• There was once two vampires in their own individual races. The female Ikumi-san. A pure-blooded vampire. Then there is Isaka-kun. A wolf- vampire. He was naturally a vampire, although his parents got killed by a clan of fox-vampires who highly despised the race and Isaka`s family. Isaka was only 5 and they did not want to take the child`s life. The head fox-vampire leader Misaka bit him and let him free. Ikumi walked into the woods and saw Isaka lay there unconscious. She began to help him up but she saw his birthmark of his race. She began to panic and she just began to tear up in her own fear and she helped him up and lead him into a near home in a bed and she ran for her life.

    14 years later, Ikumi travels to New York City to become a model. She spent 7 years in her home in Tokyo training herself in fighting for self-defense. Her mom and dad were very talented in their fighting skills and she wanted to follow their glorious foot steps. Ikumi is starting over and is trying to find a job in a mall.

    Meanwhile.... Isaka-san is also in New York City for a vacation. He is trying to travel to many cities in the world. Isaka-san sees Ikumi and thoughts rush in his head. "Do i know this girl?" "Is she the one from the time 14 years ago when she helped me up?"
    He sniffs the air gracefully and his eyes begin to widen. "She is the pure-blood..."
    Her eyes strike his and her eyes begin to widen. "It can`t be..."

    Isaka runs off into the night trying to refuse to bite anyone. He clenches his own throat and his eyes turn blood red.
    "That girl..."
    To be continued
    Will Ikumi and Isaka hit it off? Will they become enemies? Will their fate ever be declined and forgotten? Read part 2 when it is posted to find out!