• Wolves ch.2

    Strom was running a Fang really fast and he was really angry to. Strom was just about to jump on Fang when he moved and then jumped on Storm and then pined him down.

    “is that all you got?” Fang asked.

    “no I will show you more!” Storm yelled and got Fang off of him. Then jumped on Fang and almost bit him when Fang shook him off. Storm jumped up quickly and bit Fang in the left front paw. Fang yelped in pain then bit Storm’s neck and dragged him off and bit down hard on his tail. Storm used his back right leg and kicked Fang right in the face. Fang let go of Storm’s tail then jumped on him and bit his neck.

    “alright I give up.” Storm wheezed. Fang let go of his neck and got off of Storm.

    “pack members today it looks like we have a new member of the pack.” Sky announced.

    “that was a great fight.” Blizzard said to Fang as he went next to him.

    “thanks.” Fang told him.

    “where did you learn to fight like that?” asked Heart.

    “well when you live a lone for all your life you need to know how do fight off different many different enemies.” Fang replied.

    “you mean you lived a lone your whole life?” Blizzard asked shocked.

    “yeah my parents were fighting off lynxes and they won but later they had to face hunters and they died. The hunters later killed my brothers and sisters. I was the only survivor.” Fang replied.

    “I’m so sorry Fang.” Heart says to him.

    “it wasn’t your fault.” Fang tells her.
    “I’m saying sorry because I asked.” she replied.

    “it’s okay I don’t mind but when I see those hunters again they will wish they never became hunters.” Fang growled the last words.

    “I’ll help you get them.” Blizzard said to him.

    “me two.” Heart says.

    “me three.” Scarlet replies.

    “thanks.” Fang says happily.

    “Fang that was a good fight.” Sky tells him as he padded over to him.

    “thank you.” Fang replies.

    “Fang I want you to be shown the pack area. The boundaries, the dens and the danger and all that stuff.” Sky tells him.

    “sure I’ll go.” Fang says.

    “are you sure? I mean you were found unconscious and then just fought.” Sky replies.

    “I have never felt better.” Fang answered.

    “good now go with Heart, Blizzard, Scarlet, and Storm.” Sky tells them then walks over to Storm to tell him.

    “great we get Strom.” Blizzard says sarcastically. Fang started laughing.

    “what’s so funny loser?” Storm asked as he came over.

    “something your little brain couldn’t handle.” Fang replied.

    “haha that is so funny.” Storm said and started to head to the hole were Fang first came threw.

    “we better fallow him.” Scarlet said and fallowed Storm.

    “that was a nice come back Fang.” Blizzard told him as they fallowed Storm and Scarlet.

    “he deserved it too.” Heart told them both. Once they were outside they noticed that Storm and Scarlet weren’t there. The three wolves sniffed around and smelted hunters!!!……………..

    To be continued.