• Part 4 (Dreaming Robotman)

    Wake up and save us Robotman!

    Shutter eyes flutter with a flash of light,
    The Robotman sputters and his brain gives flight.
    Bloodthirsty androids had found his new lair,
    Surrounded and doomed, a failure or purveyor?
    The machine king steps over grass and moss,
    “Your games hybrid are at end or at loss.”
    “No!” Cries justice as the Robotman leaps,
    His boosters erupt killing the last of his sleep.
    The king stuttered a step, falling off the cliff,
    The Robotman laughed his voice synthesized riff
    The androids tried and failed to begin to start,
    The Robotman rose holding their kings heart.
    “No!” They gasped as they began to cry,
    The heart now crushed they began to die
    The Robotman falls to his knees as well,
    The disease carries in him, through perils and Hell.
    “At last it’s over..” Placating with his fingertips,
    Motor oil spills out, and he licks at his lips.
    The epic now ends with the final rays and rungs,
    The Robotman dies, still air in his lungs..