• I 'm suronded where am I can't see there faces what are they? All i can see is a black mist. My head is swirling did i get hitt? have i fallen down and hitt my head on something? why can't i move am i paralized? Are they trying to move me ?
    are they the good guys, or are they bad?
    The last thing I remmber is running, running from what?
    I cant remmber.
    My head ached like nothing else in the world.
    I felt as if i was going to fall.
    Am I bleeding?
    Oh please let this be dream and when i wake up it will be all over.

    I stummbled down the stairs, hands behind my back.
    Still dizzy.
    "its good that we where able to control her,"the first guy whispered.
    "what am I?"I mummbled softly shakeing back and forth.
    " ma'am your simpley....well your something unknowen thats why your here,"the second guy replaid.
    There heavey boots claped on the hard steps.
    I listend, there's no sound of any one around exspet the to guys that are walking me down the stairs.
    A soft fragrents that filled my sense's that made me think of the Dr.'s garden.
    Was it lilac? No more like Marygolds and tulips.
    "So heres my new toy," a women said in a sly tone as she marched up the stairs.
    "yes here she is experament 0228," one of the men behind me said.
    "exalent,"she replaid.
    " head mistress she's all yours know."

    to be continued...