• The computer screen started to look blurry and as the sound of alternative radio blasted through my speakers I looked at the clock and was startled to see what time it was. No, it couldn’t be right the clock said it was already 2:30 am in the morning.
    “Man , I better go to sleep,” I sighed to myself. I powered down the computer and as the backlight dimmed and slowly faded I heard a clatter. I reacted to the sound and immediately turned to see if I could hear the source of the mysterious sound. I felt the wall to see if could find the light switch and when I flipped it. Panic started to build as I realized that the power was gone. I tried to calm myself down, and asked “Why was the power out?” I stumbled back to my desk and was searching through the one of the drawers looking for my flashlight. I felt something small and rectangular, it was my brothers lighter and for some reason the thought of him calmed me down. What would he do? I flipped the top open and clicked the lighter open I squinted from the sudden change in light and looked around the room, it looked so different. The whole room seemed to be glowing in an eerie orange light giving the room an almost surreal look. The light flickered and shadows moved I turned to face the darkness and I felt a terrifying chill creep up my spine as a cold wind blew through the wind I saw a hulking figure in the shadows almost 2 feet taller than me. The lighter flickered one more time and the fire that kept the darkness at bay died. I heard my own terrified screams as the monstrous beast descended on me with teeth as sharp as sure as the night is dark.

    “911 state your emergency”
    “Yeah.. Um I heard my neighbor screaming next door and it sounds like he’s in trouble” said the ladies terrified voice.
    “Ok miss please tell me your name and where the incident is occurring.”
    “My name is Jasmine Ortiz and the location is.” Jasmine’s voice is cut off.
    “Miss are you still there, hello?” over the phone the emergency operator hears Jasmine screaming. “Oh my god, miss hold on help is coming”

    The phone rang near my ear and I tossed it across the room. Then my cell phone rang and I picked it up, “ Hello,” I said.
    “Jesus Christ, Bautista you sound like s**t, had a rough night?”
    “Thanks Donny, everyone wants to wake up to that comment, why are you calling?”
    “We got a double homicide, so get up don’t want to be late for your first day as detective do ya?”
    “Yeah, yeah I’m getting up” I grumbled. I slid out of my bed and looked in the mirror and stared at myself I had started to grow some stubble and pulled out my razor and began to shave, I looked up and saw someone else staring back at me I blinked and he was gone. I opened my cabinet and looked for a prescription bottle. It said vicodin and I popped a couple for some relief for my arm. When I got to the scene it was crawling with cops and media. I sighed and walked under the yellow tape and up the set of stairs, Donny was standing over what looked like s girl or at least what was left. “Jesus Christ what is that?” I said when I looked at the corpse.
    “That corpse is one of our two vics, this one is Jasmine Ortiz age 27 and the other is male a Jonathan Aguilar only 18.” Donny replied.
    “What could’ve done this?” I asked “I mean this is another level of sick.”
    “No one knows by the time the cops got here she was dead.”
    I turned and saw Brian Murphy, our lead detective. Donny and Brian greeted each other and engaged in conversation about the crime. I went over to the second victim, Jasmine, and examined her it looked like an animal mauled her and ate her but with the size of the bite marks it looks like about the same size as a humans? “Donny, does wildlife service have any records of previous animal attacks in the area?” I asked him.
    “Hmm… No there isn’t even a report about anything bigger than a coyote, but a coyote wouldn’t do this?” he answered.
    “What if it was starving?” I said
    “No, coyotes aren’t this strong, she was dragged from her home then killed here, almost 9 feet away.”
    “Hmmm…” I wandered away from the scene unable to be around the stench of death and pain.
    After Brian and I went to get a drink. “Any ideas?” Brian asked me.
    “None.” I answered as I was staring at my drink. What would make someone do this to another human being? Brian got up to leave “ Don’t stay to late Ricky we still need to work on the case tomorrow.” he said as he was paying for his drink. Several glasses of bourbon later I stumbled out of the bar and walked home. The street was dark and the street light flickered as a breeze brought a chilling tingle up my spine. I saw something in the dark, it looked like a large dog and as it approached me it stood up and started to growl. I pulled out my gun and fired once, twice, and then a third time. The animal fell and as I approached it I saw its face in the dull light of the moon. It looked hideous almost like a human but with a snout and teeth a pale yellow color and fur as dark as the night itself. I turned away and was about to call for back-up when I heard a growl and turned around only to be hit with a paw that knocked me unconscious.

    All I heard was the clacking of my keyboard as music blasted in my ears. The computer screen started to look blurry and as the sound of alternative radio blasted through my speakers I looked at the clock and was startled to see what time it was. No, it couldn’t be right the clock said it was already 2:30 am in the morning. Finally I’ve gotten chapter one done. “Wow,” I said this story is turning out better than I thought
    “Man , I better go to sleep,” I sighed to myself. I powered down the computer and as the backlight dimmed and slowly faded I heard a clatter. I reacted to the sound and immediately turned to see if I could hear the source of the mysterious sound. Then as the lights died I realized what was happening I reached for my brothers lighter. “ No, this can’t be happening this is just a story it can’t be real.” But as the creature stepped out of the darkness I realized that my story had come to life and as it tore me apart I could not help but feel sorry for the innocent girl that was going to die and as I screamed I set my story into motion.