• She opened her pale blue eyes to blank room. White walls, white floor, white ceiling, everything was white. She closed her eyes for the briefest of moments and when she re-opened them, the room was buzzing with sound and full of people. She thought nothing of it.
    Around her, people were taking seats and there was a beautiful woman in a wedding dress standing in front of her. She figured this must be a wedding. Very politely, she moved out of the way, but the woman followed her, so she stepped the other way and the woman followed her once again. She gave an apologetic smile, but so did the woman. That’s when she realised, she was looking into a mirror, the woman was her, and she was unable to recognise herself because her face was hidden by a veil.
    She gasped in shock and confusion, unable to explain why she would be in a wedding dress. She looked around herself and realised she knew every face in the room, but there was one problem…
    Who was the groom?
    She searched the room for her husband-to-be, but couldn’t see Jared anywhere. She assumed it would be Jared, he was her current boyfriend. The only person at the altar was the vicar, she assumed it was the vicar, like she would marry some old guy at 19. Her eyes scanned the room once more, but she never saw him.
    “Daisy?” someone whispered from behind her, it was her father. He looked very young for 44, with his chocolate brown hair and eyes to match. With very few wrinkles, he only looked about 35. He took her hand and placed it on top of his.
    “Dad? What are you doing?” she asked, confused.
    “Honey, it’s time.”
    “Time for what?”
    “The wedding, sweetheart are you okay? Do you feel faint? Don’t worry, it’s normal to feel like that, you’ll be fine.”
    “What? No, wait.”
    “Come on, the music’s started.”
    “Who am I marrying?” she felt a surge of embarrassment go through her and blood suddenly flooded her cheeks, luckily no-one could see, due to her veil.
    He Laughed.
    “Honey, you’re marrying Jared.”
    She felt relieved to know that it was Jared she was marrying.
    “Oh.” Was all she could say before her father was practically dragging her down the aisle.

    That’s when she finally saw Jared. He looked amazingly handsome in his tux. His tie, perfectly straight, his suit perfectly ironed, his hair perfectly spiked. There was not one fault about Jared, every girls dream, and he belonged to Daisy and she was proud of that fact.
    When she and her father reached the altar, at a speed that didn’t fit the wedding march, Jared took her hand from her fathers and pulled her forward to stand in front of him, then he just stood there, with a huge grin on his face and his eyes filled with joy. She liked this, as they stood hand in hand, staring into each others eyes, someone cleared their throat, she assumed it was the vicar. He looked slightly bored.
    In the background she could hear quiet sobs, she turned to see her mother crying, with a huge smile on her pale face, when her mother cried it made her eyes seem much bluer. With the light reflecting of her tears and her mascara running down her face, she looked a mess, but still passed a beautiful. Her dark blond hair was pulled up into a tight bun, stretching her forehead, probably trying to conceal the wrinkles that she didn’t have.
    The vicar cleared his throat again, calling Daisy’s attention. She went straight back to Jared’s eyes. His best feature, the colour being light green, matched his pale face perfectly.
    The vicar done his part, and just as Jared was about to say ‘I do’, Daisy felt a sharp pain in her left thigh, she looked down immediately to see a pool of red staining her dress where the pain had emerged from. Her first thought was to find the cause for the pain, she reached for the garter belt under her dress, and there was something tucked securely underneath it, she pulled it out, then froze. It was a knife.
    Why did she have a knife?
    Suddenly, she reached out to Jared with the knife, unable to control her arms, violently shaking her head the whole time. She rammed the knife into his chest then pulled it out. He fell to floor, blood pulsing from where the knife entered his chest. Daisy froze once more, a huge grin spread across her face and she didn’t know why.
    Still unable to control herself, she turned and walked out the fire exit, onto an empty beach, she carried on walking, straight out into the sea, without breathing and without thinking, her whole body was concealed with water. The grin was still there on her face. And then…
    She woke up.
