• The plane had just taken off. I waved from the window, holding Calder's hand tightly. Of course my foster mom couldnt see me, but it was small comfort anyway. I smiled and sighed happily. It was a warm spring morning, and the ivy outside the portland airport fluttered its leaves hello.
    "Calder, Iris! Lets go get some breakfast. Kats getting hungry." Our foster father called. We followed as he chased after Kat, who was, again, walking absentmindedly with her head bobbing between her shoulders.
    "Ohmygod!" We heard someone scream from behind us. Similar comments of horror were being passed around. I turned around and looked back from where we had been. It was a reletivly un-busy morning, so i could see clearly a plane crash to the ground and burst into flames a few hundred yards from the windows. I screamed, terrified. Calder heard me and turned around. His face went funny, and he gasped, realizing what was happening.
    "Dad! Hurry!" He yelled.
    I was running for the closest window now. I pressed my face against one and watched as my mothers plane burned fast.

    I awoke, screaming bloody murder. My heart raced with the fear of reliving my foster mothers death. Calder knocked on the door, then opened it as i continued screeching my head off.
    "Your bright red. Dear god, Take a breath Iris!" He smirked. I shrieked again, irritated, and threw a pillow at him. He realized this was not the time and ran over to my bedside to wrap his arms around me. I clung to the fabric of his undershirt, scared out of my mind.
    "Shh...Calm down. It was just a dream." He murmered.
    He was right. I wasnt at the airport, i was in bed. I was nine again and i had my older brother next to me who was ten. I felt hot tears fill up behind my eyes, then blinked quickly to rid them. I looked at my bedside clock. It was 5:30 AM.
    Fianlly, around 6:00, I stopped shaking and was finally calm and in control. I felt a pang of guilt. Calder was only ten, and he was playing dad to his little sister.
    "I can take care of myself." I said, pushing myself away. He smiled at me.
    "Good, because its morning. Come help me make breakfast."

    I opened my eyes. I was right where I was before the momory had attacked me, in front of the mirror. I had dropped my hairbrush, and it lay on the floor. I picked it back up and braided my black highlighted-dark brown hair (as required on weekdays. Especially during dinner) My violet eyes were cold, not make-up surronded them I never was one for cosmetics.
    "Hey Iris, you almost ready?" My roommate, Zara, called from the other side of the door.
    "Mmhmm." I muttered, opening the bathroom door. My two roomies, Czara and Violet were sitting lazily around our room in their uniforms.
    "Lets get going guys." I said, opening our dorm door.
    "Psh. Not like we wanna eat the crap they serve." Czara said.
    "Good point." Violet said, walking out.
    It took four minutes to get to the cafeteria, but in that time we passed our guyfriends dorm. They caught up to us quickly and fell into step.
    "Hey." I said.
    "Yo." Zane grinned at me. Zane is kind of a happy guy with brown hair and ocean blue eyes. He doesnt look dangerous what-so-ever, but he can rip someones arm out of its socket. When i asked him why he was in military school, he said he got into a lot of fights. I'm not suprised. Zane loves to find action. Still, he was the type of guy that gets high off life on minute and clawing your eyes out the next.
    "Evenin'." Gerard said. Gerard was your adverage teenager: black hair, olive green eyes. Real sweet guy, but he doesnt show it very often. He was thrown in here for skateboarding on illegal grounds. Plus his parents thought he played too much "Grand theft auto." When i first asked him i thought he meant he stole cars. He quickly straitened that out once i asked him why he wasnt in Juvi.
    Micah smiled descretly. He was the strong but silent type and had one hell of an aditude, but he was so damn funny you had to love him. I knew a lot of people were afraid of him, but they were idiots. He flicked his dark brown hair out of his eyes. I was reminded they were grey. Like ice, and just as cold. The world had been cruel to Micah, and it really wasnt fair. I pitied him, and he pitied me. We told eachother everything, and so he was the only one besides Calder and Kat who knew about my flashbacks.
    "Whats for dinner?" Zane asked.
    "Same ol' shi-Crap." Violet (Quite the badass herself) corrected herself as a teacher passed. You could get thrown in the principals office for swearing, and if there was one thing you didnt want at this school, it was spending face time with Mr. Capelli. Or as a lot of us say, Mr. Crapfelli. He hated kids, teenagers even more, and teenage delinquents were a waste of human life to him, which explains why he opened up a military school. To beat the crap out of us until we either grew too old or graduated as good little boys and girls. I plan to outgrow this school.

    Note from author: Eh, i should probably write more. Maybe i will later, if im asked. Comments appreciated.