tab Watching him begin to change had me watching in fascination. At first it seemed he was still human, but his hands changing in length and his nails beginning to change made everything move fast. His bones had began to crack and shift as he seemed to be turning into a big cat. Bowing his back he let out a growl that had goose bumps on my skin before he finished. The rest just happened to fast to explain, but not a minute later stood a black leopard with the left paw an ashen white still like his kitten form.
tab Another growl left his black muzzle as he stared down the other cat. Looking at it now I saw it was a leopard too, but not black. Instead this leopard had a beige colored fur with a hint of black in it. The black spots were dark compared to natural leopards, but he was still a beautiful color with his dark chocolate brown eyes.
tab “Damen…” I stated to say, but couldn’t finish.
tab The other leopard had rushed Damen and tackled him to the ground as the nails came out as they began to scratch at each other. The growls were loud in the quietness of the clearing as Damen seemed to be unable to take him. As if being in such a little form might have weakened him to a point he wasn’t strong enough yet.
tab “Stop this.” I whispered looking at them and feeling some connection towards the other leopard.
tab .Damen seemed to be bleeding badly from a bite mark on his higher part of his right leg. The pain in his eyes was easy to see even if they were kitty cat eyes. I couldn’t take much more of this anymore and I watched them with concern and stepped towards them. A growl left Damen’s mouth as if trying to keep me away, but I refused to listen to him.
tab “STOP IT!” I yelled at the two causing the other leopard to stop and look at me. “Please stop.” I whispered as I stood there looking into the cat’s eyes.
tab With one last growl at Damen the other cat seem to stalk towards me as if unsure and ready to attack and defend himself if needed. I just stood there watching it, but I didn’t flinch and for some reason I didn’t feel fear either. With one last step the leopard stood in front of me and looked in my eyes as if searching for something. Finding what it was looking for it was suddenly beside me and rubbing it’s massive head against my leg like it was a kitten.
tab Looking down at the big cat and seeing it wasn’t going to hurt me, I bent down and laid a tense hand on it large head. Looking me in the eyes the great cat seemed to begin to purr and look at me with lazy cat eyes as if it had nothing to fear and felt safe.
tab “What am I?” I whispered as I sat there looking at the giant leopard and feeling nothing, but a kindness towards him.
tab Remembering Damen I looked at where he lay as he shifted back into the form he had started in. He seemed dazed as he laid there, but the wounds I had seen were no longer there. They were gone as if he never had them, but the blood on his white shirt told otherwise.
tab “How did you do that?” I couldn’t help, but ask as I watched him sit up.
tab “I am a were-leopard we are able to heal faster than mortals.” He stated looking at me with an odd look in his eyes as he watched me hold the giant head of the leopard in my lap. “The wounds are still there, but just not as bad. Being attacked by another were will heal more slowly, but still heal faster than an average human.”
tab I sighed seeing there were things I still had to learn. Just thinking that had me wondering why I was planning to stay here when my home was with my aunt now. Planning to worry about it later I turned my attention back to the leopard in my arms and just looked at it a bit longer.
tab “Ask him to shift back.” Damen whispered as he came over looking at us still with that odd look.
tab “Can you please change back?” I asked as I looked into it’s deep brown eyes once more.
tab After a few I was thinking of asking again, but I didn’t have to. The leopard I was holding was slowly changing back into a boy. The process of turning back seemed hard as all the fur just seemed to sink into his skin as if it never existed. His bones structure began to crack and change as I held him at a loss and couldn’t help, but feel a little sick. Not to much later I held a boy about my age naked.
tab Realizing he was naked and had nothing on caused me to feel a fierce heat go to my face as I felt my cheeks begin to redden. I quickly averted my eyes and looked at Damen instead who just shook his head realizing I hadn’t been told about that part.
tab “Um……” I couldn’t help say as I continued to look away as he finally noticed what happened.
tab “I’m sorry. I wasn’t prepared to change back so soon and now I don’t even want to not hurt you, but protect you.” He stated in a male voice like Damen’s, but a little lighter.
tab “It’s fine, but do you have some clothes nearby?” I asked still avoiding to look at him.
tab “Yup just give me a second.” He just seemed to be at ease as he whistled and a rustling could be heard as another form headed to us quickly.
tab A leopard came out from the bushes carrying a bag in it’s mouth. It half dragged, half carried the bag over to the boy who still seemed to be relaxed in my arms. The new leopard was small, but not small enough to be a cub, but not big enough to be an adult. The leopard came over to us and dropped the bag before he started to change himself. I looked away once more not wanting to see. Hearing the bag being looked trough and the sound of clothes being put on as well as jeans and shoes I finally looked back at the two.
tab The boy who had been in my arms naked seem to be a year older than me like Damen, but the other leopard seemed to be around the age of 12. They both had hair that looked like sand, but a little darker with a few tints of blonde here and there. The older boys hair fell to about the mid of his back while the boy had hair to his shoulders. They both carried the same dark chocolate brown eyes as they looked at me with uncertainty. They had the skin for tanning and they did carry a tan. They were a light brown that looked perfect with their hair.
tab It seemed the older boy had only slipped on a pair of jeans and black jogging shoes while the boy had on a pair of jeans that fit him without a belt and a black shirt that seemed to have a few holes at the bottom. He had on black jogging shoes too, but that didn’t bother me.
tab “She doesn’t understand what she is yet.” Damen stated as he stepped beside me to look a the boys as well.
tab “Kinda figured that by the way she is acting.” The oldest one replied as a smile suddenly graced his lips. “My name is Cael by the way and this little one is Aiden.”
tab “I am Damen and this…” He said patting me on the head. “is Rayna.” He commented as he looked down at me.
tab “it’s nice to meet you both.” I muttered embarrassed ever so slightly as I looked at them.
tab “Well shouldn’t you let her know what she is?” Cael asked looking at me and than Damen.
tab “I want to, but I’m not sure if it will help matters or make them worse.” He stated tiredly.
tab "Can someone tell me what’s going on and quit talking about me like I’m not here.” I growled as I looked at all 3 of them.
an someone tell me what’s going on and quit talking about me like I’m not here.” I growled as I looked at all 3 of them.
tab “Fine.” Damen growled as he turned his attention to me. “You are a very strong elemental as well as a Revina to leopards.”
tab I looked at him unsure as I realized what he was saying. I could even feel my head shaking no, but I couldn’t full understand what he was trying to tell me.
tab “You can use wind, earth, water, or fire, but first we have to see which one you have adapted to.” Cael explained trying to help me better understand. “Being Revina means that leopards see you as their protector and guardian.”
tab I had turned my gaze to Cael and looked at him as he tried to help me better understand. I thought over what they were trying to tell me and felt the fear, hatred, and anger finally reveal itself.
tab “I don’t know what the hell you guys are talking about, but I am none of those.” I muttered as I glared at the two forgetting the little boy.
tab “We need you though.” Cael whispered which caused Damen to look back to him in confusion.
tab .Damen seemed to be studying him and I was watched Damen I watched the horror bloom on his face. He turned his head to look at Aiden who seemed to be too quiet and studied him. Aiden looked up with his dark chocolate brown eyes and something in them caused me to look at him as pain entered my face.
tab “What is going that no one is speaking about?” I couldn’t help, but ask as I turned to look at Damen.
tab “Let’s just say that all the leopards in this territory are being abused pretty badly.” Damen whispered pain in his voice as he continued to look at Aiden.
tab I looked at Cael again and I seemed to be dazing for a bit because I never saw Aiden move, but yet he now stood in front of me. He had a hold on the bottom of my shirt and was looking up at me. I could feel the pain he carried and the fear and realized that they weren’t not just being abused, but hurt badly so that they had no free will or anything of their own.
tab Falling to my knees I stood in front of the boy, Aiden, and opened my arms ever so slightly which he took as a yes and entered them. I wrapped him in my arms and held him feeling a few tears go down my face from the pain he seemed to be going through. God he was just a child and he carried this much pain and hurt already instead of innocence that every child still has at this age.
tab “If it means that I can stop whatever is hurting you guys than I will be it. Though I still don’t completely understand what’s going on or why any of this is even happening to me.” I whispered to them as I continued to hold Aiden.
tab I felt Cael move and saw him suddenly in front of us as he took Aidens shirt off quickly and helped him out of his shoes and pants right when the air suddenly began to feel heavy again. I watched fascinated once more as Aiden slowly began to change into a leopard in my arms. A purring noise was leaving the young leopards chest as I continued to hold him a bit longer.
tab When the big cat moved in my arms and slipped out from them did I finally get up and brush myself off.
tab “Can we rest?” I asked tiredly as I looked at Damen and Cael.
tab “I don’t see why not.” Damen muttered as he suddenly took off the shirt and pants Cael had given him when he had changed back.
tab I had looked away as I heard Cael beginning to do the same thing Damen had done as the air began to feel heavy once more. After a bit and the air began to feel less heavy did I look to see the leopards from earlier who had been fighting. I sighed as I sat down and watched Damen come over and lay down behind me as if telling me to use him as the pillow while Aiden went to lay down in front of me and Cael behind me.
tab Feeling comfortable and safe did I lay down with my head on Damens stomach as the soft fur began to slowly put me to sleep. I felt Aiden settle himself against my chest to sleep and felt Cael settle at my back. From some reason as I began to drift off I felt like I belonged and this was just a natural situation to sleep in.
tab The smell of my mother’s perfume wrapped around me once more as I lay there asleep. I felt my body tense as I slowly began o wake up to see myself still in the forest with Damen, Cael, and Aiden, but my mother now stood before me. She looked down at us with a small smile on her lips as she raised her eyes to look at me.
tab "You must learn what you are and what you must do to help this poor pard.” She whispered as she looked at the two leopards again.
tab “What do you mean?” I asked lost and confused as I looked at her.
tab “You are the new protector for this pard of leopards. You must protect them from anyone who would misuse and abusive them. It means that they will come to you with their problems and be there for you when you need them the most.” She explained to me as she met eye contact with me.
tab “What’s a pard?”
tab “It is like a pack of wolves, but instead it’s a pard of leopards.”
tab I looked at her and than looked at Aiden who still lay against me and stroked his head receiving a deep purr. I looked back up at her and saw a smile grace her lips.
tab “They need help though from you to become independent once more once their current Ravenaj no longer holds the spot that is rightfully yours.” She commented as she seemed to be looking at something else for a minute. “I must go, but I’ll talk to you again soon. I promise.”
tab I just nodded as I watched her slowly fade before I felt myself begin to slowly fall back into the darkness of the abyss.
tab Something wet seemed to be revealingly slobbering my face as I slowly began to wake up. I opened my eyes a little, but closed them again due to the bright light.
tab “Quit it.” I muttered as I put an arm over my eyes before feeling something touching my cheek ever so slightly.
tab Opening my eyes once more I came eye to eye with a pair of dark grey eyes. Startled I pulled ever so slightly away before it registered in my head who and what it was.
tab “Hey Damen.” I whispered tiredly before I laid a hand on his big black leopard head.
tab A deep purring sound came from his chest as he closed his eyes and the purring deep in his chest grew louder. Looking over I noticed Cael and Aiden on my left side seeming a little lost.
tab “Come here.” I stated and couldn’t help, but smile as they quickly came over happily.
tab I pet the 3 big heads before I finally got up and stretched. “So where are we going guys?” I asked wondering what was going on and what would happen today.
tab .Damen changed first and I quickly looked away as I listened to him slip into his jeans from the other day and his shirt. Turning back to him I still couldn’t help be surprised that this boy was my best friend and had been in that little cat form for so long even though his real form was much bigger than any ordinary house cat.
tab “We’ll be going to the nearest village and get you a cloak to help keep who you really are a secret.” He explained before stepping in front of me and putting a hand on my head before forcing my head upwards.
tab “What are you doing!” I exclaimed as I got stuck looking up at the sky unable to get free of his grip before I finally heard the sound of clothes being put on.
tab “I thought you would be gracious to me after stopping you from seeing Cael and Aiden naked.” He commented before he released my head a cocky smirk on his face.
tab “I could’ve done it myself.” I grumbled before turning to the other two before bending down to let Aiden enter my arms in a hug.
tab Feeling him bury his head in my neck somehow calmed me as I understood that by protecting them they wouldn’t be hurt anymore and could be safe and happy. Petting his head to let him know I was here I looked up at Cael to see a look in his eyes. Before I could fully understand what it was it was gone and a smile was on his face.
tab “Well lets go.” I stated as I waited for someone to take the lead since I didn’t know where the hell I was going in this weird place.
tab Seeing Damen beginning to take the lead I easily fell in step beside him and continued to look around their surroundings in interest. After a bit I looked to Cael and Aiden and slowed down to walk between them and took one of their hands in mine.
tab “I may be new to this and I may not be very good at being your Ravenaj, I promise I will try my best for you all and I mean that.” I whispered to them before taking both their hands and smiling at them.
tab I received a smile back from the two as I looked at Damen’s back wondering how I would even be able to pull this off. I didn’t remembering ever living here and the fact that I’m now learning that I’m a Ravenaj and supposedly something else made things more complicated.
tab It really seemed we had been walking for a long time and all I knew is that it was taking forever to get to the village and I was growing more tired and tired by the second.
tab “Are we almost there, Damen?” I asked from where I continued to walk beside Cael and Aiden still holding their hands.
tab “We are here.” He stated as he came to the first house of the village.
tab We began to walk in slowly as Cael let go of my hand to walk behind Aiden and I while Damen walked in front of us.
tab “The store is nearby we’ll stop there to get you your cloak and then we’ll get some food before heading on.” Damen told me as I just nodded and continued to follow him.
tab After a bit we came to a shop and walked in through the door. Following Damen we went into the back of the store where they kept the cloaks. He began to go through them and after a bit he pulled out a rich dark green cloak that was really nice and looked like it might fit me.
tab “Let me see you try this on real fast so we can make sure it fits right.” He commented as I took the cloak from him and put it around my shoulders before tying the string that was connected to the hood so that the cloak would stay together and keep my body hidden from site.
tab “Perfect.” I stated as I looked up at him and couldn’t help, but smile at him.
tab .Damen watched me as I took it off and gave it to him. He just nodded and went up front with it as the 3 of us followed him. I stayed behind the 3 boys so the sales guy wouldn’t really have to see me if we could avoid it. The less people that had to see me would be a lot safer since it would make them not as easy to kill.
tab After paying we quickly left the store and stood outside of it for a minute. Damen suddenly put the cloak in my hands and I understood what he meant. Quickly slipping the cloak over my shoulders and tying it so that when I put the hood up it would work fine. Damen shook his head ever so slightly before the hood was suddenly on top of my head. Looking up at him I saw that he was thinking about something, but before I could answer he looked away to our left and tensed.
tab I felt Cael tense as well and Aiden slip inside my cloak to hug himself to my body.
tab “I’m scared.” He whispered and I patted his head as I looked to where Damen was looking to see what was going on.
tab A group of men is what seemed to be armor and carrying different types of weapons ranging from swords to spears heading in our direction. They seemed very determined about something and it seemed like they were looking at everyone they passed as if looking for something or somebody.
tab “s**t.” Damen whispered as he quickly grabbed my arm and we headed in the opposite direction.
tab I could hear Cael cursing under his breath as I held Aiden’s hand while he walked beside me. I could feel Aiden’s fear and Damen’s as well as Cael’s anger about the guards. I didn’t know if we would be able to loose them or not, but I never got the chance to ask.
tab “You people walking with the person in the green cloak. Stop.” A guard stated behind us.
tab .Damen suddenly tightened his grip on me and we were suddenly running to fast for me to keep up. I could feel myself falling behind as Aiden released my hand so he didn’t make me fall. Another curse came from Damen as I was suddenly in his arms in a blink of an eye.
tab I could hear the guards running behind us as well continued our own fast pace speed that a human could never run like. I tensed though when a spear suddenly went pass us as we neared the end of the village opposite from where we had come from. The spear landed a little in front of us, but Dame easily avoided it making me wonder what a were-leopard really could do.
tab “We’re not going to loose them Damen.” Cael stated from our left side while Aiden agreed with him in his own boyish voice.
tab “I know that.” I heard Damen state back as they began to all slow.
tab “What are we going to do?” I asked worried about their safety as we stopped and Damen put me down.
“We’re going to fight them.” He stated as he turned to the guards coming as both Cael and Aiden did what he had done.
tab As the guards came in site I could see there was now much more guard than before. I looked at the 3 boys in front of me and knew that they wouldn’t come out unscratched.
tab “Please be careful.” I whispered as I watched them quickly strip with inhuman speed which made me look up.
tab When I felt the air become heavy with magic did I look back at them to see them in their leopard forms and their clothes in a pile. I looked up at the guards as the quickly came upon us when a white blur suddenly came out of some nearby bushes and jumped onto a few men and began to attack.
tab The boys didn’t wait as they rushed into the mob of guards leaving me there to watch them. I saw now that the blur was actually a white tiger who seemed to be just as big as the leopards. Hearing a cry of pain though I looked back to my boys and saw Aiden was backing away from 3 guards who were swinging swords at him. Cael and Damen were both surrounded as well even the tiger had become surrounded.
tab “No.” I whispered as I suddenly collapsed to my knees with my hands on the earth as I felt something go through me before hands made of the earth rose and began to attack the guards.
tab I looked up to see 4 hands grabbing guards and throwing them as I sat there stunned. I wasn’t sure if I was doing that as I stayed in my spot not wanting to move and cause it to stop. I continued to watch though in fascination as the few remaining guards quickly headed off.
tab The 3 leopards and the tiger looked at me silently as I suddenly felt something in me stop as the hand fell back on the earth to be just earth once more. Damen was the first to walk over to me as I continued to sit there stunned.
tab A hand touched my cheek slightly bringing me back to notice that Damen stood in front of me in human form. I must have been out of it not to notice that he had changed back and had put clothes on.
tab “Are you okay?” He asked with concern heavy in his voice.
tab All I could do was nod as I continued to sit there in silence. I noticed that both Cael and Aiden were back in their human form as well and stood off to one side not to far away, but not close either. The tiger was still, but she seemed to be distancing herself from us and watched us warily.
tab Helping me up and holding me there a bit I looked around and than looked at Damen.
tab “I guess I like the earth.” I muttered smiling at him weakly looking to the tiger again.
tab “Rayna are you okay?” Little Aiden asked as he walked over to me as well as Cael.
tab “I’m okay.” I comforted him.
tab The white tiger was suddenly gone and the air grew heavy again with magic as if she was changing back. After a bit a girl the same age as I stepped out. She was beautiful too.
tab The girl carried pure blond hair that seemed white that fell to about her waist. There was black streaks as well in her hair making the black and the blonde stand out even more. Her skin carried a beautiful tan that would take me awhile to get as she stood there wearing a black tank top with a pair of short jean shorts, but with no shoes. Her eyes were also a piercing icy pale blue that seemed to look right into your soul if you looked her in the eye for to long. She seemed to be about my height as well maybe a little taller.
tab “It’s good to see you have come back Rayna.” She stated with a cold distant voice that would have been nice to hear if the coldness wasn’t there with the distant sound.
- by Mushroom Turtle |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/30/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Parallel Dream Chapter 2
- Artist: Mushroom Turtle
- Description: Look at chapter 1.
- Date: 03/30/2009
- Tags: parallel dream chapter
- Report Post
Comments (5 Comments)
- Limited Pleasure - 02/14/2010
- one of the best writing pieces i've read on gaia, i must read more!
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- Mushroom Turtle - 04/03/2009
- I figured and thanks.
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- Hear Panda Roar - 04/02/2009
- wowzers =) theres only a few typos and u need to go back and edit to describe the backround a little more but thats pretty much it, This is awesome! 4laugh
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- Mushroom Turtle - 04/01/2009
- Thanks.
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- LilAng3l0fTh3dArkn3sS - 03/31/2009
- wow im defenatly reading all of this!!!!
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