• IReku wock up in the snow his head throbing. His past came flooding bake to him"Boy put down that stuped sword and help your old man fish!" "Fishing naver helped if attacked." "Ha! Ha!! Ha!!! No fishing helped you eat and
    Buy that sword. Now fish!" ...his head still heart but rembered his Dad.
    "The a** he was. I...am a samurai." Oh my head. Reku passed
    out. "This is him the boy I'm looking for."

    Reku wock up in a house he could smell something good. "Hi your awack
    ready to eat?" "Is that you...?" "Yes its me May rember your friend. From
    school!thens when I remembered... A boy running after a girl thay both had sticks and were play fighting and then the school bell sounded... "Yes I rember you.now what to eat?" "Thats allways like you pass out in a fight wack up and be ready to eat." "Rereku what happend why do I have a hard time remembering? stuff?" "Dont know I havent saw you in years. Just today I find you passed out in the snow when fighting a demon in the wods." "Has it been that long?" The door opend a man walked in.
    "Help our town is under attack!" When Reku and May got to the town Samuria were fighting of the wolf spirts.
    Reku took out his sword cutting a wolf down from is jump through the air.
    "Still know how to use a sword." "Thats something I will naver forget."