared, seemingly out of nowhere but I bet he was following me, stalker. I glared at him as I replied, “ Go away! I hate you! As in a NEVER want to see or hear you! I want you dead! GO AWAY!”
    “You don’t really mean that, come on babe, stop playing hard to get. We both know you’re lying.”
    I growled at him before hissing at him, venom dripping from every word, “ I. Hate. You. What part of that don’t you get you moron!”
    “Still playing hard to get, I’ll give you $100 to stop playing around.”
    I hit him as hard as I could before I screamed at him, enraged.
    “I am a person! I am NOT for sale! Money doesn’t buy everything! Now leave me ALONE!”
    With that said, I left him there, stunned, with a bloody nose. I was furious ,and at the same time, a little scared. Kareshime always got he wanted, always. And what he wanted was me. Thought I knew this I never would have thought that he would go so far to get what he wanted…