Otherworldly Magic (Sample)
"Boss wants-" he cut himself short, his eyes narrowing on Madelline. "Who're you?"
"She's with me, and since you just saw something you weren't supposed to, I have to kill you ahead of scheduel," I replied, whipping a flaming dagger out and slicing his head clean from his shoulders, just as Lucifer had instructed, then I stabbed him where his heart was. There was a soft sound like a sigh, and a faint blue escence escaped the dead vampires mouth. His soul.
"Well, Madelline, seems we are out of here tonight," I said, handing her my pack after removing all weapons to attach them to myself. She looked at me in fear, then touched my hand.
"What will I do while you fight?" she asked. I paused, then concentrated on making her invisible. Three seconds later she was invisible except for her eyes and my hold on it required little concentration. So long as she remained in my thoughts, she was fine.
"You are going to follow me, you are invisible except for your eyes," I explained, strapping on daggers. "You'll stay within ten feet of me at all times, I assume this fight is going to take place mostly in the church. When I tell you to run, you run, and go exactly where I tell you to go," I paused. "In my pack there is parchment and a pen. What I need you to do while I fight is write a letter, title it 'Dear Lucifer', and tell him who you are, that I know you, and that if I don't make it back that he is to tell Kyle that I love him and that I'm sorry. Make sure you explain to Kyle who you are when you see him, though he should recognise you," I concluded.
For the first time, she spoke out loud. "But how will I get it to him?" she asked in a shaky voice. I raised my eyebrows.
"You will run east of here, do not change directions, do not stop running. You will arrive at the ocean. Step into the water and throw a handful of wet sand over your head, you'll end up on the Supernatural side of this world. From there, run to the huge pointy castle, it's clearly visible from every point of that side. It should only take you twenty minutes from here to the castle if you don't stop running. Mira and Miranda are the guards, they'll stop you at the gates. Give them this note and they'll let you in," I explained, handing her a pre-written note, knowing fully that it would come to this. After she took the note, I pulled her into a tight embrace. "I've changed my mind, write the note here while I go to the church, you'll be invisible at all times, don't worry. After the note is written, just jump out the window and keep running in that direction through the forest. You'll get to the castle, don't worry."
Madelline looked up at me with fearful eyes, clutching the papers in her tiny hands. "I love you, please be safe," she whispered, then sat down and started to write the note like I told her to. Then, I made her invisible again and rushed out of the building. There was no chance that she would be leaving my thoughts that night.
I ran to the church since I was already late, and when I stepped in I appologized for my lateness. Hound stood in the middle of the room surrounded by men.
"Why the weapons?" he asked suspiciously.
"I was sharpening them and fixing some straps when I was fetched, sorry, but I didn't have time to take them off before showing up," I replied. Damn I was a good liar.
Hound shrugged. "Not that it matters. We've decided that you're not welcome 'ere anymore. You seem far too suspicious for us to trust. Its time to die now," he said, cracking his knuckles. They immediately turned to silver.
Awe, s**t . . . I thought to myself when I saw that happen.
"That's your loss, then. And not only your loss, its also your biggest mistake yet," I replied, removing the magma earring from my ear. I felt my skin crawling, getting warmer and warmer, and I spread my arms just for dramatic effect when my wings released with a flare.
"W-what are you!?" Hound practically yelled.
"Just like you, only better," I said, launching myself at his chest. He jumped to the left and punched at my side, missing by an inch. Using telekinesis I took hold of one of the men that were getting ready to attack me and forced him into a ball shape, hearing his bones crunch in a satisfying way, enjoying the yell of pain that filled my ears. I whipped the man at Hound like we were playing dodgeball, only Hound was too slow to move and was knocked against the stone wall because of the force.
"Sensei always told me to never play with my food. Time to end this," I hissed, flying high and then whipping out two flaming daggers to plunge them into his chest when I dive bombed him. Once I pulled my hand out from his chest I tore off his head and Hound was no more. Just a bunch of wimps were left, and most were starting to run.
"Die!" one yelled, charging at me with a torch bracket in his hands.
"In your dreams!" I yelled back, setting him aflame. I lit the wooden front door on fire to prevent the large population of the bandits from leaving, then setting the rest of the place on fire, making the licking, hungry flames turn blue. The chaos in the room was intoxicating, but I had to focus and get out through one of the stained-glass windows above.
Smashing through the skylight, I spiralled into the air, the moon behind me and the mixture of its light and my flaming wings made the glass shimmer beautifully. I quickly used clairvoyance to check where Madelline was. She currently stood in the water and was cucking sand over her head, then the world spiralled. I pulled out of her mind and continued on my murderous spree.
One after another the men dropped, few even managing to land a punch on me. I laughed at them as they died. To end my spree, I returned to the church and, throwing my arms in the air while laughing evilly, I exploded the building, which caused every other building to catch fire as well. I flew as fast as I could from the villiage now, peering over my shoulder to look at the beautiful chaos I had created..
Something twenty feet ahead of me caught my attention. A girl with long blonde hair and glowing purple eyes. Flying faster than before I tackle hugged her and we went tumbling to the ground. I felt one of her ribs break from the force of my tackle, but I didn't care.
I was hugging Rini again and I couldn't be happier.
"Ow," she said, her eyes watering from the broken rib.
"Sorry," I replied, letting go, my mind still focused on Madelline. I quickly used clairvoyance and saw that she was running up the path to the gates, so I released the invisibility and saw Mira and Miranda land on either side of her. Madelline handed Mira the note and they rushed her inside. I pulled out of her mind again and sighed in relief.
Rini had said something to me, but I missed it, and now werewolves were surrounding us.
"Amaya," Rini said, "hug me, no questions, don't let go."
I didn't complain and hugged her again, careful of her ribs this time. She smiled and touched her charm bracelet, and the next thing I knew we were in a small, enclosed, black room.
"Rini, what did you do?" I asked. I felt her push me up against one of the walls as she pushed on the other walls, and eventually a set of doors opened. We were in her bedroom, stepping out of the wardrobe.
I made my way over to the door so I could find Madelline when the door was ripped from its hinges, cast aside and the next thing I knew, Rini was knocked out and pinned under someone.
Otherworldly Magic (Sample)
chocoholic n0iZ
This is a sample of Chapter 15 of mine and ice_cream_chik's story, this is from the middle of my chapter. If you want to read the full story (still being worked on, but chapters are being uploaded), paste the link in your browser:
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