• Tiger4 this is home base do you read? Yes home base loud and clear. Okay continue your patrol over the area, remember we are looking for any signs of survivors of the attack. Yes sir but I've been over this area 15 times already and there are no signs of any type of life. Roger that Tiger4 continue to next area. Transmission ends for 2 minutes. KSHHHH home KSSHH ase do you KSHHHH ead? I'm sorry Tiger4 your transmission is a little staticky but yes we read. Good becaKSHHHHHse I'm going to need reinforcements KSSSSSSHHHH. Okay Tiger4 there en route to your position. AHHHHHHHHKSSSSSSSSSHHHH home base the attackers are right on my tail, and one of the little bastards shot part of my rudder off, but I'm okay can I get an E.T.A. on when the renforcements are going to be here? Yes, They should be there in 30 seconds. Tiger4 this is Cobras 1,2,3,and 4 we are your renforcements would you like for us to shoot down the enemy planes? No, do not waste your ammo the have shields, catch up with me and engage afterburners. We've got to try to outrun them and get to home base. Roger that Tiger4, catching up.