• This is If you were gay chapter 3. I know! Chapter 3!!! This is a good chapter. You wanna know how I know? Well It’s cuz It’s three!! Three’s an awesome number!!! Well I’m curious about what’s gonna happen so imma read it and stop talking ok? Good. Byez!!
    I do not own Naruto. But in my head Naruto is calling me master wink
    “Hey, did you find out who Sasuke likes.” Naruto said to Ino as soon as she saw her at her locker.
    “Oh! Naruto! God, are you trying to give me a heart attack!” She dramatically said and put her delicate hand on her heart.
    “Sorry. So have you found ‘cause it’s been a week and-“
    “It’s you.”
    “I mean I know Sasuke doesn’t- WHAT?!?” Naruto practically screeched. Ino sighed. She never knew Naruto could be such an idiot.
    “Sasuke, your best friend since like 7th grade wants to get into your pants.” Ino told him in a slow voice. Naruto shook his head.
    “He must’ve been ******** with you, there is no way!” Naruto said.
    “Well I asked him in his sleep and he said Naruto.” Ino informed him. Naruto sighed.
    “I doubt it’s me. Sasuke probably knew and-“
    “Sasuke probably knew what?” Sasuke said Naruto Jumped and turned to his right to see Sasuke standing there.
    “Nothing.” Naruto said and took Sasuke’s wrist.
    “Now let’s go, we’ll be late to lunch.” Naruto said with incredible speed and dragged Sasuke all the way to the cafeteria.
    They were the first ones to their table so when they sat down, Naruto turned to Sasuke.
    “So, Sasuke.”
    “Who is it that you like?”
    “Please Sasuke! Tell me! If I liked someone I’d tell you!”
    “You don’t like anyone?”
    “Not right now, no.”
    “So Sasuke,” Naruto put his hand a little too high on Sasuke’s leg and gave him a pleading look. If ino was right, this would so work. Then again, it worked with a lot of men, straight or gay. “Please tell me who it is that you like.”
    “Move your hand before I break it.” Sasuke angrily said Naruto pouted and turned away from Sasuke. The said brunette just shrugged and left to buy his lunch. There is no way in hell Sasuke likes me Naruto thought. There’s no way in hell Sasuke could like anyone. He’s rude, prudent, arrogant, untrusting, and- but his thoughts were cut by Sakura slamming her water and fries on the table.
    “What’s up with you?” Naruto asked her. Sakura sat down and flipped her short hair back.
    “Lee.” She mumbled. Lee was Sakura’s stalker, except he let her know he was around by constantly talking to her, leaving flowers, and asking her out in front of huge crowds.
    “What did he do this time?” Naruto asked and eyed her fries. Sakura slid the food towards him.
    “He ********’ left flowers and a teddy bear on my locker. So now everyone’s been asking who am I going out with.” She complained Naruto sighed.
    “That’s sweet.” He said in an awe voice.
    “No it isn't.” She said.
    “Yea it is. I want a guy to leave flowers on my locker.”
    “But then everyone would know you were gay.”
    “Ah! True.” Just then, the cafeteria was silenced by a crash. Naruto looked to see that Sasuke had crashed into some guy.
    “Watch were you’re going.” Sasuke said and walked away.
    “What’d you say you queer?!?” The guy yelled. Sasuke ignored him. Big mistake in his half.
    It was 5th hour and the whole school was talking about how Sasuke had touched the guy when he crashed into him. Sasuke was ignoring it completely but Naruto was riled up.
    “How dare them! As if you would want to touch him! I mean he’s so ugly!” Naruto ranted to Sasuke who was listening to his iPod rather than Naruto. Sasuke didn’t understand why he would always get worked up over things that weren’t his problem. He never bothered to get mad at him for it. He sort of thought it was cute. Naruto was interrupted by Fer Sure by Medic Droid, notifying that there was a text message. Sasuke looked to see why Naruto had stopped talking and noticed that he was frowning.
    “What?” Sasuke asked.
    “Sakura invited us to a house party.”
    “Yes, Us.”
    “I’m not going.” Naruto gave him puppy eyes.
    “But Sasuke! If you don’t go, then I’ll be alone.”
    “Then don’t go.” Sasuke said simply
    “You know Sakura will force me to go. Do you want me to be alone while everyone’s drunk? I could be raped my drunken stoners!!!” Naruto complained.
    “I think the stoners would be high.” Sasuke said
    “WHATEVER! I’ll be raped and would you like that?” Naruto asked and shot a disowned look.
    “Fine I’ll go.” Sasuke sighed Naruto smiled.
    “Thank you!” Naruto said and pulled out his cell phone and started texting.
    “Whatever.” Sasuke said. Naruto opened his phone once more and read the message.
    “It’s at Sakura’s on Saturday. Pick me up at 8.” Naruto told Sasuke.
    “8?” Sasuke questioned.
    “You know, to help set up.” Naruto elaborated. Sasuke Nodded and went back to his music.

    It was Wednesday Night and Naruto was at Sasuke’s house watching some weird anime Naruto liked.
    “why is there high-tech walkie-talkies but no cars?” Sasuke asked.
    “Because they’re ninjas, they don’t need a car.” Naruto told him.
    “That’s retarded.” Sasuke scoffed
    “Like you?” Naruto nonchalantly asked
    “No, like you.” Sasuke nonchalantly replied
    “Ah, ok.” Naruto said and got off the sofa they were sharing.
    “Well, I’ll see you later. I got to get home.” Naruto said and left through the door. Sasuke left for his room to start on his homework. About 5 minutes later, the doorbell rang.
    “I got it!” Itachi, Sasuke’s brother yelled and opened the door. A moment later, a short, soaked blonde was standing in Sasuke’s room.
    “No one’s home and it’s raining.” Naruto complained. Sasuke sighed.
    “You know where everything is.” Sasuke said and continued on his homework.
    8 pre-calc problems later, a fresh Naruto appeared out of Sasuke’s bathroom wearing some of Sasuke’s clothes which were too big.
    “I’m done.” He announced. Sasuke nodded and left his homework to take a bath. When he came out Naruto was studying the math he was finishing up.
    “Don’t even bother, I barely get it.” Sasuke told him. Naruto ignored him and looked as if the math was the most interesting thing in the world.
    “Explain this to me.” Naruto said with a determined look. Sasuke sighed and explained it to him. They sat on the bed close together while Sasuke explained everything. Naruto looked interested. When Itachi came in, he laughed.
    “What?” Naruto complained.
    “Why are you boys discussing math?” He asked.
    “ Go away.” Sasuke said to his brother
    “Mother said for you to turn off the lights and go to sleep.” And with that, Itachi left the room.
    The boys were talking to each other as they lay in the same bed. They didn’t find it weird like other boys, it was normal to them. Even though most 17-year-old boys wouldn’t be caught dead sharing a bed with another man, these boys found it comfortable.
    “So, were your parents actually gone?” Sasuke asked Naruto.
    “No, but my dad was drinking.” Naruto said
    “Oh, good thing you came over then.” Sasuke said.
    “Yea.” And with that, Naruto turned away from Sasuke and tried to sleep. He gave up after a couple seconds.
    “Hey Sasuke, If my dad were to go crazy and kill me, would you cry.” Naruto asked. Sasuke rolled his eyes. He hated when Naruto got like this. It meant he had to show his soul.
    “Yes.” He told the smaller boy beside him.
    “Ok.” Naruto said and went quiet again. Sasuke listened to the sound of Naruto falling asleep until he was out.
    He woke up to blonde hair in his face. Naruto was clinging on to Sasuke’s shirt. He was snoring softly and looked very comfortable. Sasuke pried away and got ready for school. As soon as he was dressed, he woke up Naruto. Naruto moaned of pleasure and mumbled something. All Sasuke could hear was ‘feels good’ Sasuke held himself from laughing.
    “Oi, dobe, wake up.” Sasuke said Naruto fluttered his eyes open.
    “Sasuke?” Naruto asked then got up. He rubbed his eyes then stretched.
    “What time is it?” Naruto asked.
    “6:15, now get up.” Sasuke told him. Naruto plopped down into the bed.
    “I wanna stay home.” Naruto complained
    “Then go home.” Sasuke said. Naruto got up and looked at Sasuke with innocent and honest(not really) eyes.
    “But my home is here, with you Sasu-chan.” Naruto said in a cutesy voice.
    “Get dressed.” Sasuke said and left the room.
    Naruto met Sasuke in the kitchen wearing some of Sasuke’s 10th grade clothes. Sasuke’s mother, Mikoto smiled when she saw Naruto.
    “Good morning Naruto, I didn’t know you were here.” She said to the blonde. Naruto took a seat next to Sasuke and said,
    “Sasuke didn’t want to leave me.” Mikoto laughed.
    “I see. She said and returned her attention to her cooking. She prepared Sasuke rice and soup and Naruto pancakes. They ate in almost silence then they finished their morning routine. They took Sasuke’s car to school. When school was over, they headed to Naruto’s house.

    They were greeted by Naruto’s mom, Kushina who looked tired.
    “Hey, mom.” Naruto said. Kushina just gave a tired smiled. Naruto hated seeing his mom like this. She used to be energetic and happy. Then His dad, Minato started drinking and abusing everyone in the family. Sasuke waved to her and they headed into Naruto’s room to do homework. Well it wasn’t homework, more like Sasuke gave Naruto the answers so he’d shut up.
    It was late and Sasuke, who was half asleep already, was about to leave.
    “Don’t forget the party tomorrow.” Naruto told him. Sasuke nodded.
    “Pick you up at 8, I know.” Sasuke said tiredly and made his way out the door.
    “Hey wait!” Naruto called. Sasuke shot him a look.
    “ You forgot my good-night kiss.” Naruto teased. Naruto had expected Sasuke to flick him off or insult him but instead Sasuke gave him a chaste kiss then made his way down the driveway into his car. It wasn’t until Sasuke pulled up into his own driveway that he realized what he did.
    “s**t!” Sasuke mumbled to himself then entered his house. He made his way to his bedroom and plopped onto his bed. He thought about how Naruto’s lips felt on his for that second and how stupid it was for him to have done that he knew Naruto was going to tease him for it. Sasuke smiled a little smile. He kind of was happy he did it.
    Sasuke pulled up into Naruto’s driveway and rang the doorbell. Naruto answered the door and said good-bye to his mom as he made his way to Sasuke’s car. They drove with only the radio talking and didn’t talk as they made their way to Sakura’s house. Sakura had the house clean and was in the process of hiding things. She put then to work until the first guests came. Soon the whole house was filled with students and dance music. The party was alive and by 11, Naruto had grown tired of it. He was sitting on a couch, talking to random people and drinking vodka and Pepsi. He was tipsy for sure but still not drunk enough to go crazy, no he didn’t get that drunk until later, when He was chatting with his best friend, Sasuke.
    “Hey ‘suke you are sooo hot, why don’t you got a boyfriend.” He asked Sasuke ignored him. Naruto made his way onto Sasuke’s lap and cuddled into him.
    “Mmm ‘suke , you smell nice.” Naruto said into Sasuke’s neck then started to make a hickey there. That was when Sasuke got up, took Naruto by the hand and told Sakura they were leaving. Naruto was too drunk and Sasuke didn’t want to deal with it. They were merging onto his and Naruto’s street when Naruto started crying and saying he didn’t want to go home. Sasuke sighed and told him that they were going to his house. When Naruto saw his house go by, he stopped crying. He looked at Sasuke and smiled an evil smile.
    “Hey ‘suke, you jus’ wanna do stuff wit’ me don’t ya?” Naruto slurred. Sasuke ignored him as he drove into his driveway. He helped Naruto into the house and helped him change into pajamas. He ignored every sexual thing Naruto said and pushed Naruto away every time he tried to make an advance until they were in bed and a slightly more sober Naruto cuddled up to Sasuke and said,
    “Sasuke, don’t ever leave me ok? ‘Cause I love you but I don’t want to tell you yet. So stay with me, you got that?” Sasuke smiled at the other boy.
    “Don’t worry Naruto.” He said “I’ll never leave you.”

    That Is it. I know Awesome. Well that is because I finally got the story goin. Sasuke and Naruto are kinda being modeled into me and my bff Britt. I’m Naruto and she’s Sasuke. Cept at night. Then the roles switch. I get all grumpy at night and she gets a hyper and w00t! But we don’t love each other. Did you catch that I’ve been putting in that Naruto is a show there. The Characters are Narue, Sasaki, and Sakumo…Not really, I just made that up right now. I mean Sakumo, that’s I boys name XD Well that’s it!!!!!! Keep on reading cuz It’ll only get awsesomer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!