She finally got herself out. She had just left the scene where a bloody massacre was committed. Seeing all that pain, horror and blood had made her adrenaline jump. She couldn’t help but feel excited that she was the one who committed such an atrocity. A sadistic smile crept on to her lips as she made her way to her small hotel room where her belongings resided.
She needed to get out of the city before the boss found her. But he wouldn’t be the one who had discovered what she was about to do.
As soon as she closed the door to her small yet spacious room, she peeled of her bloodied clothing and showered her excited form. Finishing her shower she put on some fresh clothing and began to pack her clothes, artillery and the like in her large black duffel bag. She went over to the bed where from under it she took out a metal case, a little over a meter long. She had also came across a small gold trinket inscribed,
‘With Love...The One You Trust’
She scoffed as she read over the inscription. ‘Trust is so hard to come by nowadays. I can’t even trust Victor anymore’
She threw the thought out and stuffed the trinket in the pocket of her jeans. With the rest of her belongings, now in her duffel bag as well as the metal case, she vacated the room.
She stopped at the hotel counter to give the receptionist a piece of paper with the word ‘Freedom’ written clearly on it. Told the clerk that if anyone asks for her that they give them the piece of paper.
This piece plus the other two she left behind left a message she was going to pursue.
‘It will only be a matter of time before they figure out what the message means and where I’m going,’
She thought as she hitched a ride near her destination, preferring to walk the rest of the way there. As she arrived at her destination she stared into an open field. Grasses green, flowers blooming, a gentle breeze weaving through the partly clouded sky. It’s innocence preserved. Well not for long.
“All in all, the perfect place for many to die,” She whispered to the ever wise breeze.
She could hear it now as the scores of men go up in flames. Begging her, screaming their lungs out for her to have some mercy they knew she didn’t have. Her heartbeat quickened as she imagined her enemies trembling in fear beneath her. She snapped herself out of her ‘nice’ daydream and began preparing for those traitorous bastards to come.
In her duffel bag laid the weapons that would give her an easy win. Whilst the weapon in the metal case was for the ever so lucky survivors. The metal upon and around them were gleaming with untold horror and things that should only happen in catastrophic nightmares.
“Perfect for the mafia,” She whispered to no one in particular. “But I must hurry, They would have figured out my location by now.”
Swiftly she planted the crude yet effective bombs in well hidden places around the field. Enough to kill hundreds of men but not enough too arouse too much suspicion. Her smile came back to her face as her plan was nearing fruition.
“Now then... I’ll need a high spot to play with my baby. Where can I find a good place?” She thought aloud.
She looked up and saw a small hill that wouldn’t be found unless you really look at it. She walked up to and saw that the whole field except the walkway could be seen from the hill. She set down her half empty duffel bag as well as the silver metal case and began setting up the weapon inside.
It was a sniper. Nothing fancy and nothing that would fail her. She had enough fire power altogether to take down the pentagon. Too bad she was beaten to it. She set the sniper on a little black tripod and checked the wind. It was coming from the north-east. A little back spin. Nothing she couldn’t deal with.
She rested her petite frame on the ground almost on top of the sniper. The detonators for the bombs clutched tightly in her hand. She didn’t have to wait long for her visitors to arrive. There was at least 40 men in their black suits and sunglasses. ‘Not that many’, She thought until she recognised that these men were some of the elite in the organization.
“It’s not quantity but quality, eh?” She murmured to herself.
She was about to detonate the first bomb when she heard a familiar voice.
“Sorelle! Sorelle! Please come out!” The person’s voice was deep yet sounded as if they had their favourite toy taken from them.
“Jaye! You idiot! Now she knows we are here!” A masculine voice yelled.
Sorelle recognised it to be Lucas. A former partner of hers that she became close to. He still had his shaggy blonde hair and his blue-green eyes looked tired. Jaye looked much worse. His deep brown eyes looked dull and sad. His black hair was unkept. His once muscular physique was now pale and thin. Overall he looked like he hadn’t slept in weeks. Even from her position in the small hill, these changes were quite obvious. Well that’s what happens when you leave your best friend and lover behind for revenge.
Jaye looked around the field frantically looking for his lost love. The message she had left behind had disturbed him greatly. He wanted more than anything to keep Sorelle in his arms, away from the rotting world. He didn’t understand why she left the first time until the truth was forced out. The path Sorelle took was one of justice and he wanted to help.
Sorelle didn’t know what to do for once. She didn’t want to hurt Jaye but if she flicked a switch then he would get hurt. She decided to detonate around him.
The first was bomb number six on the far left of the field. There was about five men there. Those five died immediately after the blast and about another three were wounded. The next bomb to be detonated was number four on the far right. About nine died there. Almost a strike.
Jaye was getting the idea that Sorelle didn’t want to hurt him, so wherever the bombs detonated, he went there when it was safe. The other men however were scrambling around like wild chickens. They were trying to find their attacker whilst avoiding the fire. Around half of their men were left now. Some barely alive.
Sorelle however was having some difficulty of her own. Three of the bombs refused to blow making her shoot her targets earlier than planned. She was quickly running out of bullets and by then there were around eight men left including Jaye.
If she continued shooting, four men would be left. Sorelle looked in her bag to see any other potential weapons. She found her army knife that had a blade that was about ten inches long. She also had one more bomb left but she wanted to save it as a just in case. ‘The knife will have to do’
First she shot out the four whom she thought would be the most troublesome. Four left now including Jaye. Sorelle made herself seen to the remaining survivors. Jaye was pleased to see that Sorelle was fine and how this massacre had turned out.
Sorelle wasted no time. She did a side flip using the one nearest to her’s head as leverage to get herself on to his back and brought the knife down. The man screamed in agony and fell to the floor. Sorelle dragged the knife down to make sure that he died.
The second man was not in shock anymore and tried to fend off Sorelle with little success. She could dodge all his throws and avoid his kicks. She punched him with an upper cut and with this opening slit his throat.
The last man wasn’t to be seen when Sorelle was done with the other two. She looked over to Jaye to see that he was alright. Jaye rushed over and embraced her. Whispering sweet nothings softly in her ear. She buried her face in his chest and inhaled his scent. It had lost his intensity but it was still there.
They pulled away from their blissful moment, all happy once again. Until a shot was heard.
Sorelle clutched her chest in an attempt to stop the bleeding. Jaye looked up to see the perpetrator was Lucas.
“What the HELL! Lucas why did you shoot her?” Jaye cried as he cradled Sorelle close to his body.
“She killed my men and you expect me to feel NOTHING!” Lucas’ voice going from normal to all out screaming.
With the reserves of her strengths Sorelle pulled out the gold trinket from her jean pocket and gave it to Jaye with these last word,
“Take this and go. I don’t want you to protest. Please I want you to get out of here and be safe. I’ll handle Lucas. You know I can’t be saved so please go.” With some sputters of speech and a cough up of blood she had been able to say that.
Jaye reluctantly pulled himself away. He knew that she was going to die. But by Lucas’ hand he did not see that coming.
He softly said with tears threatening to fall, “I love you.”
Sorelle gazed up at him with a genuine smile on her face, “And I have always loved you, now go before Lucas decides to shoot you.”
Jaye left walking away. When Lucas saw that he was leaving he tried to stop him and went after him.
This gave Sorelle time. She crawled over with the lasts of her stengths to the last undetonated bomb and laid there with the detonator in her hand waiting for Lucas to comeback. The blood started to pool on her lungs. It was harder to breathe. It was harder to see and she could feel her body going cold. She didn’t have much time.
Lucas had lost Jaye and saw that Sorelle had tried to crawl away. His mouth was set on a twisted grin as he came to stand over her. He had finally done it. Beaten the mighty Sorelle in her own game. ‘Wait ’til the boss finds out’
“So Sorelle do you have any last words,” Lucas said with a mocking tint to his voice.
“Yeah actually I do,” Sorelle retorted only to see black at the corners of her eyes.
“Payback is b***h, isn’t it?” She wheezed out.
Before he could figure what was happening, Sorelle flicked the switch and.....
(insert favourite explosion noise here)
Sorelle was free now from the struggles, temptations and the all out evilness of this world because...
Death is Freedom
Authors Note: The last three words were the three pieces of paper that Sorelle had left behind.

Comments (4 Comments)
- JHaley - 04/04/2009
- Don't we all, as authors, experience the rush of imagination while writing something as simple as an English paper? I was once assigned to make an epic poem, and when the project was due, I turned in 5 WHOLE BINDERS containing the full series that I made instead.
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- Invisible Sheldon - 04/03/2009
- awsome imagination
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- AzMiss - 03/25/2009
- Way cool...I love fiction! keep up writing maybe become a famous writer. Good luck in the voting!! You are so very very good. 5 Stars
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- Rinthia - 03/25/2009
Wow.... Just wow....
That was really good....
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