• The first time I met her was possibly the worst day of my life. Her name was Taylor, and, although going to my pretty large highschool and sharing some of my classes, I had never actually met her. As the raging fire ripped through my quaint house, I found myself oddly comforted by her presence. I knew her twin brother. Everyone knew him. While Taylor was cool, spunky, and her style could be considered punk-like, but she was a sweet girl. Her brother was a jock. Big time. In our first year of highschool, he made the co-captain of the football team, captain of the hockey, soccer, and tennis teams. Me, well, I was weird. I mean, I'm pretty enough. I'm not ugly, and I'm often called beautiful. I have a nice body, long brown hair(which I often straighten), icy blue eyes, and a pretty good fashion sense. I wear whats comfortable, but like to look good. I might be considered “popular”, but it was not beneath me to be seen clinging to my class mate as my house burnt to the ground.

    She invited me and my own twin sister, Jasmine, to live with her while our house was rebuilt. Our parents would be staying at out summer home. Jasmine, Taylor, and I wore the same sized clothes, so that wasn't an issue. They lived in a large house, with a one bed guest-room(which was occupied, but we'll get to that later), and another two bed guest-room, in which we were staying. Things were weird for the first weeks, but we got used to it. Liam, who was a year older than us with a serious attitude problem, lived in the other guest-room. Liam Casadan was Taylor and Cory's cousin, and was living with them after being expelled from his last school.

    I first met him on the Friday following the fire. I had just gotten out of the shower in the bathroom that connected the two guest-rooms when he entered. I pulled the towel tightly around me, blushing. He frowned slightly. “You must be Jasmine.” he said bitterly. I shook my head. “Jenna.” I corrected, causing him to frown even more. He was a 'bad-boy' and it really pissed me off. He grunted a whatever and left. I quickly tied my robe around me and wandered back into the room I shared with Jasmine. I looked at the pile of clothes Taylor had offered us the night before, and dug through. I pulled out a short black and red plaid skirt, a hot pink tank-top with black skulls on it, and pink and black foot less tights. After slipping into the clothes, I glanced at myself in the mirror. I was startled by the perfect way the clothes fit me, and how well they made me look. I slipped my feet into a pair of black and red flats and hurried downstairs for breakfast.

    The only people in the kitchen were Cory, Taylor's brother, and Liam. Jasmine left at six for band and Taylor was just waking up. It was Cory who first spoke, as I was pouring a small bowl of Lucky Charms cereal. “Ah, I'd never thought I'd see the day when Jenna Mason would be in my house. I just never expected it to be like this.” he said, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. He liked me, and he didn't try to hide it. I shrugged him off and sat at the table. Taylor wandered downstairs, chipper and looking her usual. Her outfit was similar to mine, but all black and red. Her bright red hair was floating loosely in waves around her face.

    We sat together at lunch and became best friends. We talked through our classes, and our sudden friendship caught people by surprised, but it was reasonable. She had taken us in and gave us a place to stay.


    It was during the second month of my stay when I noticed Liam hanging around my room, or locker, or classroom. But he was only 'taking a call' or 'visiting friends', but I knew he was lying. Nobody called him and he didn't have very many friends. He started showing up everyday at school, sitting through all of his classes, and sat with us at lunch. Finally, I got the non-verbal answer I was looking for. I was just joking around with Cory when it happened. “You know you want me.” I cooed at Cory, and in the corner of my eye, I caught Liam staring at me and blushing. Like, little boy with a big crush kind of blush. Smiling softly at him, I turned back to the conversation.

    He caught me in the stairwell after school. I had come from my locker and stopped in the stairwell to chat with a teacher about an upcoming test in one of my classes. When the teacher left, I noticed him standing across the large platform. With about three or four strides, he had me pinned to the wall with his lips pressed firmly to mine. My muscles tensed, but when he parted my lips with his tounge, I melted. He must have noticed, because his kiss became stronger. It touched my soul. But then it was over. He glanced into my eyes and left without a word.

    He stayed in his room all night and left early the next day. I couldn't stop thinking about him. I finally caught up to him at home after school that day. He hurried into his room when he saw me and locked the door to the outside. So I went through the bathroom. “We need to talk.” I said. He faced me and shifted his weight to the other foot. All the words I had planned to say to him faded from my mind, and I could only think of one thing. His kiss. I took a step forward and wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my lips to his. We kissed for a few minutes before he pulled back and whispered exactly what I wanted to hear. “I think I love you.” he said, smiling at me softly. I kissed him again and we were the newest couple in the school. I told Jasmine first, then Taylor. Let Cory find out from his friends.


    We stayed strong for the next few years. My final year he was required to take another year to get the credits he missed when skipping school. So we were together that year. We had our last period together. I was back at my own home, which was re-built, but I still spend every night there, if not with Liam then with Taylor. I enjoyed our class together. We graduated together, and we both accepted into the University of Ottawa, but in different majors. He was majoring in Languages, and I in Information and Media Studies. We had our whole lives planned out together. But that was turned upside down on the last day of highschool.
    Nobody knows why he did it. Some say it was my fault, but most don't blame me. I know Liam wouldn't have. I guess I should elaborate, no matter how painful the topic. On the last day of school of my final year in highschool, Cory, who was in my last period, decided to be really stupid. He bought a gun from another student and brought it to class. His first shot was to the ceiling, to scare everyone. Then he pointed the pistol at me. I was terrified, crying my eyes out, begging him not to. Liam moved in front of me, arguing with Cory, telling him that it wasn't my fault. That he was at fault here, not me, not Cory. I knew what he meant. He was saying that he made me fall in love with him. Cory didn't like that.

    He shot him. Three bullets to the chest. And as my love dropped to the floor, I lunged at Cory. “JENNA!” he screamed. I pulled the gun from his hand and smacked him with it until he collapsed on the floor, unconscious. Then I dropped the gun beside him and ran to Liam's side. His blood covered my hands, and when the paramedics got there, they didn't think he was going to make it. After several hours in the emergency room, the doctor finally came to meet me. I don't think I've ever cried so hard in my life when he told me Liam's fate. Taylor and Jasmine both hugged me tightly as I bawled my eyes out.

    Now, about ten years later, I've graduated with a degree in Information and Media Studies, and am married to a highschool guidance councillor, and I'm now the President of a big time advertising agency. I'll never forget the last day of school, and at the coming up reunion, I know I can present that story again to my former classmates, this time as the proud wife of Liam Casadan, and grateful mother of my own set of twins, Taylor and Lindsey, as well as a wonderful son, Cory. I will forever be grateful to the doctors who saved Liam's life, and I know that he is too.